Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project NRS 493

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project NRS 493

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project NRS 493

Topic 10 DQ 1

Jun 20-22, 2022

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

Sharia Jones

Posted Date

Jun 26, 2022, 5:05 AM

Replies to Sharia Jones

The exchange of innovation provides an outlet to display new processes that can be utilized to allow for much more efficient and practical healthcare to be provided. Nursing journals and healthcare conventions and conferences allow healthcare professionals to spread and disseminate the latest information and knowledge. These publications and professional gatherings empower nurses to improve the quality of service given to the population. Nurse leaders are strategically positioned to ensure data is being used to inform decisions about care delivery and implement strategies aimed at achieving quality and safety outcomes.

If given the opportunity to disseminate the research finding of my Urine culture initiative, I would choose the Journal of Nursing Care Quality (JNCQ). This would be a great option because it is a peer-reviewed journal that provides practicing nurses as well as nurses who have leadership roles in nursing care quality programs with useful information regarding the application of quality principles and concepts in the practice setting. The journal offers a forum for the scholarly discussion of “real world” implementation of quality activities.


To disseminate my research findings via healthcare conferences, I would choose the International Conference on Nursing Interventions and Patient Outcomes. This is a good place to showcase my findings because this conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Nursing Interventions and Patient Outcomes. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of Nursing Interventions and Patient Outcomes (Evidence Based Nursing Conferences, 2021).




Evidence-Based Nursing Conferences. (2021). Evidence-Based Nursing Conferences | World Evidence-Based Nursing Conference | Evidence-Based Nursing Congress. https://nursingworldconference.com/program/scientific-sessions/evidence-based-nursing


Journal of Nursing and Practice (2022) Top-ranked Journals In USA | Scholars.Direct. https://scholars.direct/journal.php?jid=nursing

  • Replies to Sharia Jones

Hello Sharia,

When considering dissemination options, one piece of advice I gleaned from Morris et al. (2021) is that it is vital to consider the diversity of the dissemination strategies. In order to properly ascertain the extent to which a project will be successful it has to be implemented on a large scale and to a large and diverse population, in order to ensure that all outliers are accounted for. Therefore,  disseminating. the project to an international conference would be ideal as this is bound to have a dives group of personnel and leaders in healthcare, that cater to diverse groups of patients.


Morris, H., Jones, R., Tumin, D., Garris, J., Kohler, J. A., Sr, Reeder, T. J., Lazorick, S., Lawson, L. E., & Higginson, J. (2021). Dissemination of Quality Improvement Project Results After Local Presentation. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality36(6), 395–401. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.JMQ.0000735488.70012.9b

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS:Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project NRS 493

One health conference in which I could present my project is the National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA). One professional journal that I could present my project is The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing (MCN). The MCN is the best option for me to disseminate my knowledge because this journal is focused on providing information that is relevant and timely about nursing practice in terms of perinatal, neonatal, midwifery, and pediatric specialties (About the journal, 2022). In terms of my change proposal and presentation, the main topic of discussion is on maternal health and affects of one of the pillars of society known as socioeconomic status affecting health of mothers and babies and how that could be combatted. NAINA is the best option for me to disseminate my new knowledge because it allows my topic’s relevance to being applied to various different ethnicities to also be checked (About Us, 2022). For my personal topic, the focus was on all women and the findings were generalized to women but these findings could also be taken into consideration to find similar patterns in women of Indian descent to prevent illness

About the journal. About the Journal : MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. (2022). Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://journals.lww.com/mcnjournal/Pages/aboutthejournal.aspx

About Us. National Association of Indian Nurses of America. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2022, from https://nainausa.org/about-us/

Kerry-Ann Campbell

replied toRaimol Joseph

Jun 23, 2022, 11:44 PM

  • Replies to Raimol Joseph

Hi Raimol,

Maternal and child health has been a top priority across the globe for several years and is considered a vital public health service (Chadra Sahoo, 2021). Hence the development of more evidence-based interventions will help to improve maternal and childhood outcomes. One would totally agree with your choice of The American Journal of Maternal and Child Nursing for the dissemination of evidence-based projects desirous of improving the health disparities affecting the maternal and child health of lower-income communities. If this grave global problem is not addressed with the current best methods then the cycle will continue to replicate.

Another professional journal that you could use to disseminate such a global issue is the International Journal of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and AIDS (IJMA). The IJMA is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal that focuses on the social determinants of health, diseases, and disparities affecting the MCH population (IJMA, 2022).


Chandra Sahoo, K., Negi, S., Patel, K., Mishra, B., Kumar Palo, S., & Pati, S. (2021). Challenges in Maternal and Child Health Services Delivery and Access during Pandemics or Public Health Disasters in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. In NCBI. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8306470/


IJMA, . (2022, March 6). ABOUT THE JOURNAL. In International Journal of Maternal and Childhealth and AIDS. Retrieved from https://www.mchandaids.org/index.php/IJMA

  • Stacy Moore

replied toRaimol Joseph

Jun 25, 2022, 12:12 PM

  • Replies to Raimol Joseph

Hello Raimol,

Attending a professional nursing conference is important for nurses who are devoted to their professional growth. When I went to one for the first time, the enormous crowd and the overwhelming quantity of material provided frightened me a bit. The chance to interact with and pick the brains of colleagues from around the country was one of the best parts of going to a conference. Conferences provide fantastic chances for networking. Growing your network of connections is one of the benefits of networking for job advancement (Ruiz-Garrido, 2019). The smartest and brightest thought leaders in nursing attend nursing conferences. The most recent research results for nursing practice are presented in the educational sessions. You are in the greatest possible position to be at the forefront of practice changes by participating.


Miguel F. Ruiz-Garrido. (2019). Introducing nursing conference presentations: A step forward. Ibérica, 37, 193–220.

  • Lydia Kwofie

replied toRaimol Joseph

Jun 25, 2022, 11:30 PM

  • Replies to Raimol Joseph

Hello Raimol,

MCN is a peer-reviewed publication that carries out its objective by publishing practice and research submissions that are clinically pertinent to help nurses move toward evidence-based practice (“About the journal : MCN: The American Journal of maternal/Child nursing,” 2022). MCN focuses on today’s critical and high-priority topics in maternal/child nursing, women’s health, and family nursing. Its peer-reviewed article offers updates on illnesses and the care associated with them, suggestions for health promotion, perceptions of patient and family behavior, insights into physiology and pathophysiology, clinical investigations, and research manuscripts that help nurses move toward evidence-based practices (“About the journal : MCN: The American Journal of maternal/Child nursing,” 2022).


About the journal : MCN: The American Journal of maternal/Child nursing. (2022). https://journals.lww.com/mcnjournal/Pages/aboutthejournal.aspx

Patience Nwando

Posted Date

Jun 23, 2022, 5:52 AM



Replies to Sharia Jones

Several ways can be used to disseminate EBP and research including presentation of the findings at a health conference or writing an article for a journal. The nursing journal that I would choose to present my EBP and research is the Nursing Research and Practice Journal. This journal is chosen because it contains many peer-reviewed articles. It is also appropriate because it reviews clinical research and articles that are conducted in every aspect of nursing without focusing only on specific aspects of nursing. Additionally, the choice of the article was also informed by its pen access nature. Journals that are open access are essential because most of the research findings published in them are accessible to anyone who accesses the journal.

The health care conference that I would opt for to disseminate my EBP and research is the World Nursing and Healthcare Conference. The choice of this conference was informed by its massive following and that it often attracts many health care leaders and professionals from different places internationally. As such, the presentation of EBP and research in this forum is likely to attract a big audience of health care players from various parts globally. In addition, the conference is crucial for the presentation of the findings of my project findings because it is an ideal platform to get more creative presentations and discourse on various nursing fields from various players, which is crucial in promoting the acquisition of innovative ideas, developing partnerships with other health care professionals, and promotion of the nursing practice (Arashi, 2020). Moreover, the conference is important in advancing the acquisition of new ideas in different areas such as medicine, technology, and sciences, which are critical in augmenting nursing practice and professional development.



Arashi, Y. (2020). Nursing Practice 2021 Market Analysis of World Congress on Nursing Practice and Research. The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology, 8(2), 1-7. https://www.agialpress.com/abstract/nursing-practice-2021-market-analysis-of-world-congress-on-nursing-practice-and-research-54868.html