Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

Sample Answer for Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430 Included After Question

Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time and the concerns you have about completing your baccalaureate degree. Based on the readings in the class and topic resources, what are some characteristics of successful students and what strategies can you implement to be a successful student?

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

Title: Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

My dream has always been filled with the determination to achieve more in the healthcare sector. I am a true definition of “starting from the bottom. “ I have decided to transition from ADN to BSN because of a few significant reasons.Obtaining a BSN has been one of my desired goals. This is a stepping stone in achieving more: my MSN and NP. This degree will also help diversify the roles I can undertake during practice. For example, I can delve into management, leadership, advocacy, and policy development. Today, most organizations prefer hiring BSN-prepared nurses; this opportunity will increase a nurse’s competitive advantage in the market (Curtin, 2021). BSN helps one grow more knowledgeable to help better care for individuals. My concerns for obtaining my baccalaureate degree are balancingschool, work, family, and personal time. My other concern is keeping up with online classes, which is

Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430
Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

new to me.

Strategies I can execute to be successful are time management, studying smart, asking for help, staying focused, setting realistic goals, being proactive, and rewarding myself. Successful students must also manage their time properly to meet due dates for assignments. Maintaining academic honesty throughout the program is essential as this translates into clinical practice. Since many RN-BSN students maywork full time, go to school, and balance family life, this could increase stress levels and prompt them to engage in unethical academic behavior (Falkner, 2018). Therefore, proper time management is vital. Based on the readings, some strategies I plan on implementing to help myself be a successful student are using the APA style guide and the GCU Library. I will try to balance my time out with work, family, and school and work ahead to ensure I retain the information and have fresh eyes on different assignments from working on them throughout the week. I will always consult the professors when in doubt.


Curtin, L. (2021). Support for the BSN: The degree benefits nurses, hospitals, and patients. American Nurse Journal16(9), 48-49.

Falkner, A. (2018). Effective writing and research. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Dynamics in nursing: Art & science of professional practice (1st ed). https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs430v/dynamics-in-nursing-art-and-science-of-professional-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/1

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

Title: Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time NRS 430

I have decided to complete my BSN because it is the next step in my education. I love school and found no reason to wait long outside of receiving my RN. I am taking things one step at a time, but plan to go on to attain my MSN from here. I don’t have any serious concerns about completing my baccalaureate. There are always going to be time concerns with balancing work, family, and school. I have made it this far and know I am capable of handling it again.

Some characteristics of successful students is that they are not procrastinating (Murphy, 2018). Something will always come up at the last minute that could prevent you from completing or turning in your assignment. During those times when getting to assignments later cannot be helped at least know what is expected from you out the gate. When it is a large project divide it out into smaller sections. Organize your study time and most importantly stick to the plan. Strategies that can be implemented to becoming a successful student are to review the material repeatedly, and when there is time use different learning styles (Murphy, 2018). Know your best learning style whether it is visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinaesthetic, logical, social/collaboration, solitary, or naturalistic. Maybe even a little bit of them all. I find I learn the best by using a little of all of these styles together. Find what works for you and just go with it.

Understand the process of the assignment and how to use the tools. Library searches, APA formatting, which edition 6th or 7th. Read the assignment repeatedly until you understand what is expected and how you are going to meet those expectations. If at this point you have questions or are still not clear this is the time to start asking your instructor for clarification or post your question on the discussion board. Chances are if you are not clear there is probably another student who is questioning the same thing you are. Break the assignment down into smaller portions. Collect your research, and keep track of all your references. create an outline of relevant information you want to include in your paper. Be very careful what is and what is not considered plagiarism. Know how to properly quote an author so you do not commit plagiarism (Ghasemi et al., 2020).). Again, know how to use your tools and reference them throughout the paper’s development.

Work with another student to review your first draft or submit it to thinking storm to have it reviewed there. The more people you can have to review the paper, the more errors can be caught. You will also get an opportunity to see how other people interpret what you have written. In the past, I have found that what I have written has not gotten my meaning across the way it was intended. I have the chance to see what is being taken away from the reading and make corrections in order to better get my intended meaning across clearly and attain the results I want people to get from my paper. Never forget you are writing for the reader!


Angel Falkner. (2022). Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice. BibliU: Grand Canyon University (Ed.). https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/1000000000583/epub/Chapter1.html#page_7

Ghasemi, M. R., Moonaghi, H. K., & Heydari, A. (2020). Strategies for sustaining and enhancing nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings: a narrative review. Korean journal of medical education32(2), 103–117. https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2020.159

Murphy, P. (2018). 7 habits of highly effective nursing students. Minority Nurse. https://minoritynurse.com/7-habits-of-highly-effective-nursing-students/