Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Sample Answer for Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 Included After Question

Topic 1 DQ 1

Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty. Discuss at least one way that the nursing profession is currently working toward a resolution of this problem. In replies to peers, offer different examples of how the nursing shortage has been addressed in your state, community, or specialty area.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

Nursing shortages are a new problem that not just the United States is facing but the whole world. As the nursing shortages increase in the United States the demand for nurses can change the current healthcare style. There are several reasons why nursing shortages are happening. Some of the reasons are from the current nurses retiring and the increasing demand of the population that is aging. Another reason is the current COVID-19 pandemic that changed the world which caused nurse-to-patient ratio to increase due to the staff shortages causing the current nurses to leave and be burned out leaving the nursing field in general.

The aging population will put a stain on the current nursing workforce since by the year of 2030 the baby-boom generation will be at the age of retirement which will bring approximately 73 million people into the population that would require more health services. This also means that with the current nurses who are part of the baby-boom generation will then retire as well.

A way to try and counter the shortages would be to have nursing schools and health centers to recruit new nurses. With the help of the government this can be done. With the CARES Act, the nurses who work in underserved areas get help with training and educational financial aid. There is also a Nursing Loan Repayment Program that offers to pay up to 85% of educational loans for nurses that work in areas that have critical nursing shortages.

So with the help of the government and having educational facilities be able to take on more students then this will help with the nursing shortages that we are facing.


Hamlin, Kristen (2021). Why is there a nursing shortage? Nursejournal.org. https://nursejournal.org/articles/why-is-there-a-nursing-shortage/

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

Hi Jose! Great job discussing the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage. I agree that prior to the pandemic, nurses were already spread thin. My thoughts had always been it was the nature of the job, as nurses are prone to compassion fatigue and get burnt out easily. The added stress of the Covid pandemic and loss of life further exacerbated this. After the mass exodus, the nursing world is left with a large void to fill.

I live in the state of Arizona and one example of how the nursing shortage has been addressed in my state is that they are committed to increasing the number of graduating nurses by over 100 %. Arizona’s public universities have proposed a novel plan to rapidly expand their capacity to train and deploy nurses ready to enter the workforce as soon as next year. If approved, we estimate that ASU, NAU, and UA will be able to graduate 500 more nurses per year by 2026. (DuVal, 2022)


DuVal, Frank (2022) Arizona has a serious nursing shortage. Here’s how we solve it. Retrieved from https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2022/02/27/how-solve-arizona-nursing-shortage/6937783001/

A Sample Answer 3 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 


How have the issues above affected the shortage. To start nursing is primarily a female dominated profession. Today women now have so many other professional careers they can now choose. Nursing work hours have increased from eight hour to 12 hour shifts. Employers still have not addressed parental leave for families with new births, adoptions, or fosterings.Hospitals benefits lack in promoting advanced  nursing education programs to nursing assistance and ancillary stage who desire to further their education(Gambino, Shaffer & Ortiz, 2022). These are just a few of the examples of issues, if addresses could help to alleviate the nursing shortage.

I am employed by a magnet hospital where only full time positions and full time benefits are offered to those who have baccalaureate degrees.  Associate degree nurses who are hired must complete there baccalaureate degree within four years with educational funding support as a benefit. For nurses that were grandfathered in educational scholarships are offered and there is an on campus nursing program where nurses can complete their baccalaureate degree(Rodrigues-Garcia et al., 2020).

Nursing have so many areas that must be addressed to turn the tide of the nursing shortage. These areas range from nursing safety in the work environment, employee benefits, nurse staffing issues, nursing pay and laws to protect nursing rights and nurse practice acts. Legislation which provide funding which promotes the advancement of nursing

Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440
Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440


Gambino, K. M., Shaffer, C., & Ortiz, J. (2022). Nursing First: Promoting Academic and Professional Success Through a Seamless Transition Program for Registered Nurses to Baccalaureate Students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 10-1097.

Rodríguez-García, M. C., Márquez-Hernández, V. V., Belmonte-García, T., Gutiérrez-Puertas, L., & Granados-Gámez, G. (2020). How magnet hospital status affects nurses, patients, and organizations: A systematic review. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 120(7), 28-38.

A Sample Answer 4 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

The events that have contributed to the nursing shortage are the increasing demand for healthcare services, the aging of the population, and the retirement of experienced nurses. In my LPN field of specialty, the shortage of LPNs is due in part to the fact that LPNs are in high demand and there are not enough of them available to fill the positions. The shortage is also due to the fact that there is a shortage of educators, burnout and retired experienced nurses (Daniel & Smith, 2018). The nursing shortage will continue to be a problem because there are not enough LPNs available to fill positions in hospitals and nursing homes. To address the nursing shortage, more LPNs need to be educated and become registered nurses.  Additionally, the nursing profession is working toward a resolution of the problem by creating initiatives such as nurse-to-nurse mentorship and creating partnerships between hospitals and nursing schools.

Nurse-to-nurse mentorship is an excellent way to help resolve the nursing shortage. Nurse-to-nurse mentorship pairs experienced nurses with new nurses so that the new nurses can learn from  the experienced nurses and can be able to provide quality care to patients (Hale & Phillips, 2019). Additionally, nurse-to-nurse mentorship can help new nurses develop a sense of professionalism and can provide them with the skills they need to become registered nurses. Creating partnerships between hospitals and nursing schools is also an excellent way to resolve the nursing shortage. By partnering with hospitals, nursing schools can learn from the hospitals how to best employ nurses and can offer more opportunities for new nurses (Markaki et al., 2021). In addition, partnering with nursing schools can help the nursing profession develop better methods for hiring nurses and provide more training for experienced nurses.



Daniel, K. M., & Smith, C. Y. (2018). Present and future needs for nurses. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research23(1), e12122.  https://doi.org/10.1111/jabr.12122

Hale, R. L., & Phillips, C. A. (2019). Mentoring up: A grounded theory of nurse-to-nurse mentoring. Journal of clinical nursing28(1-2), 159–172. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14636 

Markaki, A., Prajankett, O. O., Shorten, A., Shirey, M. R., & Harper, D. C. (2021). Academic service-learning nursing partnerships in the Americas: a scoping review. BMC nursing20(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00698-w

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

A Sample Answer 5 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

The nursing deficit is a nationwide issue. A contributing factor is the fact that a lot of the nurse’s in the present labor pressure are nearing the era of retirement(GCU,2021). Yet another contributing factor is the fact that enrollment in nursing school isn’t growing fast adequate to meet up with the need of the growing aging population (GCU,2021). An additional problem is the fact that there’s not sufficient nursing school to satisfy the need and that leads to reduced seating available for nursing students( GCU,2021). As the baby boomer’s era this will even contribute to the nursing deficit because it is going to increase the quantity of individuals that need care (AACN,2019). There are numerous initiatives which are aimed at dealing with the nursing shortage. A number of states have launched programs to offer nurses mortgage forgiveness in case they decide to instruct after graduation (AACN,2019). Nursing schools are trying to develop jvs to grow their pupil capacity (AACN,2019). The area community college which I have the ADN of mine from created a partnership with another 4 year college to supply BSN courses on the neighborhood community college campus to give a chance to local area nursing pupils to attain their BSN. The identical school that’s teaching the ADN method are instructing the BSN courses.


Grand Canyon Faculty (Ed). (2021). Fads in overall health care: A nursing perspective. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs440vn/trends-in-health-care-a-nursing-perspective/v1.1/

American Association of College of Nursing (2019) Nursing Shortage Retrieved from https://www.aacnnursing.org/News-Information/Fact-Sheets/Nursing-Shortage

A Sample Answer 6 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

There is now a scarcity of nurses and other front-line professionals throughout the United States because of the fast growing spike in infectious illnesses and lifestyle disorders. The nursing profession continues to struggle with staffing issues because of a scarcity of prospective instructors, a high turnover rate, and an unequal distribution of workers. The nurse shortage is caused by a wide variety of factors, many of which raise serious concerns (Tahan et al., 2015). The numbers associated with the nursing shortage might be quite different from one section of the nation to another. Higher levels of shortages are being seen in a variety of settings, depending on the kind of nursing being practiced. When it comes to critical care nurses, labor and delivery nurses, and nurses in other specialties, some locations suffer from serious staffing shortages.


Tahan, H. M., Watson, A. C., & Sminkey, P. V. (2015). What Case Managers Should Know About Their Roles and Professional Case Management. Professional Case Management.

A Sample Answer 7 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

Thank you for your post, Jose. I recently moved to Texas, and like many other states, there is a nursing shortage here. Since I am new to the area, I had to research what initiatives are in place to address the staffing shortage issue. Like many other states, the lack of nursing school faculty prevents the output of RN’s out of school from matching the demand placed on the healthcare system. Lack of competitive wages are a known deterrent for nurses entering faculty roles. The Nursing Shortage Reduction Program is an initiative enacted in 2001 by Texas legislature which allocates funding to nursing education provide they meet certain milestones and goals (Donald & Minton, 2022).


Donald, J. & Minton, L., (2022). Nursing in Texas. In Economy: Fiscal Notes. Retrieved by: Nursing in Texas

A Sample Answer 8 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

The shortage of nurses is not a new issue; the predicted nursing shortage has been prominent in the media for most of nursing’s history and more recently in the past several years (Masters, 2017). I remember when I first started as a manager at my job in 2019 where I get pulled to the floor because of last minute call-ins or no call-no show for staff. It happened no more than once a month for managers to fill in the gap; however, when the COVID19 pandemic hit has increased the frequency significantly. Even before the COVID19 pandemic, nurses felt undervalued and assailed by dysfunctional systems, ineffective policies, and substandard, sometimes, unsafe work environments (Grant, 2022). The pandemic has only intensified those concerns leaving nurses nationwide worn down, stressed out, and fed up. It was projected that about 500,000 nurses are needed to fill the shortage in the United States until 2025 (Masters, 2017). These projections are based on the trends that include increase in population, a larger proportion of elderly persons, increase in technology, and advances in medical sciences. These were already preexisting before the height of Covid19 pandemic. The extreme shortage we are now experiencing could be brought upon by these combined reasons. When COVID19 started, we were faced by an enemy we have no knowledge about, and it affected the world. The healthcare workforce was exhausted and got infected as well, of which some we lost along the way. These brought scare to fellow healthcare workers and chose to quit their jobs making it hard for facilities and shaken by the increased staffing shortage. Research shows that optimized nurse staffing is integral to high-level patient care and better patient and family experience (Grant, 2022). Healthcare facilities had to provide care to their patients and so they mostly relied on agency staffing to get by.

Masters, K. (2017). Role development in professional nursing practice. Fourth edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Grant, E. J. (2022). Ending the Crisis. American Nurse Journal 17(7), 19.

A Sample Answer 9 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

Thank you for your post! I agree that many reasons lead nursing to face these terrible shortages in staff from all areas, including CNA and LPN’s (Whitney, 2018). In Arizona, Governor Ducey proposed a budget of more than $40M to help universities enroll more nursing students, hopefully having more than 300 new nurses with jobs by the end of 2030 (AZ G., 2022). Although this is a great implementation and would work in long term, the reality is that, in order to face current nursing shortages, companies like Banner Health have implemented other measures. I’m a current employee for Banner, and I know from first hand that ratios have increased from 5:1 to 10:1 in medsurg units and are moving to PCU. As long as nurses have an LPN working with them, their ratio can go up to 10 patients. This is a desperate measure from Banner to fill in n nursing gaps, that in my opinion, can put patient’s lives at risk. Therefore, the government should also implement measures to correct the current crisis in our healthcare system, instead of only focusing in the future.



AZ, G. (2022, February 11). Governor Ducey’s budget makes critical investments to accelerate nursing degrees. Office of the Arizona Governor. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from https://azgovernor.gov/governor/news/2022/02/governor-duceys-budget-makes-critical-investments-accelerate-nursing-degrees

Whitney, S. (2018). Trends in health care: A nursing perspective. The future of nursing in an evolving health care system. https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs440vn/trends-in-health-care-a-nursing-perspective/v1.1/#/chapter/1

A Sample Answer 10 For the Assignment: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440

Title: Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty NRS 440 

Thank you for the initial discussion post you shared. It was nice reading through your discussion post because it is detailed and informative. I agree with you that we have had a significant increase in the number of patients which has led to a nurse shortage. Nursing services have been in demand since time immemorial, however, the demand has risen especially in the last four years (Journal of Men’s Health 2020). The high demand is due to several factors such as a constant increase in population sizes in the country and the world. Therefore there are many people out there who need nursing services and basic healthcare services. In addition to that many nurses have retired from their duties to pave the way for others. However, there have been few replacements due to a small portion taking the course in higher learning institutions. Therefore even if there are fresh graduates in the industry, they are unable to fill the available gaps and vacancies in nursing. The low pay and poor working environments in the industry have contributed to others leaving this profession and joining where they are appreciated.


Shortage of male nursing students: The experience of a growing nursing program. (2020). Journal of Men’s Health16(2), 9. https://doi.org/10.15586/jomh.v16i2.221

Grading Rubric Guidelines

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  • Replies to each graded thread topic posted by the course instructor, by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week, and posts a minimum of two times in each graded thread, on separate days
  • Replies to a question posed by a peer

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  • Has only one post for the week
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  • 4-5 errors in APA format.
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  • 6-7 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • Writing style is slightly focused making discussion difficult to understand.
  • 8-10 errors in APA format.
  • Writing responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
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  • Post contains greater than 10 errors in APA format.
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Early Participation Requirement

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