Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Sample Answer for Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514 Included After Question

Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care telehealth particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Telehealth is the use of telecommunications technology that allows for health data collection and transfer, communication between providers and patients, allowing care to be provided to patient’s remotely despite of their location. Frey & Chiu (2021) mentions there are four methods of telehealth which include: synchronous or live video, store-and-forward, remote patient monitoring, and mHealth (mobile health). Synchronous or live video involves a two-way communication between a provide and a patient in real time. Store-and–forward is data and patient history collected by a provider which is stored and can later be obtained by another provider through a secure platform. Remote patient monitoring consists of using digital or electronic tools, that records patient’s health information, such as blood sugar and blood pressures, which can be transmitted automatically to a provider for review. Mobile health refers to the practice of medicine and public health aided by mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets, personal digital assistants, and the wireless infrastructure (Innovatemedtec, 2021). 

Virtual care is the channel by which healthcare providers communicate with their patients; it is the actual virtual visit that takes place between the healthcare team (MD, nurse, PT, etc.) and the patient. For virtual care to happen communication technologies, such as video, chat or phone are required. This allows patients to be connected to the quality care they need, when they need it most (Synzi, 2018). 

Telehealth can be beneficial when coordinating care for patients. For example, surgical patients needing pre-surgical care and post-surgical care. Nurses can contact patients via e-mail, video conferencing, or the phone, to setup appointments, do post-op teaching, and check on how patients are doing once discharged home after surgery. An example mentioned by McGonigle & Mastrian (2017) is that virtual care allows a nurse to coordinate and complete 12-16 telehealth visits vs 7 visits by a conventional home health care nurse. 

A drawback a nurse can encounter with telehealth, is not being able to do an actual physical examination. There may be instances where a hands-on comprehensive physical assessment is important, which would require the patient to either go to the office or where a nurse would need to go to the patient’s home. Having to draw blood or the patient requiring radiology tests, and technical difficulties with technological devices, could also affect telehealth encounters. 

Nurses need to be mindful of HIPPA regulations and remember they can only treat patients within the state they are licensed in when participating in telehealth (Frey & Chiu, 2021). 


Frey, M.B. & Chiu, S.H. (2021). Considerations when using telemedicine as the advance practice registered nurse. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17 (2021), 289-292). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2020.11.011 

Innovatemedtec. (2012). What is mHealth? https://innovatemedtec.com/digital-health/mhealth 

McGonigle, D., Mastrian, K. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13:9781284121247

Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care telehealth particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514
Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care telehealth particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Synzi, L. H. (2018, June 8). Why virtual care is the “new” telehealth. https://www.healthitoutcomes.com/doc/why-virutal-care-is-the-new-telehealth-0001 


Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Virtual care and telehealth technologies have the capability to greatly expand access to quality health care. Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514

Title: Discuss some benefits and drawbacks of virtual care/telehealth, particularly related to the collaboration and coordination of care and the role of the advanced registered nurse NUR 514



Three key gaps in patient safety practice

The U.S. Government Accountability Office in the past decade, has interviewed patient safety experts as well as identified three key gaps in patient safety practice implementation:

  1. A lack of information about the effect of dependent factors on implementation of patient safety practices
  2. A lack of sufficiently detailed information on the experience of hospitals that have previously used specific patient safety implementations strategies
  3. A lack of valid and accurate measure measurement of how frequently certain adverse events occur.

Select one of these gaps and describe in detail how nursing informatics could help to close this gap.



I currently work for an organization that has multiple hospitals located through out the United States. Within the organization each hospital collects adverse event information differently. An enterprise work group that is comprised of nurse leader, nursing informatics, and CNS’s from each site. Collectively they are working together to streamline an effective way to collect data consistently around adverse events and implement appropriate practice changes. The group is utilizing their nursing informatics colleagues to identify innovative ways for staff to easily self-report adverse events. The group was able to identify a system called vigilanz that is able to integrate within the EHR. They were able to add a link to the EHR for staff to access to self-report. When staff utilize the link within the EHR it automatically transfers patient data into the incident reporting system. The nursing informatics was able to create an easy to use template that makes it easy and quick to fill out. This saves time for the end-user and creates a way to easily access the system and complete a report in a timely manner. Overall, it has increased staff reporting incidents such as accidental line removals, IV infiltrations, self-extubations, and patient falls.


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A lack of valid and accurate measurement of the frequency of adverse events significantly affects organizations’ efforts to enhance patient safety. According to de Hoon et al. (2017), adverse events comprise medication errors, unintended incidents that cause harm, accidents such as falls, diagnostic errors, surgical errors, and unfavorable reactions to medications. They are associated with significant morbidity, mortality and increased healthcare costs in hospitalized patients. Fortunately, most events are preventable once organizations become aware of their existence (de Hoon et al., 2017). Accurate measurement of the events can be established using data information and collection tools. Nursing informatics would help evaluate the matter.

Informatics tools such as electronic health record systems (EHRs) are critical in recording adverse events. At the patient level, EHR enhances communication since unrecorded events will not be communicated (de Hoon et al., 2017). This communication is crucial when multiple healthcare providers are involved in patient care, especially since patient care becomes more complex. Moreover, Rochefort et al. (2015) highlight that natural language processing (NLP) of dictated electronic radiology reports or discharge summaries are informatics tools that can be used to report adverse events. NLP refers to automated methods for converting free-text data into a computer-understandable format.

Besides, healthcare organizations can leverage thesmartphone technology to support paperless reporting of adverse drug reactions. According to Fukushima et al. (2022), adverse drug reaction reporting apps have the potential to support pharmacovigilance activity, especially since patients and providers can maintain two-way communication, regardless of their locations. However, while organizations launch smartphone reporting, it is critical to consider features and functions that can contribute to a qualitative and quantitative improvement in reporting and considering the proposed user group, any training needs, and the costs involved in developing, launching and maintaining the app.



de Hoon, S. E., Hek, K., van Dijk, L., & Verheij, R. A. (2017). Adverse events recording in electronic health record systems in primary care. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making17(1), 1-6.

Fukushima, A., Iessa, N., Balakrishnan, M. R., & Pal, S. N. (2022). Smartphone-based mobile applications for adverse drug reactions reporting: global status and country experience. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making22(1), 1-20.

Rochefort, C. M., Buckeridge, D. L., & Forster, A. J. (2015). Accuracy of using automated methods for detecting adverse events from electronic health record data: a research protocol. Implementation Science10(1), 1-9.



Virtual care and telehealth exploded during the COVID-19 lockdowns. In the area of mental health virtual care and telehealth became extremely vital and has now helped to reshape the landscape of mental health allowing more people to access mental health specialists from anywhere across the country. It has also helped many healthcare specialists reach more people as it allowed them to communicate with patients virtually from the comforts of their home and office allowing them to increase their patient. telehealth has also allowed patients to communicate with their doctors from the comforts of their home or office and is another for patients to communicate with their physicians if they are sick without them having to come to the office and possibly spread their illness to individuals outside or in the office or even to the physicians. “With telemedicine, you don’t have to drive to the doctor’s office or clinic, park, walk or sit in a waiting room when you’re sick. You can see your doctor from the comfort of your own bed or sofa. Virtual visits can be easier to fit into your busy schedule. With telemedicine, depending on your schedule, you may not even have to take leave time from work or arrange for child care” (Hopkins Medicine, n.d.) Telehealth has allowed healthcare professionals to reach patients in areas that suffer from healthcare clinic deserts patients who live hours away or even states away and have allowed people to see specialists in other areas that they probably wouldn’t have met if they had to see them in person. Some of the drawbacks from virtual care slash telehealth include missing out on the face to face interaction with the doctors or healthcare professional and sometimes it could be difficult to possibly examine a patient virtually and in some cases when a patient sees a doctor in person the doctor can also or the health care specialist can also examine their body and examine them in full to recognize other possible healthcare issues that the patient may not have realized they were suffering from.


Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Benefits of Telemedicine. Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/benefits-of-telemedicine.



The use of virtual care and telehealth technologies have greatly expanded the reach of healthcare. According to Deering (2022) Telenursing has seen a 50%-175% provider-reported increase in patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Accessing healthcare with the use of telehealth visits are often much more convenient for several reason including driving to see a provider which can be difficult or far. The option to utilize telehealth can increase utilization of services. Use of telehealth is cost effective and can help reduce visits to the ER. Individuals who reside in rural and frontier areas have increased access. The use of virtual visits can increase patient adherence to the treatment plan including medication and treatment. By utilizing options like telehealth and virtual visits this can lessen the load off the healthcare system. Finally, patients have the ability to access specialty care services.

One drawback is the lack of continuity of care from the patient’s regular doctor. From this same scenario a patient may have had a virtual visit and that information may not have been shared with their primary or specialty doctor leading to errors in care. Virtual visits are beneficial for those who can access online services, for those who don’t have this capability they will either not be able to access or run into issues due to user capability. Repayment of services rendered vary between live visits and virtual visits.


Deering, M (September 14, 2022). What are the pro’s and con’s of telehealth nursing. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Telehealth Nursing? | NurseJournal.org