Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434

Sample Answer for Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434 Included After Question

Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434

Title: Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434



Adolescent pregnancy is seen as high-risk, as it causes serious risks for both mother and baby. Some of these risk factors include children being born pre-term, have lower birth weight, and higher neonatal mortality. Mothers tend to have greater rates of post-partum depression and are less likely to initiate breastfeeding [1, 2]. May 25, 2016. According to the CDC all sectors of the population communitywide should all make an effort to address teen pregnancy prevention. From 2010Campa to 2015, nine state-and community-based organizations and five national organizations were funded by cooperative agreement, Teen Pregnancy Prevention. The state- and community-based grantees, in turn, provide training and technical assistance to youth-serving organizations and partners. National resource, National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Its mission is promoted through, Raising awareness through affiliation with the media, policy makers, and influential leaders. Promote discussion about prevention of teed and unplanned pregnancy and Develops and distributes materials including pamphlets and online information. State resource, Human services help people find stability, and can include everything from providing for basic needs like food and shelter with the goal of promoting self-sufficiency. Over the last ten years, California’s females ages 15-19 increased by 15% between 2000 and 2016 the number of births in this population decreased by 61%. Although reasons for the decline are not totally clear, evidence suggests these declines are due to more teens abstaining from sexual activity, and more teens who are sexually active using birth control than in previous years.


Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434
Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy NRS 434


Parenting in the digital age

https://cdc,gov> teen pregnancy

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Replies to Valencia Classen

Hello Valencia, its true that adolescent pregnancy is a problem in our societies. Over the years, I have seen young mothers getting depressed especially from families where they have been rejected,. This is an issue that we must find a balance, more so for the rare cases of pregnancies that are unavoidable. At the same time, low birthweight has been a challenge for the new-borns , and this can be attributed to poor feeding programme that the mother might be having or even stress of the mother during the babies development in the womb.


Latasha Brooks

Posted Date

Feb 10, 2022, 3:02 PM


Replies to Valencia Classen

According to the CDC, Native Americans have the highest rate of teen pregnancies amongst ethnicities. Blacks and Hispanic teens follow right behind Native Americans, who rank just under 30% of U.S. teens, ranking in the 25 percentile range for both groups (CDC, 2021). Considering the percentage of teen pregnancy in America requires a look at risk factors. Adolescent risk factors fall under many categories, some of which include socioeconomic standing, family history, religious considerations, and cultural traditions and concepts. Low income families, one parent households, absence of higher levels of education, reduced access to resources designed to prevent teen pregnancy, and little affiliation with church or religious organizations seem to have higher incidents of adolescent pregnancies (NIH, 2018).

When considering risk factors, the nurse has an opportunity to provide patient education in an effort to prevent incidences of teen pregnancy. There are many community and state resources available that provide education, program information, and contact information to various programs in a patient’s area. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services lists resources in the California area. It is well known that the Native American communities are often underserved. The Tribal Personal Responsibility Education Program (Tribal PREP) and the Personal Responsibility Education Innovative Strategies Program (PREIS) provide programs and information that assist indirectly in the reduction of the teen pregnancy rate. For example, access to programs that assist in funding services such as child care, family violence prevention, child welfare prevention, and short term emergency financial assistance in an effort to maintain the family nucleus. According to the CDC, teen pregnancy rates have decreased over the last 10 years nationwide, including California (CDC, 2018). While the exact reasons can not be identified specifically, it is clear that providing education, access to resources, and encouragement of support amongst family and social groups help to reduce isolation, poor examples, and other aspects that lead to teen pregnancy.




Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, November 15). Reproductive health: Teen pregnancy. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from


Chung, H., Kim, E., Lee, J. (2018). Comprehensive understanding of risk and protective factors related to adolescent pregnancy in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Journal of adolescence, Vol 69, pg. 180-188. http://


  • LP

Lily Polsky

replied toLatasha Brooks

Feb 10, 2022, 5:49 PM


Replies to Latasha Brooks


How does health literacy play a part in developing a plan of care with an adolescent pregnant patient?


Dr. Polsky

  • JL

James Lokko

replied toLatasha Brooks

Feb 11, 2022, 10:42 PM


Replies to Latasha Brooks

Hello Latasha, I have to say that educating our kids about sex and sexuality, being responsible is a sure way of avoiding adolescent pregnancy just like you explain. I believe that doing so will save us from issues like low birth weight and stress of the mothers after birth. To some extent, families of these adolescent are always faced with the challenge of maintaining these kids and giving them the necessary emotional and financial support.

  • KJ

Kadiatu Janneh

replied toLatasha Brooks

Feb 11, 2022, 11:30 PM


Replies to Latasha Brooks

Latasha I agree with you, recent studies have shown that adolescent pregnancy has decreased over the years. Teenagers are more educated than they were previously. They are aware of the dangers of adolescent pregnancy. Furthermore, they are much more in unwanted pregnancies. Above all, parents are more concerned with their children and devote more attention to them. Parents are spending more time educating their children about the disadvantages of early pregnancies. These factors have caused the ratio to decrease in recent years. Aside from that, several community-based programs are offered via colleges and schools to educate children beginning at a young age about sex, contraception, and how it affects their health and future.

Adolescent pregnancy. (2020, January 31). WHO | World Health Organization.

  • MG

Mayreth Gonzalez Pena

replied toLatasha Brooks

Feb 12, 2022, 5:23 AM


Replies to Latasha Brooks


I agree with you that there are factors that have contributed to the increase of teen pregnancies across the globe whereby according to (Hobbies 2015), most teens are into drug abuse and know nothing about contraceptives. They prefer having a good time and worry less about their future and most of these teens are victims of poverty, illiteracy and most modern parents have no time for their children which has then led most of them to end up with bad habits due to lack of proper guidance. (Philadelphia Legal Assistance. 2020). After conceiving, these teens are at risk of complications such as anemia or underweight babies which has then increased the maternal and infant mortality rates. To help address the issue of teen pregnancy and related deaths, some organizations have taken the initiative of sensitizing the public on the issue by providing information on the use of contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies and diseases such as HIV.


Philadelphia Legal Assistance. (2020). Retrieved October 01, 2020, from