Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434

Sample Answer for Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434 Included After Question

Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434

Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult. In addition to describing the similar/different aspects of the physical assessment, explain how the nurse would offer instruction during the assessment, how communication would be adapted to offer explanations, and what strategies the nurse would use to encourage engagement.


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434

Title: Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434


Physical assessment of the child and that of an adult is done similarly yet differently. The act of auscultation, palpation, taking the vital signs to get the objective data are done the same but the normal range limits are different. For example, the healthy adult blood pressure normal range is from 90/60 mmHg – 120/80 mmHg, pulse rate 60-100 beats per minute and temperature of 97.8 ‘F to 98.6″F whereas to a 1-11-year-old child has a heart rate of 70-120 bpm, blood pressure of 90-110 systolic and 55-75 diastolic.

In using Erikson’s theory, an adult’s stage of development is focused on the fear of loneliness if there is no long-lasting relationship and adult contemplates their contribution to society with their achievements or lack of, and for a school-aged child, the focus is more on establishing trust and self-esteem (Grand Canyon University, 2018).

Communication and approach with these two different age groups also differ. A caring and comfortable environment is needed for a school-aged child in order to extend their trust from their parents to the healthcare provider. The questions are also formulated so that the child is able to answer. Whereas for the adult, a more factual and straightforward questioning is done. Utilizing the evidence-based practice tools provided to the health care team, a thorough and effective assessment is done to promote health and have an effective nursing process.



Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Health assessment: Foundations for effective practice. Retrieved from


Medline Plus. Retrieved from: Vital signs: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


C.S.Mott Children’s Hospital .Retrieved from: Vital Signs in Children | CS Mott ChilVital Signs in Children | CS Mott Children’s Hospital | Michigan Medicinedren’s Hospital | Michigan Medicine

Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434
Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult NRS 434



Topic 2 DQ 2


Child development assessment is defined as a process of getting data about their growth and development. The Nurse aims at getting a record growth in all areas while collecting the information. The data being collected include language, cognitive and social-emotional and approaches to learning. Child assessments is important in ascertaining children with special needs that may require extra support (Kaufman, 2018).

Comparing physical assessments of a child to an adult

Obtaining data is different at each age because human needs vary with age. In addition, the mode of assessment used is dynamic. For example, piece of information is obtained from the parent or care giver in a 5-year-old compared to the nineteen-year-old that can express themselves coherently. The Nurse uses Observation as one of the techniques used in the assessment. Here, the care provider interacts with the child and concludes based on their conduct. The other methods include standard test, portfolios, care provider ratings and parent ratings. However, all methods are best applicable for different ages. There is need to modify the techniques in some situation. For example, reading out questions on a standardized test for a five-year-old and writing out the answers for them. However, when the same approach is used on a twelve-year-old, they are left to read, interpret, and even answer the questions on the test with minimal assistance,

Communication strategies a nurse would use to encourage engagement

Nine-year-old Ben was born at 37 weeks with 2600grams via safe vaginal delivery and was admitted for 2 weeks due to birth asphyxia. He had gained 300grams on discharge. He was breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months and was weaned with different soft foods. He could roll over at 4 months and began sitting at 6. He was hospitalized for severe malnutrition for a month while he was 9 months old. This delayed his milestone and he only crawled when he was 16 months. He could say four-letter words at 6 months and could say complete simple sentences at 24 months. He has good relationship with his family members. He started school at 4 years, is obedient, has average performance, loved by teacher and friends at school. Ben fits into the 4th stage of Erikson developmental theory, known as Industry vs. Inferiority. The basic virtue at this stage is competency (Cherry, 2018). Based on Erikson`s theory, the nurse should focus on his ability to read, do simple sums, and write. The assessor will obtain information on Ben`s friends and this assessment done with he is with his friends. The friends he does not like will make him feel inferior.

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Child development assessment is important because it provides opportunity for the care provider to establish any special needs that the child may require. Moreover, the assessment provides a ground where both the care provider and the parents can provide support for the child. However, the needs of the child change with time and hence the mechanisms used in assessing as well as the results (Kaufman, 2018).




Cherry, K. (2018). Erik Erikson`s Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved June 5, 2018.

Kaufman, A. S. (2018). Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, tests, and issues. Guilford Publications.


  • LP

Lily Polsky

replied toStanley Ogbo

Feb 6, 2022, 12:28 PM


Replies to Stanley Ogbo


How do you think culture plays a part in performing assessments?


Dr. Polsky

  • SO

Stanley Ogbo

replied toLily Polsky

Feb 6, 2022, 10:22 PM


Replies to Lily Polsky

Hello Dr. Polsky,

Thanks for your post. Culture is defined as a way of life of a people. Culture affects how the people perceive wellness and illness.

As nurses, it is paramount that we understand the diverse cultural beliefs of our patients to enable us do a meaningful health assessment that would lead to accurate diagnosis and treatment.


Latasha Brooks

Posted Date

Feb 4, 2022, 11:59 PM


Replies to Rizalina Orencia

When considering comparing physical assessments of a child versus an adult, the nurse must recognize that there are key differences between the two examinations. A physical assessment (PA) with an adult starts with assessing vitals, mood, hygiene, demeanor, and level of consciousness. The nurse has an opportunity to observe non-verbal forms of responses to questions to incorporate subjective and objective observations. Assessment of a child, however, relies heavily on objective observation from the patient and the parent’s input. The nurse must remain familiar with stages of development to better identify behavior outside of the norm and to properly educate the parent to know when to seek assistance upon noticing abnormalities. While both children and adults have targeted milestones, milestones among adults may vary depending on societal norms. Reaching milestones for children have a heavy dependence on their environment, family history, and cultural and traditional influences. The text mentions many factors to consider when assessing a child. One of which is nutrition. This aspect is often influenced by culture and family traditions. According to the CDC, more than 12 million children are obese (Falkner, 2018) and are at risk of co-morbidities such as heart disease, malnourishment despite being overweight, and chronic diseases. The nurse has an opportunity to provide patient education to the parent, with the child being a passive listener. In doing so, it is critical that the nurse put aside biases and present options and information as opposed to judgement (Falkner, 2018).

When involving the pediatric patient, therapeutic communication is key. The nurse will observe body language and pick up on ques in instances where the child may begin to withdraw or be uncomfortable. Allowing the child to participate in the assessment process may help them become more comfortable. Perhaps allow child to hold and use stethoscope, therapeutic touch and vivid interaction like asking the patient to say “aaaww”, positive reinforcement such as saying “good job”, and the use of comfort objects to demonstrating what will take place in the PA on a teddy bear are all methods that encourage engagement of a child patient.




Falkner, A. (2018). Grand Canyon University (E.D). Age-Appropriate Approach to Pediatric Health Care Assessment. Retrieved from