BOIL 1031 BRCC Isopod Behavior in Different Stimuli Lab Report

BOIL 1031 BRCC Isopod Behavior in Different Stimuli Lab Report

BOIL 1031 BRCC Isopod Behavior in Different Stimuli Lab Report


–On pill bug behavior lab.

–Light vs Dark and Dry vs Wet.

–Typed and printed.

Basically, it should contain a cover page with a title that clearly identify your work (not like “pillbug lab” which could mean anything). Then your name, and class. From second page, Abstract or Summary, Introduction which should contain background, purpose of your study including hypothesis, Materials and Methods contain details of procedure written in a way anyone should be able to repeat the experiment by just following your procedure, must be written in past tense in paragraph from as it is already completed by you. Next section is Results that you need to write 2-3 lines, add graph with description of graph in the bottom (you need two graphs), the you Discuss your result in discussion section. Finally, two sections are reference citations, you will need two (in intro or discussion) and acknowledgement. All sections must have separate heading.

BOIL 1031 BRCC Isopod Behavior in Different Stimuli Lab Report
BOIL 1031 BRCC Isopod Behavior in Different Stimuli Lab Report

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The Following was posted as an announcement earlier.

Hi All

Use following links for rubric and examples to write your report. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Writing a lab report

  • Use the following headings in your lab report:


  • 1Provide a title that reveals information about the study and its outcome. Use a cover page dedicated to the Title. The cover page also contains your name, also include the name(s) of the project participant(s), class title, date, and instructor’s name.


  • 1Provide a brief summary of your work (in about 50-60 words).


  • Do include a background, purpose, and your “hypotheses” (see below).
    • 2The background should include 1) description about pill bugs and 2) what material is used for and why you used it in your study (eg. Choice/behavior chamber: what it is, how it is used and for what?)
    • 1aThe purpose (your scenario)
    • 2 State your hypothesis and how you could test it.
      • .


  • 1make a list of the equipment used (in paragraph).
  • 2Do describe the procedure in your own words. Do not number the steps in your procedure. The procedure should be in paragraph form, not recipe form.
  • 1Must use past tense


  • 2Include results as Table and/or graph and also use few lines to describe. Must have description or descriptive captions with tables/graph.
  • 1But, don’t make a conclusion.


  • 2Provide a conclusion based on the results. Your conclusion should relate to the purpose of the exercise that you described in the introduction.
  • 1Critique your experimental technique.
  • 1Tell how you might conduct a similar exercise in the future.

Reference/Literature cited

  • 1Provide a list of references (a minimum of two references should be used. Excluding the handout provided by the Instructor).


  • 1Thank/acknowledge those persons who assisted you in carrying out the study.
  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Main Postinga 45 (45%) – 50 (50%)

Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.


Supported by at least three current, credible sources.


Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

Responds to the discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.


At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.


Supported by at least three credible sources.


Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

Responds to some of the discussion question(s).


One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.


Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.


Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.


Post is cited with two credible sources.


Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.


Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

Does not respond to the discussion question(s) adequately.


Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.


Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.


Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.


Contains only one or no credible sources.


Not written clearly or concisely.


Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.


Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Post: Timeliness 10 (10%) – 10 (10%)

Posts main post by day 3.

0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not post by day 3.

First Response 17 (17%) – 18 (18%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.


Responds fully to questions posed by faculty.


Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.


Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.


Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.


Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.


Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.


Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.


Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.


Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.


Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.


Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.


Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.


Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are missing.


No credible sources are cited.

Second Response 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.


Responds fully to questions posed by faculty.


Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.


Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.


Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.


Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.


Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.


Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.


Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.


Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.


Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth.


Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.


Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.


Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication.


Responses to faculty questions are missing.


No credible sources are cited.

Participation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Meets requirements for participation by posting on three different days.

0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%) 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.

Total Points: 100