BIO 151 NYU Biology Problem Set

BIO 151 NYU Biology Problem Set

Sample Answer for BIO 151 NYU Biology Problem Set Included After Question

Answer Key Francis Instructions:

✓ Download this problem set, keep the questions in the document and please type your answers in a color other than black so that your answers are easily discernable.

✓ Complete this entire problem set – give robust, detailed responses – this is practice so use it as such.

✓ If you get stuck or need clarification on any of these questions… just ask!

✓ Upload this document with your answers to the appropriate TurnItIn link in our Moodle page in PDF format

✓ Please be advised that TurnItIn is a plagiarism and similarity checking software o You are always welcome to work with other people and/or get help on the problem set, however… o Make sure that you close and put away all sources of information before writing your answers so that you can be sure that your answers are in your own words and to convince yourself that you understand the concept and can explain it yourself. o If your answers are too similar to either someone else’s responses (past or present) or from the internet, points will be deducted as the assumption will be made that the work you’re doing is not your own. Complete the entire problem set. For grading, a problem or two will be randomly chosen for grading of 10 points and will be graded for completeness and originality worth 5 points; 15 points total. Due date: Wednesday, Feb 1st by 11:59pm Question 1: Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions Which of the following are catabolic reactions and which are anabolic? Explain. A. ATP synthesis Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key B. ATP hydrolysis C. Transcription D. Translation E. Glycolysis Question 2: Endergonic vs Exergonic Reactions Define the terms endergonic and exergonic (in your own words, please). Once you do that, explain whether enzymes make an endergonic reaction exergonic. Explain. Question 3: Redox Reactions A. Are oxidation and reduction reactions both endergonic reactions? Francis Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key Francis B. Do oxidation and reduction reactions always occur together? Question 4: Random Questions about Cellular Respiration A. Explain the difference between substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation. B. What is the role of oxygen in the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation? C. At which steps in cellular respiration is ATP made? About how much ATP is made in glycolysis vs Krebs vs oxidative phosphorylation? Question 5: The 1st Step of Glycolysis For each of the following possibilities below, only one answer is correct and the others are false. Identify the correct ending to the statement and explain why the others are false. Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key Francis When glucose reacts with ATP to form glucose-6-phosphate (hint: this happens during the 1st “phase” of glycolysis): A. The synthesis of glucose-6-phosphate is exergonic B. ADP is at a higher energy level than ATP C. Glucose-6-phosphate is at a higher energy level than glucose D. Because ATP donates a phosphate to glucose, this is not a coupled reaction Question 6: Energy States A. Which molecule is at a higher energy state: glucose or CO2? How does this relate to the process of cellular respiration? Explain. B. Put the energy state of the following molecules in order and explain: AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate), ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate), ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key Francis Question 7: Proton Gradient in ETC/Ox Phosph You notice that the strength of the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane is increasing. Which of these statements do you think is true? Yes or no, explain your reasoning. A. ATP synthase can spin faster as a result of this. B. NADH would accumulate as a result of this. C. proton pumps slow down as a result of this. D. More heat is being released. Question 8: Stopping the ETC Which of the following could stop the mitochondrial electron transport chain? Yes or no, explain your reasoning A. Loss of oxygen Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key Francis B. Depletion of ATP C. Increasing the concentration of NADH D. Increasing the strength of the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane Question 9: DNP and the ETC/Ox Phosph Dinitrophenol (DNP) is a non-FDA approved weight loss drug (that is unfortunately available for sale on the internet). It is a small molecule that is soluble in the mitochondrial inner membrane and can carry protons across the inner membrane, which bypasses the channel of ATP synthase. A. Predict the effect of DNP on the electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Bio151 WI22-23 Topic 9 Problem Set Answer Key Francis B. Explain how DNP can be used to reduce weight. C. Why might the FDA not approve DNP as a weight-loss drug? Question 10: Weight Loss When someone loses weight by ingesting less calories than they use in activity, how does that weight exit the body and in what form? (don’t take into account water or waste loss) Question 11: Fermentation Yeast are facultative anaerobes that can use glycolysis to produce ATP in the absence of oxygen. In this case, pyruvate is converted to alcohol. This is why yeast are used in the production of beer and wine. Our muscle cells can do fermentation for a short period of time, which produces lactic acid. What is the role of lactic acid and ethyl alcohol in this process? Why is it required for continued glycolysis? ductory_Biology_(Easlon)/Readings/09.3%3A_Fermentation_and_Regeneration_of _NAD

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: BIO 151 NYU Biology Problem Set

Title: BIO 151 NYU Biology Problem Set