BHA-FPX4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection

BHA-FPX4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: BHA-FPX4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection

Title:  BHA-FPX4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection

Leadership entails the accomplishment of desired goals by directing human assistants. The thought of leading triggers various thinking among people on how different people view effective leadership. While others might argue that leaders are born or run through the genes of a particular community, others hold on the opinion that leaders are made. Healthcare leadership is a wide concept (Rosen et al., 2018). However, in general, leadership or leadership personality would show when a person tries to impose their influence over others with the aim of transforming their behavior for a specific reason. As such, for a person to lead others, they must understand themselves in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the concept of competency-based reflection.

Leadership Self Reflection

The outcome from ACHE Competencies Assessment Tool has been important in understanding the five main domains that offer an effective analysis of personal leadership qualities. These domains include communication and leadership management, professionalism, knowledge of the healthcare environment, and business skills and knowledge. These five domains touch on every aspect of leadership that affects the relationship between a leader and subjects. The objective of leading is to rally human assistants toward meeting a common goal. However, in meeting a common goal, an effective leader would develop the human assistants, who would then develop the skills and ability to meet the common goal desired by the leader. However, meeting the threshold of being an effective leader requires a self-reflection through the five domains to ascertain how effective leadership is towards managing human resource and meeting the desired objective.

Communication and Relationship Management

This domain focused on testing my ability to maintain a long-lasting connection with groups and individuals. In this domain, I rated 5 on the ability to create an ethical culture in an organization, rated 4 on the ability to build collaborative networks, and rate 5 on the practice and shared decision making. These were the three main areas that showed strengths in this domain. However, I rated a poor score in two areas: developing and maintaining supplier relationships and developing an organizational structure and relationships. Out of the possible scores of 40 on relationship management skills, I scored 24 implying an average performance on the relationship management skills.

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On my communication skills, I have an average score of 40 out of the possible 45 highest scores that one can get from the tool. My communication was top-notch evident from the highest scores I received on most items under communication scores in the tool. While there were other items that I had a lower rating on most of these scores were rated 5, implying that I had better communication skills. The ability to express ideas concisely with the team are some of the individuals’ noted strengths that increased my scores in communication skills. Again, out of the possible scores of 35 on facilitation and negotiation, I scored 30, showing that I had better skills in facilitation and negotiation.

One resource that I would use to advance my relationship management skills to sign for many leadership seminars. These seminars will equip my knowledge on the need to understand an organization structure and develop a unique model for developing my relationship management skills. While I have been performing better on my communication skills, these seminars would not only equip me with relationship management skills but also advance my communication skills. Therefore, improving my relationship management skills and maintaining my score on communication skills would make me a better leader.


My rating on leadership was seen through four domains of leadership. These domains included leadership skills and behavior, organization climate and culture, managing change, and communication vision. These domains had different scores and ratings depending on the different items slotted under each domain. On my leadership skills and behavior, I scored 50 out of the possible 55 points. This rating showed that leadership skills and behavior contribute to my major strength in leadership. My score on organization climate and culture was 10 out of the possible score of 20, and in communicating vision, I scored 40 out of the possible score of 50. Lastly, in managing change, I scored 60 out of the possible scores 60.

The scores on various domains explained my individual leadership strengths. For instance, my strength relies on my ability to manage change and leadership skills and behaviors. However, I would need to work on my weaknesses, evident in my low scores on organization climate and culture, and communication vision (Seaman et al., 2018). Therefore, taking an active part in benchmarking styles used by other famous leaders across the globe would be imperative in improving my general leadership skills.


On the other hand, my professional abilities were also viewed through different lenses. These included personal and professional accountability, professional development, lifelong learning, and contribution to the community and profession. Each of these domains had different overall scores that one could possibly register. I scored 63 out of 65 on personal and professional abilities, 35 out of 40 on professional development and lifelong learning, 30 out of 35 on contributions to the community and profession. My overall score on professionalism was high according to the summation of the individual scores gained from each domain. However, despite my high scores in most of the domains, I had a comparatively lower rating on contributions to the community and profession.

In this domain, I would need to advance my skills in contributing to the community and professionals as it is one of my weak domains. An effective leader needs to understand their environment, including the effect of the surrounding community on performance (Seaman et al., 2018). Therefore, I will have to develop various community programs that would enhance my engagement with the community and understand the effect that the community has on the success of my leadership skills. The community forms a rich source of lessons that

Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment

The ratings on knowledge of the healthcare environment also counted as one of the core values defining my leadership ability. I scored 40 out of 45 on healthcare systems and organizations, 44 out of 45 on healthcare personnel, 5 on patients’ perspectives, and 38 out of 50 on community and environment. In these domains, my strength is evident in healthcare systems and organizations, healthcare personnel, and patients’ perspective. However, my weakness was seen in the community and environment.

In this domain, my focus will be on reducing my weakness which is proved by the community and environment domain. I will improve these weak skills by engaging more in community health promotion to understand healthcare issues affecting society (Seaman et al., 2018). The promotions would increase my engagement with the community and allow me to understand my environment and the resources that would be needed to meet the health needs of the community.

Business Skills and Knowledge

The final domain was on business skills and knowledge which was examined by general management skills, financial management, and human resource management. I scored differently on these domains. For example, on general management, I scored 179 out of possible score of 190, on financial management 100 out of the possible scores of 120, 84 out of 85 on human resource management, 55 out of 70 on organization dynamics and governance, 60 out of 80 on strategic planning and marketing, 90 out of 135 on information management, 50 out of 100 on risk management and 68 out of 70 on quality improvement.

According to the ratings recorded in this domain, my strengths are seen in general management, human resource management, financial management, and quality improvement. On the other hand, my weakness was an event on information management, risk management, and organization dynamics and governance. In this case, I will seek additional training in finance and budgeting to ensure the effective incorporation of business skills in healthcare.

Leadership Qualities

Various qualities define a leader. While others would want a leader to be all-rounded, others feel that a leader should be able to understand the operations of all departments in an organization. The qualities of an effective leader are premised on esteeming the value of the followers. The success of any leader highly depends on human resource management (Brimhall, 2019). The human assistant employed in any institution holds value to the organization, especially in the healthcare setting. Inspiring the followers enables a leader to devise various ways and procedures for undertaking leadership obligations among different teams. Inspiration and esteeming value of employees allow a leader to collaboratively work with others and reinforce an interdisciplinary partnership in implementing various projects at the organization.

An effective leader should be empathic and show concern for others. The project outcome that a leader projects in an organization depends on the effective relationship they develop with the followers. Empathy and showing concern for followers develop a sense of belonging that allows a leader to understand the welfare of the employees and the surrounding environment (Seaman et al., 2018). Leading with the employees in mind does not only allow the leader access to important data on all departments but also has the power to control the team. This influence would impact the entire organization system allowing each employee to work toward meeting the values and missions of an organization.

My Leadership Qualities

The ACHE assessment tool has been effective in outlining and understanding my leadership qualities. I am a visionary person who is able to devise strategies that would take a long-term effect on an organization. For instance, I have a high score in the leadership domain, especially in human resource management (Seaman et al., 2018). The success of an institution depends on the employees as they are the main personnel directly connected to the activities that would result in the ultimate success of an organization.

I am knowledgeable in the healthcare environment. My understanding of the healthcare system and environment is impeccable because of my past experience in the healthcare setting. Leading a healthcare organization is complex and needs effective comprehension of various factors affecting the quality outcome in healthcare (Dimopoulos, 2020). The skills developed in healthcare management are closely related to the importance of healthcare workers in meeting the desired health outcome. Nurses and other healthcare workers hold the quality and success of patients. Therefore, effective relationships with healthcare workers are important in meeting safety and quality objectives in healthcare.

Despite my better performance in general management in a healthcare organization, I would need to advance my skills of relating with the community as it forms important qualities of a leader. Adding this to my personal leadership quality would be an added advantage as it would shape my leadership qualities (Seaman et al., 2018). A leader with an effective understanding of the surrounding would be able to make policies that do not affect the internal environment but also the external environment.

The tools used in analyzing my leadership qualities show that I am competent in communication, leadership professionalism, and general management skills. However, I have an opportunity to advance my financial and risk management skills. Average skills in financial and risk management skills from my education background (Dimopoulos, 2020). I am more skilled in issues related to health as compared to issues of accounting and risk management. However, I have a better opportunity to improve these skills as it forms one of my journeys toward becoming a better leader in healthcare.

Personal Development Plan

The development plan will be essential in improving my leadership skills and allowing me to gain an effective understanding of my surrounding. The plan would also allow me to remain focused on reducing my leadership weaknesses and improving my leadership strengths (Dimopoulos, 2020). I will expect to see the results of this development after one year, as I intend to give myself a one-year timeline. The following table has my personal development plan for the next year.

Goal Steps Measure Deadline
Join health promotion teams within the community. v  To include community health promotions in my schedule

v  Spend more than 4 hours with the community.

v  Write a journal on patients dealing with daily

I would measure this using.

v  The number of hours spent on community health promotions.

v  The number of patients with who I interacted with

v  Number of special cases handled

This would happen within the first three months
Register for health finance seminars on short term online courses. v  Leave work by 4 pm to join my online classes

v  Check emails on the updated syllabus

v  Relate the healthcare economics within the first two classes

v  Daily financial data is recorded in my notebook.

v  Increased understanding financial statement of my healthcare organization

v  Number of financial issues I can see on financial statements

v  A number of financial risks I can determine.


This would happen in the next six months.
Enroll in one mindful course per quarter v  To practice calmness

v  To practice adaptability

v  To practice empathy.

v  Apply learned skills in learning by uniting three healthcare professionals

v  Increased number of colleagues on my team

Four months




Leadership is a broad concept that mixes people from different cultural backgrounds to achieve the desired change. Changing the behavior of a person to meet a common goal is a process that seeks to have an effective leader with the desired leadership qualities. The ACHE assessment tool has been significant in outlining my strengths and weaknesses in leadership and allowed me to develop a better plan to improve my leadership qualities. The success of a leader depends on their ability to manage all resources in an organization better. However, it commences from the management of personnel or followers who are the main engine towards the desired leadership success. The success of a leader also relies on how they relate with the employees.


BHA-FPX4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection References

Brimhall, K. C. (2019). Inclusion is important… but how do I include? Examining the effects of leader engagement on inclusion, innovation, job satisfaction, and perceived quality of care in a diverse nonprofit health care organization. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly48(4), 716-737.

Dimopoulos, A. (2020). Educational Leadership Effectiveness. Is it a Matter of a Leader’s Characteristics, Behaviors, or Leadership Style?. Journal of Economics and Management Sciences3(1), p13-p13.

Rosen, M. A., DiazGranados, D., Dietz, A. S., Benishek, L. E., Thompson, D., Pronovost, P. J., & Weaver, S. J. (2018). Teamwork in healthcare: Key discoveries enabling safer, high-quality care. American Psychologist73(4), 433.

Seaman, C., LaPerla, J. T., Schwartz, E., & Bienstock, J. E. (2018). Common leadership characteristics, personality traits, and behaviors that generations X, Y, and Z leaders find effective for shared leadership: a formal, informal, and rational approach. JIMS18(3).