BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices

BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices

BEHS 380 Week 4 Communication and Choices

Scenario 1:  Talking with a parent or grandparent about what their preferences are at the end of life.

When having a conversation with a grandparent about their preferences for the end of life, there are a few key questions you want to ask in order to ensure they are comfortable and have thought through their decisions (Kaye et al., 2018). Some of these questions might include: -What kind of care do you want in your final days? – Do you have any specific wishes for how you’d like to be treated or cared for? -Are there any places or people you would like to visit or see before you die? -Do you have any fears or concerns about death? -What would make you feel most at peace in the moments leading up to your death?

There are some important things to keep in mind when talking with a grandparent about their preferences for the end of life. First, it is important to be respectful and understanding of their wishes (Roscoe & Barrison, 2018). You may also want to ask them how they would like to be approached about this sensitive topic – some people prefer to have more of a direct conversation, while others may prefer to talk more generally about aging and death. I would enhance this communication by using effective techniques like reflective listening, which involves restating back what I have heard a grandparent say in my own words. This will help ensure that I understand their wishes correctly, and it will also show them that I am taking the time to listen and care about what they want.

Scenario 3: Talking with a young relative, (20 years of age) who has questions about death

Before I can answer any questions my young relative may have about death, it is important to first ask them what they want to know.

BEHS 380 Week 4 Communication and Choices
BEHS 380 Week 4 Communication and Choices

Everyone experiences death in their own way, and everyone has different questions about it. Some of the questions I may want to address could include: what happens when we die, is there an afterlife, will we see our loved ones again, can people come back from the dead, and what is heaven or hell like (Freeman & Elton, 2021). It is also important to be open and honest with a young relative. If they do not feel comfortable asking questions directly, try using metaphors or analogies to help them understand.

Death is a natural process that happens to everyone. It is something that we all have to go through, and it can be difficult to discuss with our loved ones. However, it is important to remember that death is a part of life, and talking about it can help us come to terms with it. Here are a few techniques I would use when discussing death with young relatives: -Being open and honest. I will not shy away from the topic or try to sugarcoat things (Lövgren et al., 2018). I will be frank and honest, and let a young relative ask any questions they may have. I will also respectful. I will remember that this is a difficult subject for my young relative, and I will not force them to talk about it.

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BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices References

Freeman, J. D., & Elton, J. (2021). “What If You Die?”: Skipped‐Generation Caregivers’ Reported Conversations With Their Grandchildren About Death. Family Relations70(2), 374-389.

Kaye, E. C., Snaman, J. M., Johnson, L., Levine, D., Powell, B., Love, A., … & Baker, J. N. (2018). Communication with children with cancer and their families throughout the illness journey and at the end of life. In Palliative care in pediatric oncology (pp. 55-93). Springer, Cham.

Lövgren, M., Sveen, J., Nyberg, T., Eilegård Wallin, A., Prigerson, H. G., Steineck, G., & Kreicbergs, U. (2018). Care at end of life influences grief: A nationwide long-term follow-up among young adults who lost a brother or sister to childhood cancer. Journal of palliative medicine21(2), 156-162.

Roscoe, L. A., & Barrison, P. (2018). Dilemmas adult children face in discussing end-of-life care preferences with their parents. Health Communication.