BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Sample Answer for BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography Included After Question

BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

For this project, you are to identify at least 10 original sources of research from scholarly sources. At least 3-4 of your sources must have been published within the past 3 years.
Depending on the assignment, the annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes, including but not limited to reviewing the literature on a particular subject, illustrating the quality of research you have done, providing examples of the types of resources available, describing other items on a topic that may be of interest to the reader, and/or exploring the subject for further research.
Annotated Bibliography, specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
• Summarize the central theme of the resource.
• Include a paragraph in which you do the following:
o Evaluate the author’s authority or background.
o Explain how this resource will work in conjunction with other cited works to illuminate the topic of interest.
Note: I have attached copy of previous project (Applied Final Project Part 1: Create Your Parenting Case Study Topic), professors’ feedback and rubrics for your reference. Pls let me know if you have any questions
• Summarize the central theme of the resource.
• Include a paragraph in which you do the following:
-Evaluate the author’s authority or background.
-Explain how this resource will work in conjunction with other cited works to illuminate the topic of interest.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Title: BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2 Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Worksheet

The transition to adolescence entails undergoing multiple physiological and psychological changes, especially behavioral issues that may lead to euphoria or negative ideation. Even though the transformations enable them to acquire new social roles as adolescents, they may also stumble into a world of euphoria that may impact their mental health and wellbeing Mathew et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2022). Imperatively, based on a case study of a teenager suffering from behavioral issues that influencing their acceptance of suicide ideation and affirmation, it is essential to seek evidence-based interventions to help them overcome the problems (Kumar et al., 2022). The purpose of this annotated bibliography worksheet is to identify articles on the behavioral issues among teenagers with a specific focus on depression. The annotation covers articles that address different components of approaches to the issue to enhance understanding and application of the aspects under consideration leading to the depression of teenagers.


Reference 1

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Peterle, C. F., Fonseca, C. L., Freitas, B. H. B. M. D., Gaíva, M. A. M., Diogo, P. M. J., & Bortolini, J. (2022). Emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents in the context of COVID-19: a mixed method study. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 30.

DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.6273.3744

In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

In this study about the emotional and behavioral issues among adolescents in the context of COVID-19, the researchers found that over 65% of the participants experienced problems at the time. The findings show that a majority of the issues were about peer relationship problems and hurdles in socialization during the pandemic. The study is categorical that the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems was high due to the pandemic as adolescents experienced loneliness, anxiety and sadness as well as distancing themselves from friends.

The other finding is that girls are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral problems during adolescence compared to boys. These findings also show the need to develop interventions that promote and restore the mental health of adolescents when there is an emergence of public health problems like infectious diseases such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings are also certain that adolescents based on their sex experience different levels of emotional and behavioral problems as they navigate their stage and transition; both as children and young adults.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) 1.The first detail from the study is that adolescence is a stage that exposes young people to different health issues; especially emotional and psychological problems.

2. The second detail is the need to parents to understand external pressures that may lead to presentation of behavioral and emotional problems among these people.

3. The third detail to include in the final project from the article is the effect of public health issues like pandemics and how they impact interactions among adolescents implying that they value peer interactions and relationships.

How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The article is credible since it is peer-reviewed and found in a known database focusing on adolescent issues. This implies that the source has been reviewed to ascertain its credibility by different researchers in this area or specialty. The article is also trustworthy and scientific since it uses scientific approaches to gathering evidence and other relevant information concerning the problem under investigations.

Reference 2

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Gargano, L. M., Locke, S., Li, J., & Farfel, M. R. (2018). Behavior problems in adolescence and subsequent mental health in early adulthood: results from the World Trade Center Health Registry Cohort. Pediatric research, 84(2), 205-209. DOI:
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

 The events of the 9/11 had significant mental and physical effects on millions of Americans, especially those individuals that were adolescents at the time. In this study, the researchers focused on the behavioral issues related to mental health outcomes among adolescents at the time and into their early adulthood. The findings show a positive correlation where many of the affected individuals engaged in behavioral problems that include binge drinking, borderline disorders and engage in smoking and other aspects of substance use and abuse.

The findings also show that others experienced depression, while other reported mental health conditions in their early adulthood. The findings also demonstrate that exposure to mental and psychological issues or problems can increase susceptibility of one suffering from mental and behavioral problems as adults.  The article also found that adolescents get affected by conditions and events in their environment and it is important to include these aspects to reduce susceptibility to mental health issues and possible post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The first detail from this article to be included in the final project is the correlation between factors in the external environment and mental health status of adolescents. Secondly, having mental health problems in childhood and adolescence increases one’s risk of experiencing these problems in early adulthood and even later in life. The third detail to be included in the final project is the effects of early exposure to traumatic events on the behavior of adolescents in their adulthood.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

This source is credible, valid and reliable because it presents primary research evidence from the retrospective study on patients in surgical units in the facility or site for the research. Secondly, the source is peer reviewed implying that the findings have been verified by other professionals in this area.

Reference 3

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Tayebi, N., Yektatalab, S., & Akbarzadeh, M. (2020). Emotional and behavioral problems of 9–18-year-old girls and its relationship to menarche age. Middle East Current Psychiatry, 27(1), 1-7. DOI:
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

 In this article about emotional problems experienced by adolescents in the research settings, the researchers made critical findings or results. The findings demonstrate that female students had increased rates of emotional and behavioral problems. The researchers also found that a majority of those suffering from mental health problems also experienced behavioral issues that impacted their performance in different areas of their studies at school.

The findings show that the most causative factors for these problems include social behaviors and peer influence. The implication of the findings is that adolescent girls are more susceptible to mental and behavioral problems compared to boys. The article also found that behavioral problems and depression have a correlation that impacts the ability of providers to generate evidence-based practice interventions.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The three details from the article that will be part of the final project include; understanding the correlation between behavioral problems and depression, the increased susceptibility of girls to behavioral issues, and the need for better understanding of the correlation between social life and behavioral responses by adolescents in different areas of their interactions.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The source is credible and scholarly because it is a peer-reviewed article and published in a journal having international recognition, not just in the Middle East but across the world. Again, one can trust the article since it follows all areas of a scholarly work in its approach to the issue under investigation.

Reference 4

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Marcal, K. E. (2021). Pathways to adolescent emotional and behavioral problems: An examination of maternal depression and harsh parenting. Child Abuse & Neglect, 113, 104917.
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

In this longitudinal survey of families across the U.S. to investigate the effects of parenting style on adolescent delinquency and depression, the findings show that there is a positive correlation. The researcher is categorical that the parenting style associated with maternal depression influences adolescent delinquency and depression. The findings show that psychological aggression among parents increases an adolescent’s susceptibility to depression and behavioral health issues like substance use disorder and abuse.

According to the article, adolescents develop delinquency due to having harsh parents who do not understand their stage of development. The study says that psychological aggression in parenting emanates from maternal depression. Again, such parents are likely to be physically aggressive which affects the overall mental health of adolescents. Therefore, there is need to screen parents for depression and offering them support, especially among vulnerable families like single-parent families. Through such interventions, they get information and resources to prevent adverse parenting and support healthy adolescent development.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The article is categorical on three issues that should be part of the final project. Firstly, adverse parenting increases susceptibility to depression and adverse behaviors among adolescents. Secondly, parenting is essential to addressing depression among adolescents. Thirdly, the need for parents to support their adolescent cannot be overemphasized because they play a critical role.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The source is not only credible but also scholarly because it uses scientific approaches and investigative methods like the longitudinal survey of parents across the United States. Again, this source is credible since it is peer-reviewed and published in a scientific health research journal.

Reference 5

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Yang, Y., Qi, Y., Cui, Y., Li, B., Zhang, Z., Zhou, Y., … & Zheng, Y. (2019). Emotional and behavioral problems, social competence and risk factors in 6–16-year-old students in Beijing, China. Plos one, 14(10), e0223970.
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

 In this study focused on analysis of the current status and risk factors of behavioral issues and social competences among students in Being China, the researchers’ findings have a critical influence on the overall context of adolescents. The initial findings show that different factors lead to behavioral problems and social competence. These include gender, developmental delays or milestones, recent events in their life, negative interactions and relationship, including with parents, and negative child up-bringing practices or styles.

The article also found that age, insomnia, and hospitalization due to physical health conditions as well as threatened abortion were independent risk factors associated with behavioral challenges among adolescents. The primary cause of abnormal social competence according to the study was non-breastfeeding. The findings show that emotional and behavioral problems as well as social competence were main causes of depression among adolescents.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts)  The three critical details from this article include the effects of parenting style on behavioral issues, the need to have appropriate interventions to address mental health and emotional health issues, and overall need for understanding the causes of behavioral health challenges among adolescents.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The article or source is credible and scholarly since it is published in a peer-reviewed journal. The article is also credible because it applies all methodologies expected in research. Further, it is approved by the institutional review board and aims at increasing the knowledge on key aspects of emotional and behavioral interventions among adolescents.

Reference 6

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Filakovska Bobakova, D., Mrazova Palfiova, M., & Madarasova Geckova, A. (2018). Negative health and wellbeing consequences of emotional and behavioral problems in adolescence. European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_4), cky214-134.
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

In this study focused on the association between emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) among adolescents and self-rated health and life satisfaction, the researchers make critical findings that are relevant to the issue under investigation based on the case study. The findings show that family and school protective factors are essential in helping adolescents overcome the different problems that they encounter. The findings show that protective factors reduce the probability of worse health and wellbeing outcomes.

The researchers also found that adolescents with emotional and behavioral issues were four times likely to experience worse self-rated health and reduce life satisfaction. Furthermore, they are likely to report more complaints about their health and overall wellbeing. The findings also show the need to adjust these protective factors among parents to improve health outcomes and reduce possibility of depression and suicide ideation among adolescents.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The first detail from this article as part of the final project is the need to examine factors within an adolescent’s life that support their emotional and behavioral health. Secondly, the study is categorical that school and family protective factors are essential to helping adolescents deal with depression and other behavioral and emotional health issues. Thirdly, the relationship with the family members and school-based interactions is important in addressing these issues among adolescents.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

This source is scholarly and credible as it is peer-reviewed and published by an experts’ journal. Furthermore, its methodologies and adherence to ethical guidelines shows that it is credible and scientific. The article is trustworthy because of its approach to the issue under investigations.

Reference 7

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Alvarez-Subiela, X., Castellano-Tejedor, C., Villar-Cabeza, F., Vila-Grifoll, M., & Palao-Vidal, D. (2022). Family factors related to suicidal behavior in adolescents. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(16), 9892.
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

The study by Alvarez-Subiela et al. (2022) focuses on the type of family patterns and stressful life events’ influence on adolescents’ probability of developing suicidal conduct or ideation. Using a case-control approach, the article found that certain family factors increase the susceptibility to suicide ideation and depression. These include negligence, affection-les control bonding, and insecure attachment as well as stressful life happenings.

The findings show that parental care and security are determining factors for adolescents to consider engaging in suicide. These patterns also affect their mental, emotional and behavioral wellbeing. The findings from the article also show that stressful situations are a recipe for depression and contemplation of suicide among these people. The article recommends the need for effective family interventions and enhancing coping skills to prevent depression and suicide among adolescents.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts)  The three details critical to the final project from this articles include the role of family patterns and style on suicide ideation, the need for family-level interventions to improve coping skills among the affected adolescents, and considering the effects of having negative situations like divorce for adolescents, particularly girls.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The source is credible and scholarly since it is peer-reviewed, and published in a scientific research journal. Moreover, the article’s approach to its research and the inclusion criteria based on its methodology and design all demonstrate its credibility and being scholarly. Therefore, it is trustworthy and scientific based on the level of evidence that it provides to its target audience.

Reference 8

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Lee, S. K., Sim, J. H., Yoon, C. G., Kim, Y., & Yoon, J. H. (2020). Does suicidal ideation and depressive mood of parents affect their adolescent children’s mental health? Journal of affective disorders, 274, 768-773.
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

In this article, the researchers are categorical that depression among adolescents is a social problem and detrimental on their physical and mental health. Depression also increases the health care burden on families and society. Based on the need to ascertain the link between mental illness among parents and their adolescent children in Korea, the study findings so certain levels of influence. For instance, they show that girls with depressed mothers had close to two times possibility of having depression. Further, they are 1.64 times more likely to experience suicidal ideation.

The findings show that depression among fathers increased the level of suicidal risks by over 2.59 times among such daughters or girls. The researchers also found that depressive mood among boys or sons was not related to either of the parents; mother or father. The findings are categorical that girls have increased chances of being depressed due to depression among parents and are more likely to consider suicide as a solution to their problem.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The article provides critical details that are specific to the problem under investigation in the final project. The first aspect is that depression among parents increases the susceptibility of depression among adolescent daughters compared to sons. Secondly, girls are more likely to suffer from such situations which increase their susceptibility to suicide. Thirdly, the parental situation and the home environment are critical factors that impact the suicide ideation and the likelihood of depression among adolescent girls and boys in families. Therefore, the family structure and patterns play a critical role in adolescents’ level of depression and commission of suicide.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The article is scholarly and credible since it is published in one of the leading and authoritative journals. The article is also credible because it is relevant and recent as it is published in the last two years.

Reference 9

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Du, Y. (2022, January). The Influence of Family Factors on Adolescent Depression. In 2021 International Conference on Public Art and Human Development (ICPAHD 2021) (pp. 261-266). Atlantis Press. 10.2991/assehr.k.220110.051
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

In this article on how family factors affect depression among adolescents, the authors are categorical that family and its patterns as well as structures are important for effective adolescent conduct and behaviors. These factors, the article notes, have significant influence on depression and other emotional and behavioral aspects of the individuals. Through a systematic summary of research progress about the family factors like socioeconomic status and parent-child relationship as well as family dysfunctionality, the researchers demonstrate that suicidal ideation has a close relationship with increased levels of depression among adolescents.

The findings also show that it is critical to address these family issues to enhance response to depression and other emotional as well as behavioral issues among adolescents. The study’s findings also show the need to interventions to help those who have suffered from these factors. These interventions should be implemented at school and home to help adolescents mitigate the diverse challenges that they encounter in their lives.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts) The article provides critical details that form part of the final project. Firstly, the relationship between adolescents and their parents is critical to reducing and preventing suicidal ideation. Secondly, family factors and situation are at the core of depressive experience and suicide ideation among adolescents. Thirdly, the need to develop countermeasures is essential to deal with suicide and depression among adolescents in their families and schools.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The article is scholarly and credible since it is peer-reviewed and its author made these findings at an international conference dealing with issues affecting adolescents that originate from the family setting or background. Furthermore, the source is scientific and trustworthy because of its approach to the issue.

Reference 10

Reference in APA format (2 pts) Oppenheimer, C. W., Stone, L. B., & Hankin, B. L. (2018). The influence of family factors on time to suicidal ideation onsets during the adolescent developmental period. Journal of psychiatric research, 104, 72-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.06.016
In your own words, what are the key findings? (8 pts)

In 100-300 words (2-5 paragraphs), summarize the main findings in your source.

As noted, family factors play a critical role in adolescent’s emotional and behavioral aspects and problems like suicide ideation due to depression. According to the study by Oppenheimer et al. (2018), different family factors predict the onset of suicidal ideation during adolescence. The authors note that adolescence is a developmental period that features increased risk for suicide ideation and the risk for suicide among the young people. In their findings, the authors show that negative interactions between parents and adolescents predict or lead to early emergence of suicidal ideation. The findings also show that such situations increase one’s susceptibility to depression and suicide attempts.

According to the article, suicidal ideation emanates from increased levels of depression among parents due to dysfunctionality of family through aspects like divorce, single-parenthood, and work situation. The authors are categorical that suicidal patterns emanate from a poor parent-child relationship, implying that any issues that lead to such situations impact the overall emotional and behavioral status of children, especially adolescents.

What 3 details from this article are you likely to include in your final project? Be specific. Use your own words. (3 pts)  The article gives critical details that inform the approaches to the final project. These include the need to understand the role of parent-child relationship in development of deviant behaviors and emotional distress, the need for understanding the different aspects of family behaviors and patterns and their influence on adolescent development. The third aspect is to consider the emergence of suicide ideation among adolescents and developing countermeasures at school and other areas of their social interactions.
How do you know that this is a scholarly or credible source? (2 pts)

Note: Using the UMGC databases is not sufficient justification. What makes the article trustworthy and scientific?

The article is credible and scholarly since it is published in a scientific and health research journal. Again, the article is peer-reviewed.



The annotation shows the different factors that cause emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) among adolescents. The annotation

BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2 Annotated Bibliography
BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2 Annotated Bibliography

notes that while adolescent is a critical developmental stage, it presents challenges and risks that can have adverse effects on the overall wellbeing of those involved. The annotation based on the sources show that depression and suicidal ideation are critical issues caused by family-related factors, especially dysfunctionality emanating from issues like divorce and socioeconomic situation of parents. Therefore, these sources will be important to the final project.


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BEHS 343 Applied Final Project Part 2: Annotated Bibliography References

Kumar, P., Srivastava, S., Mishra, P. S., & Sinha, D. (2021). Suicidal ideation among

adolescents—the role of sexual abuse, depression, and impulsive behavior. Frontiers in psychiatry, 2367.

Mathew, A., Saradamma, R., Krishnapillai, V., & Muthubeevi, S. B. (2021). Exploring the

family factors associated with suicide attempts among adolescents and young adults: a qualitative study. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 43(2), 113-118.

Wang, W., Guo, X., Kang, L., Zhang, N., Ma, S., Cheng, J., … & Liu, Z. (2022). The influence

of family-related factors on suicide in major depression patients. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13.