Assignment: Leadership Journal Provision

Assignment: Leadership Journal Provision

Assignment  Leadership Journal Provision



Leadership is an important concept in an organizational development. The approach is used to mobilize individuals in a prospect to influence their actions towards achieving specific goals (Silva et al., 2017). Leaders use different methods to establish an environment that enables themselves and others to commit to doing right things for the benefit of an organization (Hayes & Ingram, 2019). The directions that leaders set depends entirely on how their styles inspire followers. One of the approaches used in leadership involves the issue of headship. The latter relates to how a leader assume responsibility with humility as opposed to exercising authority with pride. Headship as a concept in leadership remains a puzzle to many leaders especially on how one can acquire honor but still create an environment where followers feel safe and protected.

In nursing, the role of leaders in influencing the performance of subjects cannot be ignored especially in improving quality outcomes to patients. However, the aspect of leadership is quite significant in positive staff development to ensure safety to clients (Walsh et al., 2015). The premise depends on the styles of leadership practiced by nurse leaders. The present article is a leadership journal that delves into thoughts and observation made during weeks 7 to 8 of clinical placement as a nurse. The discussion provide insights into how nurse leadership influence the work environment for followers. At the end, a reflection will be made about the two concepts learned from the “Issue of Headship.”

Observation and thoughts on Weeks 7 to 8

During week 7 and 8 of practicum, concepts related to the issue of headship in nurse leadership were observed. For week 7 of the placement, I spent 10 hours with a nurse leader in the critical care department particularly in the pediatric surgical ward. The department enable students to learn and implement concepts of patient care before and after surgical procedures. In this context, the activities undertaken by a nurse leader is vital in defining the duties of nurse students and the newly recruited nurses in the department. During clinical placement, I interacted with nurse leaders and learned how the latter coordinate activities in the ward. The most intriguing aspect of my experience was on how the nurse leader solved dispute related to duty allocation. This happened when a senior nurse complained of excess work overload when compared to the duties allocated to other nurses. The nurse leader addressed the complainant with humility and informed the nurse on how the concern will be resolved.

For week 8 of the practicum, I spent 20 hours with a nurse leader at the renal unit of the care facility. The department provides conservative management and dialysis for adult patients with kidney conditions. In this department, I made an observation about the outstanding level of collaboration emulated by nurses during patient care. The nurse leader in the unit played a critical role inAssignment  Leadership Journal Provision

Assignment Leadership Journal Provision
Assignment Leadership Journal Provision

directing members of the nursing team to develop skills in providing care to patients. Particularly, the nurse leader influenced the team to achieve a common purpose as she was not only concerned with patient safety but also the safety of the health providers. In other words, she provided the framework and procedures of safe disposal of used medical supplies in ways that ensured safety to patients and nurses. She further conducted brief meetings every morning to inform the members of the team on the procedures for safety practices in the department. Guided by this observation, the nurse leader provided a conducive environment that motivated the followers to achieve a common purpose of safety. When in a position like this, I could also work in collaboration with the subjects to inculcate a culture of unity and collaboration among followers to steer the organization towards achieving its health goals.

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How Nurse Leader Influences the Work Environment

In week 7 and 8, the nurse leaders emulated leadership skills that influenced the operations of subjects. Specifically, the leaders ensured that care providers adhered strictly to the regulations of nursing safety standards as they provided services to patients (Silva et al., 2017). As a way to implement the safety standards, the nurse leaders in the two departments provided a chart that described guidelines on patient care. Charts were availed in every department of the facility and each had specific care plan based on the type of service provided to patients in those sections. The nurse leaders also implemented the evidence-based practices in nursing care to guarantee safety to patients. For this reason, patient care was guided by decisions on clinical research backed by stakeholder approval from the facility. In order to improve coordination among team members, the nurse leaders engaged other care providers in decision making (Walsh et al., 2015). The nurses were consulted and their inputs incorporated in the nursing care practices to ensure that they develop the enthusiasm to implement the procedures.

Reflections on Concepts Learned from the “Issue of Headship”

Leadership can be considered as a concept in which players create a model of shared value to inspire a team towards achieving specific goals. However, even though the issue of headship in leadership is reflected through humility among leaders, it can also be riddled with puzzles of pride and arrogance (Silva et al., 2017). In other words, nurse leaders are expected to utilize headship as an avenue to promote staff development so that the professionals can ensure safety to patients. Besides, leaders are required to implement problem-solving processes and maintain effectiveness among the subjects (Hayes & Ingram, 2019). On the contrary, the issue of authority remains a battle identified by inefficiency in leadership in which leaders exert their power to coerce subjects in performing a given task.

The issue of headship is often misconceived as an abuse of authority especially when a leader uses strong emotions to threaten followers in undertaking specific duties lest they face punitive consequences. From the interpretations on the issue of headship, it is evident that leaders can provide an environment that generate a perception of protection and honor to the followers (Walsh et al., 2015). This occurs when the leader possess unique capabilities of identifying and cultivating the developmental needs of others. In essence, leaders should have exceptional listening skills to develop insights into the plight of followers and address the issues raised amicably.


The success of an organization depends on the leadership styles implemented by stakeholders. In the clinical setting and specifically nursing practice, leadership not only influence the operations of care providers but also determines the safety of the patients. Leaders in health practice should motivate and inspire a team towards the achievement of goals of an organization. Moreover, the issue of headship should not be abused but leaders ought to demonstrate humility in order to enable followers to feel honored and respected as they undertake assigned duties.

Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to \”connect the dots\” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes.
Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience.
Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week.
Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of provision, including the following:
Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 7-8.
Describe how your nurse leader influences the work environment. Consider how influence protects and values others in the work environment.
Identify two or more ways your own leadership could promote a feeling of protection and honor in your work environment.
Reflect on at least two things you learned from the \”Issue of Headship\” video. (