NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

Title: NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

Health organizations operate in highly competitive and dynamic environments. The increasing demands and changes in consumer needs in their markets require the adoption of responsive interventions to address actual and potential issues that may affect their performance. Health organizations develop visions and strategies that communicate their aim in their markets and how to achieve sustainable outcomes in their service provision. In doing so, they build on their successes through appreciative inquiry, developing a dream, and improving their systems and processes based on findings of their situational analysis (Benzaghta et al., 2021; Hung et al., 2018). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze my practice setting with the aim of supporting a strategic plan that includes appreciative inquiry and situational analysis of the organization.


NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis
NURS-FPX6210 Assessment 1 Care Setting Environmental Analysis

Appreciative Inquiry Discovery and Dream

Appreciative inquiry is an approach to creating sustainable organizations in the modern world. It entails a shift in the focus from the wrong things in the organization to things that have gone well (Cooperrider & Fry, 2020). The shift in focus aims at ensuring that organizational stakeholders move from a pessimistic view of doing things to an optimistic view. Appreciative inquiry contributes to organizational success by tapping into creative capabilities of the staff by focusing on the stories they hold in the organization (Magnussen et al., 2019). Therefore, organization’s focus on appreciative inquiry creates a community with unleased creativity, commonality, and pride in organizational success by the employees.

Discovery and dream are part of the steps of appreciative inquiry. Discovery entails the identification and appreciation of the best things in the organization. The organizational stakeholders and employees focus on the times when the organization performed best in their adopted strategies (Cooperrider & Fry, 2020). An interview on appreciative inquiry was conducted with nurses and physicians in the organization to discover organizational excellence.

One of the aspects they identified as an excellence performance in the organization is effective leadership. Nurses and physicians identified that the organization has an effective leadership that advocates the adoption of strategies that meet their needs. The excellence in leadership has seen the organization have a high staff retention rate, innovation, and a highly motivated workforce (Mijakoski et al., 2018).

The other aspect of excellence identified from the interview is the culture of safety in the organization. Nurses and physicians identified that the organization has done best in instilling staff the culture of safety in the care process. It encourages them to adopt evidence-based practices that minimize patient harm. It also supports innovative practices that improve efficiency, safety, and quality in the care process (Watkins et al., 2019). The other aspects of excellence identified from the interview included teamwork, open communication, rewarding performance, and their involvement in the adoption of organizational strategies (Rosen et al., 2018). The evidences of the organizational excellence include it being awarded the best hospital in quality of care, being top ten hospitals in terms of consumer preference, and winning the best hospital in innovation in the region.

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Dream in appreciative inquiry entails imagining and envisioning the future of an organization. The dream phase enables the organizational stakeholders to think about the great possibilities and thoughts for their organization. The interviewed staff envisioned a future in the organization where the best practices guide the decisions made. They considered it an effective approach for driving excellence (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). They also envisioned a future where the organization will prioritize their needs. This included ensuring adequate staffing ratios to ensure high-quality care for the patients. They also envisioned a future where leadership and management will exist to serve their interests (Nieuwboer et al., 2019). This included prioritizing their views, seeking their input, and involving them in making decisions that affect their practice.

The proposed quality and safety improvement goals that will drive excellence in the organization include providing staff regular training on issues affecting their practice for improved quality and safety of care. Training should focus on aspects such as teamwork, evidence-based practice, and advocacy for safety and quality in the patient care (Gillespie, 2022). The other goal is strengthening ensuring adequate staffing to ensure excellence in the care given to patients. Staffing shortage increases the risk of issues such as burnout, errors in care, and high turnover among the existing staff (Haddad et al., 2022). These goals align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values of ensuring excellence, quality, safety, efficiency, and patient-centeredness in the care process.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a tool for conducting internal situation of an organization. It focuses on the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis of my organization revealed some strengths. They include the use of teamwork in the provision of patient care, open communication, and effective leadership. It also included a highly motivated workforce, innovation, and employee involvement in the implementation of the organizational strategies. These strengths have contributed to organizational excellence. For example, open communication among the healthcare providers, management, and leadership has strengthened the safety and quality of care by eliminating errors in the care process (Nieuwboer et al., 2019). Effective leadership has strengthened the adoption of interventions that prioritize the needs of the staff in the organization. A highly motivated workforce has led to low staff turnover, increased safety and quality of patient care, and improved patient outcomes (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). The analysis revealed an area of weakness in the organization. The organization lags behind in the adoption of effective human resource practices. In specific, it does not consider the workload in making decisions related to hiring new staff. The consequence is that the staff occasionally suffer from high workload due to staff shortages (Haddad et al., 2022).

The organization should explore some opportunities for its excellence. One of them is leveraging on technology to enhance care outcomes. The organization should embrace technologies such as barcode systems and telehealth to achieve efficiency and quality in the care of the patients (Zhang et al., 2018). It should also train its staff on translation of evidence into practice. This would support evidence-based practice in the organization for excellence. It should also provide employees opportunities for personal and professional growth regularly, as a way of strengthening their competencies. A threat to the organization that was identified is aging workforce. Almost half of the nursing staff in the organization will be retiring in the next five years. As a result, the organization should implement strategies to ensure minimal disruption of the workforce by such a change (Marć et al., 2019).

An area of concern that was identified from the SWOT analysis poor management practices by nurse managers in the institution. The interviewed nurses reported that despite the organization’s leadership being effective, nursing management lagged behind in embracing best practices. For example, they raised concerns that nursing management rarely involves them in the decisions made in the organization. Their lack of involvement makes them feel unappreciated for their role. It also leads to the implementation of strategies that may not align with their expectations (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). Therefore, it is important to pursue improvements in this aspect since it directly affects nurses’ job satisfaction, morale, and retention rates.

Comparison of Approaches

One should be open minded when conducting appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis in an organization. Being open-minded enables one to understand the organization’s status from an objective point of view. One should also strive to obtain accurate data that reflects the organizational status (Watkins et al., 2019). One of the ways of achieving this is by exploring further the statements that staff provide about their experiences with the organization. Undertaking SWOT analysis should be objective. The need for this is that it provides unbiased data about the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Puyt et al., 2020).

I searched evidence-based data and when searching for appreciative inquiry and SWOT approaches evidence-based data was used such as journals, articles, and books to acquire accurate information about these approaches. I utilized both subjective and objective evidence on these approaches. Subjective evidence included that obtained from the staff about discovery, dream, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the organization (Vlados, 2019). Objective data included the organizational statistics on indicators of safety and quality.

Appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis approaches have some similarities and differences when communicating and interacting with colleagues. Both the approaches aim at improving organizational performance. They unearth the organizational issues that should be addressed for excellence (Benzaghta et al., 2021). They also rely on objective and subjective data. The data guides the identification of crucial issues to be addressed in the organization for quality and performance (Hung et al., 2018). The difference between the two is that while SWOT analysis focuses on both positive and negative aspects of the organization, appreciative inquiry encourages the staff to focus only on the positive aspects of the organization. Appreciative inquiry seeks to motivate the staff while SWOT analysis may act as a demoralizing factor in the organization (Magnussen et al., 2019). An example can be when the analysis reveals too much of negative aspects in the organization than its strengths.

Analysis of Relevant Leadership Characteristic and Skills

A person leading potential performance improvement projects utilizing both appreciative inquiry and SWOT approaches should have some leadership skills. One of them is good communication skills. Good communication skills are essential to obtain accurate information about the experiences of the staff with the organization (Nieuwboer et al., 2019). The second skill is effective team member. Undertaking appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis is a collaborative activity. One should have the abilities to influence the staff to engage in collaborative activities when exploring their organization (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). The other skill is relationship building. One should be able to establish open, trusting, and honest relationship with the staff. This is important in facilitating the acquisition of data that reflects the true situation of the organization. The other skill is innovation and creativity. Innovation and creativity enable the identification of effective, transformative strategies when undertaking appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis (Vlados, 2019). Some of the skills that were helpful in undertaking appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis in my organization included effective communication and relationship building.


Appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis are tools that guide organizations in developing their strategic plans. Organizations use them to identify quality improvement initiatives to achieve their mission and visions. The undertaken appreciative inquiry revealed issues of excellence and the desired future of my organization. SWOT analysis identified strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities the organization should explore for its success. Effective leadership skills are essential for the application of appreciative inquiry and SWOT analysis approaches in health organizations.




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