Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment

Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment

Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment

Leadership styles are approaches that leaders in different places and situations use. The review of the two scholarly resources and the main text reveals two insights. The first one is that transformational leadership is a critical component of effective organizational working. Secondly, leaders can only attain their goals when the work collaboratively in teams by implementing a clan-oriented culture in their organizations (Broome & Marshall, 2021). Transformational leaders focus on people by inspiring and motivating them to create change in their practice organizations. The leader develops a positive workplace environment and valuable relationships with their team. According to Xie et al. (2020), transformational leadership values are based on collaboration, teamwork, and shared values and goals. Secondly, transformational leaders work in teams implying that they value clan culture. Transformational leaders value each individual and place emphasis on shared perspectives and innovation to attain better outcomes.

The theory of transformational leadership and concept of clan culture are evident in different healthcare settings. For instance, I work in a pediatric unit of an organization that values its structure which is hierarchical. The structure is rigid and known reporting relationships must be maintained by all staff, including nurse managers and leaders (Alan & Baykal, 2018). However, despite the requirements, our nurse manager has demonstrated and incorporated a transformational approach to leadership. She values teamwork and communicates not just compassionately but effectively to all staff with the aim of ensuring that they understand what they do. For instance, despite the hierarchical demands, she helps new nurses integrate into the system by demonstrating what they should do and asking them to report when stuck or struggling with medication administration and use old systems like electronic medication administration.

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Transformation leadership is a core aspect of effective management and nurturing new nurses to avoid possible turnover that affects

Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment
Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment

care delivery. Managers need a transformational approach in leadership to help new nurses understand their new environment and how they can deliver quality care (Broome & Marshall, 2021). The demonstration and practice of the transformational leadership by the manager shows that all nurses can be effective and motivate others to attain better outcomes by working in teams. These insights are critical for the development and progression of one’s nursing care and ability to offer quality care to patients.

Leadership Theories in Practice Assignment References

Alan, H., & Baykal, U. (2018). Personality characteristics of nurse managers: The personal and

professional factors that affect their performance. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 9(2), 119-128. DOI: 10.14744/phd.2017.08870

Broome, M., & Marshall, E.S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert

            clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Xie, Y., Gu, D., Liang, C., Zhao, S., & Ma, Y. (2020).  How transformational leadership and clan  culture influence nursing staff’s willingness to stay. Journal of Nursing Management,  28(7), 1515-1524.  https://doiorg.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1111/jonm.1309

The transformational leadership skills that you have discussed will have a positive impact on my organization as well. Today’s healthcare organization requires a unique set of skills from leaders. For leaders to be successful, they must be willing to face reality based on knowledge and promote new ideas that will foster performance enhancement in the organization. Transformational leadership will influence their team members’ foundational points of view and presumptions. Transformational leadership involves the leader encouraging followers to collaborate with others to achieve a common objective (Bakker et al., 2022).

In order to achieve a common objective. Transformational leadership will bring about higher performance in my organization because it has been proven that leadership style does influence innovation and knowledge. Transformational leadership impacts employee productivity positively (Qalati et al., 2022). Transformational leadership will revitalize new ideas and knowledge and improve my organization’s performance. Transformational leaders are known for their charm, imagination, and mental stimulation. These attributes will help to foster good communication and a spirit of trust, which can lead to positive outcomes at my organization.

Transformational leadership enhances the improvement of individual absorptive capacity. My organization’s employee’s absorptive capacity will be enhanced. Absorptive capacity is a quality that enables employees to see a clear vision of the organization and look for ways to key into the vision to assist the organization in achieving its objective. To achieve organizational objectives, employees must perform their duty effectively (Trivedi & Pattusamy, 2022). Transformational leadership will help my organization to influence employees learning positively. Transformational leadership will affect the innovative value conduct of my organization positively.


Bakker, A. B., Hetland, J., Kjellevold Olsen, O., & Espevik, R. (2022). Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance? European Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2022.04.004

Links to an external site.

Qalati, S., Zafar, Z., Fan, M., Sánchez Limón, M., & Khaskheli, M. (2022). Employee performance under transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A mediated model. Heliyon, 8(11), e11374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11374

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Trivedi, R., & Pattusamy, M. (2022). Performance pressure and innovative work behaviour: The role of problem-orientated daydreams. IIMB Management Review, 34(4), 333–345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iimb.2022.12.005

Main Post Competing Healthcare Needs and Policy Development

Amongst the competing needs of healthcare workers, available resources, and patients, my experience is that finances dictate the majority of policy development in hospitals.  “The business model of healthcare routinely undermines the professional knowledge of RNs and their ethical mandate to provide individualized patient-centered care, often causing tensions, strains, and ethical conflicts” (Kelly & Porr, 2018, para. 1).

As a travel nurse, I move from hospital to hospital, and the emphasis on reimbursement with HCAHPS surveys has created a predictable algorithm followed by hospitals across the country.  The result is effective, if myopic, policy development in the areas of patient safety and the prevention of hospital acquired infections.  The result is a workforce ethically mandated to provide holistic, patient-centered care with organizational leadership asking them to spend more and more time documenting interventions.  If turns have been charted every two hours, did the pressure ulcer really happen?  Patient outcomes are prioritized when associated with cost outcomes and are otherwise neglected while organizations promote efficiency (Kelly and Porr, 2018).  Outcomes in these designated areas have improved, but competing needs, like staff well-being or providing patient-centered care, are increasingly neglected.  At worst, time constrained and understaffed nurses are forced with the dilemma of doing the safety interventions or documenting them. The lack of consideration for staff time seems to be thematic in liability-avoiding policies (often excessive documentation), and the result is nurses forced to make difficult decisions between strict adherence to policy or actually having time to spend giving quality care to patients.  This is an extreme example, but I have had all too many shifts when I am faced with exactly this dilemma, and personally, I choose the patient care.

Competing Needs and Healthcare Access

The major competing need with healthcare accessibility in hospital settings is staff availability.  Higher nurse to patient ratios lead to delays in care and sometimes contribute to complications.  Additionally, patient satisfaction correlates with staff availability.  In addition to a general shortage of healthcare workers, some staff shortages are the result of cost saving decision making by healthcare organizations (Winter et al, 2020).  Despite claiming emphasis on patient safety outcomes, inadequate personnel with excessive demands provide unsafe care due to incomplete nursing tasks.  Organizations claim to emphasize patient safety, but regularly make financial decisions to ration staffing to save money (Wiczak et al., 2021).  I love the extra money with travel nursing (and there are higher cost of living expenses moving around all the time), but hospitals using travelers to avoid the long-term costs of benefits and raises for staff nurses is a completely toxic practice that needs to end.

Impact of Competing Needs in Hospitals

Competing needs impact quality of care.  In hospitals, the time constraints on nurses lead to waste and worse outcomes.  Hospital staff should expect a stressful job and have strategies to deal with that, but the growing list of expectations from management along with short staffing are making hospitals unnecessarily difficult places to work.  A personal pet peeve of mine that is a direct effect of competing needs on staff, is waste in hospitals.  Rushed nurses do not check rooms for supplies before they go and perform patient care tasks.  Environmental cost is completely neglected to provide single use plastic objects and tools to patients and staff. Why can’t we just teach deep inspiratory breathing instead of giving every single person an incentive spirometer that ends up in a landfill?  My current hospital goes so far as to have a policy to discard all IV tubing after 24 hours.  It makes sense with central lines, but carrying it over to all tubing is just wasteful.  The Code of Ethics in Nursing fails to even mention our impact on the physical environment, but it does promote sound judgment and promoting global health (ANA, 2015). At some point we need to acknowledge the lack of sustainability in the way we use materials and make changes.  Scarcity does promote teamwork and creative efficiency, but staff, patients, and the environment suffer with the current business model in healthcare.

Policy Solutions for Competing Needs

Insurers, particularly Medicare, have too much control over our healthcare system.  The Affordable Care Act improved access to care, but these quality outcome measures have hijacked our healthcare system and made it based on survey results.  One solution would be universal healthcare.  If people are just covered, insurance cannot nitpick over outcome data and have healthcare organizations jumping through hoops to hit benchmarks so they get reimbursed for the care they provide.  This is highly unlikely (if not impossible) in our current political climate even though the United States has higher healthcare costs with worse outcomes compared to countries with universal healthcare.  We have a lower life expectancy, more preventable and chronic conditions, higher maternal and infant mortality, and more suicides than other wealthy and developed countries, all of which have universal healthcare (The Commonwealth Fund, 2023).

In the meantime, I think a good step would be incentivizing good outcomes, with something like a tax cut, rather than punishing poor outcomes with a loss of reimbursements.  It would foster an environment where organizations were working with staff for something positive, rather than to avoid something negative.  Until then, I am grateful for some experiences with good hospital leadership who find ways to reframe the emphasis on negative outcomes into positive change for the organization.