NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

Sample Answer for NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest Included After Question

Any theory provides the framework towards understanding the professional practices. The same applies to nursing. Nursing theories are meant to guide the nurses towards providing right services. By developing and referring to the right nursing theories, nurses can add a lot of value to the healthcare environment as well as the society. When working towards the development of any theory, the theorist explores and explains the concept in detail and identifies the triggers that can enable the necessary intervention. By the very nature, a theory could be difficult to interpret, as it is abstract. Therefore, concept analysis is important to develop the right understanding. Every theory is a culmination of a variety of concepts that help in make the theory easy to interpret and apply in the right conditions.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

Title: NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

In this paper, we will evaluate and analyze the concept of compassion fatigue its correlation with the environment that is provided to nurses for learning and practice. Watson’s theory of human caring talks about the relationship between patients- nurses. This relationship is nurtured with the compassion, empathy, and skills of nurses. The nurses need to be completely available physically, mentally, and spiritually while connecting with patients or their families. According to Watson’s theory, compassion is a very important part of developing a caring environment for patients and nurses are responsible for this development. Each nurse has her own as well as group responsibility towards this environment. They fulfill these responsibilities based on the ten caritas processes that are part of their routine. Each caritas explores a unique facet of nurse-patient relationship in details. This emphasizes the importance of a compassionate interpersonal connection between these stakeholders. Both, nurses as well as patients are an important part of these caritas. Watson strongly believes that a nurse needs to be salubrious in respect to contribute to the wellbeing of a patient (Clerico et al, 2013). Walker and Avant’s opinion is used in this concept analysis of compassion fatigue. The key steps involve describing the concept, literature review, describing the characteristics, recognition of precedent and antecedents, recognition of two verifiable referent, marginal case, exploration of reference case, and a contradictory case to further understand the concept (Jenkins & Warren, 2012).

Compassion Fatigue

Due to its connect with nursing profession and the performance of caregivers, there arises a need for the complete understanding of the concept of compassion fatigue. In Taber’s Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary compassion, fatigue has been denoted as a stupendous succor fondness of enervation with reduced capacity for manual and cognitive functioning. Compassion fatigue can be showcased by variety of features including: Suspicion, psychological enervation, Cynicism, emotional exhaustion, self-concentration, and emotional dissociative disorder, of patients or conditions (Compassion fatigue, 2014). According to Harris and Griffin, compassion fatigue is the manual, psychological and divine outcome of chronic self-immolation. It could be due to the extended submission to tiring conditions that lead a person drained of affection, nourishment, attention or sympathy (2015, p. 82). Compassion fatigue often takes place when an individual goes through disturbing phenomenon, hardships, and destructive sickness, persistently with no outlet for psychological pronouncement or recreation (Boyle, 2015).  In the last few decades, compassion fatigue has been incorrectly labelled as exhaustion. Exhaustion takes place as a reaction to continuous work without rest, high expectations, financial crunch, interpersonal aggravation, and social pressures– these measures lead to reduced attentiveness, mistrust, and worthlessness” (Harris & Griffin, 2015, p. 82).

Watson’s theory is all about caring for caregivers so that the nurses remain present and able for providing the best care to their patients. The patient-nurse relationship is at the core of human care, which encompasses the nurses’ capability to be available in every attentive communication (Clerico et al, 2013). Significantly, an attentive, and available, nurse will be capable of bestowing sympathetic, secure and standard attentiveness to every patient, which leads to healthy patients conclusions and ameliorate patients gratification. Nurses who encounter compassion fatigue are deprived of the capability to honestly relate with their patients, thereby inhibiting the foundation of attentive surrounding.

Literature Review

Literature review is an important step for concept analysis. Compassion fatigue is an abstract concept, which is especially relevant for emergency response professionals like police, firefighters, and paramedics; however very less research has been done about how compassion fatigue influence nurses and their capability to provide the right care to patients. Like other initial health care professionals, nurses are distinctive, as they can’t refuse for their responsibility once the accountability of patients has been taken. Nurses are not supposed to share all the work related information with their partner. They are expected to hold their feelings and experiences back with themselves and continue to perform their duties (Boyle, 2015). Due to this, recent research has highlighted that about 16%-39% nurses face compassion fatigue, while only about 8%-38% feel exhausted. According to Kelly, Rung, and Spencer (2015), more “Millennial Generation” (ages 21-33 years) face compassion fatigue as compared to the previous generation “Baby Boomer” (ages 50-65 years) or the “Generation X” (ages 34-49 years).

Moreover, about 20% nurses quit their profession within the first year. Out of this, a large number of junior nurses completely leave the industry right at the start of their career (Kelly, Rung & Spencer, 2015, p. 526).  In Hong Kong, a multi-hospital research has presented that some personality attributes have greater threats with respect to compassion fatigue. These characteristics are: high conscious, quest for perfection, and excessively volunteering for work (Yu, Jiang & Shen, 2015). Excitingly, researches, which evaluate variety of nursing professions, discover that hospice nurses had not showcased any positive interrelationship to succeed compassion fatigue. The truth is that hospice nurses possess more information of dealing contrivance, (Melvin, 2012).

Defining Attributes

It is hard for a nurse who is experiencing compassion fatigue to determine it instantly. The describing characteristics of compassion fatigue are:- Loss of personal identity of patients, lack of sympathy, indigent discernment, minimized toleration, declined functioning (Jenkins & Warren, 2012). The nurse might display some or all of these characteristics, which is much frequent in loss of identity of patients and in lack of recognition (Harris & Griffin, 2015).

Antecedent and Consequence

We should investigate in respect of concept analysis, that what arrives prior to abstract, or arouse abstract, or what are the predecessor of the abstract. In supplementation, we must scrutinize what happens succeeding the abstract, or what are the outcomes of the abstract happening. In connection, to compassion fatigue, there are reiterate compassion stressors, which took place before the advancement of compassion fatigue. In consideration, it is correspondingly new abstract and undetermined also as which stressor is much impactful, it aims at recording all recognized compassion stressors or predecessor. The determined compassion fatigue predecessor are: Reappearing submission of the caretaker to hardship, reiterate upheaval phenomenon, everlasting and extreme relationship with patient, greater-stress and  extreme upheaval submission, greater self-concentration within one’s function of  surrounding or character, and the advancement of deep connection with families and patients which aroused to extended psychological prostration. (Boyle, 2015).

If nurse has initiated encountering compassion fatigue, she may pronounce that we stand at zero ground of the abstract, this is the notion at its foundation and now the conclusion of the idea either will begin to obvious or get mould into pervasive. Furthermore, considering compassion fatigue as correspondingly a current idea, it carries enumeration in multiple results. It could lead to lack of sympathy, loss of personal identity of patients, suspicion, enlargement in dropping of work days owing to physical objection, enlargement in psychosomatic sickness such as body aches, sudden loss or gain of weight, trauma,  and psychological exhaustion etc. (Boyle, 2015). See Appendix A.

Empirical Referents

Empirical referents confirm or deny the presence of a concept exists and its scalability. It also suggests if the data can be put to other implementations as well (Boyle, 2015). Compassion fatigue is measurable on a scale that identifies the vulnerability level of an individual with respect to the condition. This scale is known as the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL 5). It has been upgraded five times since it was first introduced. This scale is comprised of a record of thirty questions, which the respondent respond on a scale of 0 to 5. 0 here indicates that the instance never took place while 5 means that it has happened more than once. Once the responses are compiled, the analysis reveals the potential of an individual to catch compassion fatigue (Boyle, 2015).

There are many other self-tests as well to identify the threat of compassion fatigue. This test is entirely undesignated and free of cost. Whereas it fails to recognize various modes to obstruct compassion fatigue, but can assist to determine someone at danger. Supplementing to these scales, there is an impression of Event Scale – Revised (IES-R) and the Nursing Job Satisfaction Scale.  Thus, these scales also provide assistance in fostering the remedial surrounding if the recognized employees are bestowed with additional stuff to deal and to obstruct the entire elaboration of compassion fatigue. Furthermore, salubrious caretakers who possess capability of completely remain in abidance to patient and to flourish the distinct interrelated connection between caretaker and patient which is the vital component of Watson’s caring theory (Clerico et al, 2015).Other empirical referents are: partitioned from relationship, consciousness regarding fatigue, personal and professional frustration, and absence of incitement (Harris & Griffin, 2015). View Appendix ‘A’ with additional details.

Model Case

Below is the recommended model that can be used for grooming of hospice nurse so that they may stay away from compassion fatigue. The model is explained with the help of a couple of case studies.

“Jackie” is working as nurses since the last ten years or so. She has given her services at several healthcare setups such as emergency care, operational theatres, general care ward, intensive care units (ICU), and long-term care etc. As of now, she is part of a hospice care center as a nurse. Jackie has worked with a large number of patients facing different health issues. These patients come from a variety of demographics, culture, and economic backgrounds. Due to her skills and exposure, Jackie is regarded as a skilled, experienced, and compassionate nurse. She shares her knowledge and experience with her colleagues to even enhance their skills. While she moved to hospice care, Jackie had a new and pleasant experience of providing her services to the patients and their families. She is a good communicator and loves to share her knowledge of healthcare as well as general experience with them. Due to her love for the patients, she is able to connect with their easily. Jackie is thoroughly enjoying this phase of her life and invests a lot of time and effort to personally connect with her patients. She believes that this connect goes a long way in providing the right care and support to the patients during their tough times.  The hospital administration, relatives, and patients often hear that patients have good things to say about Jackie. They enjoy the care provided by her and the time spent by her. However, there is something different in the recent times. Jackie’s manager often sees her staying back even after completing her duty. In this time, she talks to the patients and their family members, tries to do things that would make them feel good, and even volunteers for extended hours of shift. There is no negative impact upon Jackie’s work due to these added new responsibilities. However, her manager still notices the change carefully and thinks of stepping in if needed. Something changes again when Jackie reaches the center after a long weekend to find out that all the patients that were under her special care have passed away. Her manager also informs her that a new patient will come under her care the same day. This patient is a girl who is as young as Jackie’s own daughter. She is suffering from uncontrolled pain due to chronic cancer.Jackie makes all the possible efforts to save the girl from this horrible pain, but is not able to do so. Eventually the girl passes away. Jackie continuously feels the guilt. While she is not out of it, she is assigned a couple of new patients who are facing tremendous dyspnea, pain and anxiety.  Jackie once again provides them with the best possible care, invests hours even after her shift, and stays in touch with doctors continuously. About a week down the first instance, Jackie comes to the hospice center with a different, unusual, cynical attitude. He commoditizes her new lung cancer patient as “my smoker in room 2”. She also disrespects the family members of a young patient by saying “those needy parents.” Without a blink, all her colleagues notice this change in her tonality. However, none takes it as a permanent change and there is no reaction from the external environment. Few days later, Jackie seeks a half-day leave due to reported migraine. She comes back next day with the same problem.

Jackie has spent about a quarter now at the hospice care center. Her probation is about to get over and her manager needs to confirm her. She notes that Jackie started her job with a desire to do something uncommon, completely devoted to her service and always available for duty without any notification. In last couple of weeks before the recapitulation the Jackie has been delayed three times and was absent for 2 days of at workplace. Furthermore, Jackie’s workmates have stated to her manager that she has not been completely focused on her job these days. Jackie’s nurse administrator is bothered about her, that she might be experiencing compassion fatigue and make efforts to do counseling with her. Enduring to this counseling she confessed that unexpectedly she begins to experience exhaustion every time. She also confesses that she often feels tired all the time, even after a good sleep. She fails to lift up her spirits, as she should; she experience disappointment regarding her selection of giving priority of changing over to hospice and develops the perception of quitting the duty. Thus, Jackie’s manager examined Jackie for compassion fatigue by performing online self-test, in which she scores highly. Therefore, Jackie’s manager recommends her Employee Health due to surmised compassion fatigue.

Considering this replicated case, Nurse “Jackie” reveal number of describing characteristics of compassion fatigue incorporating loss of personal identity, minimized presentation, and loss of sympathy. The background of Jackie encompasses her especial and extraordinary relation with patients, her great utilization of self, reiterate submission to hardship (working with seriously ill people), and a high-trauma surrounding (nursing). The outcome of the concluding compassion fatigue for Jackie was her loss of sympathy, her loss of identity for patients (referring to them as a disease or stigma), and absenteeism (migraines) (Jenkins & Warren, 2012).

Alternative Cases

This segment is comprised of a reference case which is either at the edge or the contradictory examples of the nursing abstract called as compassion fatigue.  A borderline replicated case will reveal entire characteristics of nursing abstract rather than one or two, whereas the abstract is still in the run. On the other side a contrary case does not have the characteristics that confirm the presence of compassion fatigue and will be in full disapproval regarding the nursing concept (Jenkins & Warren, 2012).

Borderline Model Case

Beneath borderline case of compassion fatigue with a description is given:

A nurse named Paul is working in the emergency care ward at an extremely busy hospital in the city. Since the last 5 years, Paul has been working as a nurse and invested a big part of his career in similar healthcare environment. Currently, Paul is associated with the responsibility of a patient who is brought through medivac. He was injured in a motor vehicle misadventure. When Paul’s patient arrives through medivac, the flight unit reveals that alcohol was found in patient’s car. Paul is speedy in bestowing magnificent attentiveness to his patient, whereas he refers to the patient “the drunk” or “the MVA” rather than using patient’s name. Paul remains in abidance to his patients and attains number of patients in whole day. Though he dispenses a standard care, he used to address them by their sarcastic nickname or by their sickness but not mention them as patients.  When Paul reports at the end of his duty, he does not prepare the complete report for his replacement Sandy. Moreover, Sandy clutches more time to search the information, but she works as required. She shrugs off the difficulties as “Paul being Paul” and he cannot be changed. Paul attains the duty at the very first morning and is in hurry to refuse the duty as he discloses that he is aged now and owing to this, he used to feel exhausted latterly. Then, he disregards his duty and sustains his day in the E.R.

Paul is encountering compassion fatigue. Thus, he has initiated losing of identity in respect of patients and eluding sympathy (The MVA or The Drunk); and he is presenting his work miserably (inadequate handoff/report).  He has an objection on his hardship due to exhaustion (fatigue even with sleep).  Hence, we can say that Paul’s case is a borderline case in which he is not revealing the describing features of compassion fatigue; and yet he possess a robust discernment and still have the capability to issue high standard of attentiveness towards his patient.

Contrary Model Case

Becky is a nurse since prolonged time span. She adores her profession since last 25 years and enjoys interacting with her patients. Every day, Becky attains her duty with enthusiastic approach, a smile on her face, and giving preference to others requirement. As soon as her day comes to an end, Becky provides complete details to the upcoming nurse in an executive method bestowing uncomplicated and compact info to nurture uninterrupted care. Becky becomes conscious about the alterations appearing in health care and only performing in the way in which she can ensure to her patients and colleagues that though alterations are arriving but we will investigate it completely together as a troupe. She assimilates that though alterations are disagreeable and result into extended shifts periodically, which might leads to more trauma level in a day, thus, her performance in the attentive surrounding as a nurse enables her to avoid such disagreeable aspects. All her workmate and member of the interdisciplinary array, doctor, and associate adore working with Becky as they are aware that she will do everything possible to the best of her skills and capabilities to ensure the well-being of her patient. Becky is a vigorous patient upholder and always wishes to hear every patient, to assimilate their preferences in respect of betterment of health, and then to scrutinize their needs and to see whether the needs are accomplished or not. Furthermore, Becky enables every patient to feel like a healthy individual by addressing them with their correct names and exchanging words with them above nursing mediation. As Becky has seen a number of diseases, drawbacks, and stresses in her whole nursing profession, she enjoys satisfaction in realizing her reciprocal action with her patient, and she performs with all her strength to shower humbleness, solicitude, and sympathy during her reciprocal action.

In this contrary model case, Becky fails to encounter any characteristics of compassion toally fatigue. Truthfully, she is compassion content, which is totally opposite of compassion fatigue (Harris & Quinn, 2015).

NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest Conclusion

In the end, we can say that compassion fatigue is not a much-explored concept. However, the foundation of several theories like Watson’s theory of human caring is on abstract values such as care and compassionate of nurses. This makes it mandatory to further explore the field and identify valid concepts and application. Going by the academic references discussed in this paper, compassion fatigue negatively affects the overall skills and capability of nurses. Therefore, it has direct bearings on the availability and quality of healthcare services present in the society. Watson’s theory advises that the nurses need to be given the right environment to keep their motivation intact. Without this motivation, the nurses may not be inclined to provide the compassionate, skilled, personalized care to the patients who are in need of this. Therefore, theories play an important role towards making the society a healthy and safe place. We can also see the interrelation between theory and practice through this discussion. Nursing practice can be tremendously benefitted from the understanding of theories and putting these into practice framework.


NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest References

Boyle, D. A. (2015). Compassion fatigue: The cost of caring. Nursing, 45(7), 48-51 4p. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000461857.48809.a1

Clerico, E., Lott, T. F., Harley, C., Walker, R. ‘.,Kosak, E., Michel, Y., & Hulsey, T. (2013). Caring for the nurse in the hospital environment. International Journal for Human Caring, 17 (1), 56-63 8p. Retrieved from

Compassion fatigue. (2014). In D. Venes (Ed.), Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (22nd ed.). Retrieved from

Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project (Ed.). (2013). Compassion fatigue self-test. Retrieved from

Harris, C., & Griffin, T. Q. (2015). Nursing on empty: Compassion fatigue signs, symptoms, and system interventions. Journal of Christian Nursing, 32(2), 80-87 8p. doi:10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000155

Jenkins, B., & Warren, N. A. (2012). Concept analysis: compassion fatigue and effects upon critical care nurses. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 35(4), 388-395 8p. Retrieved from

Kelly, L., Runge, J., & Spencer, C. (2015). Predictors of compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction in acute care nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(6), 522-528 7p. doi:10.1111/jnu.12162

Melvin, C. S. (2012). Professional compassion fatigue: what is the true cost of nurses caring for the dying?.International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 18(12), 606-611 6p. Retrieved from

Potter, P., Deshields, T., Berger, J. A., Clarke, M., Olsen, S., & Chen, L. (2013). Evaluation of a compassion fatigue resiliency program for oncology nurses. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(2), 180-187 8p. doi:10.1188/13.ONF.180-187

Sacco, T. L., Ciurzynski, S. M., Harvey, M. E., & Ingersoll, G. L. (2015). Compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue among critical care nurses. Critical Care Nurse, 35(4), 32-44 13p. doi:10.4037/ccn2015392

Yu, H., Jiang, A., & Shen, J. (2016). Prevalence and predictors of compassion fatigue, burnout and compassion satisfaction among oncology nurses: A cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 5728-38 11p. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.01.012

NR501 Concept Analysis Guidelines and Rubric


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete a concept analysis of a concept found in a nursing theory using an identified process. The assignment fosters analytical thinking related to the selected concept as well as application within the profession.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions,

comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)

(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)

Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4. 7)

Due Date Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 4
Total Points Possible: 250 Points

Description of the Assignment

This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of ONE concept found in a nursing theory. The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing theory. The selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to synthesize knowledge for application within the model and alternative cases. Non-nursing theories may NOT be used. The paper concludes with a synthesis of the student’s new knowledge about the concept. The scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.

Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis.
Criteria for Content

A Sample Answer 2 For the Assignment: NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

Title: NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

1. Introduction

The introduction substantively presents all following 4 (four) elements:

Identifies the role of concept analysis within theory development,
Identifies the selected nursingconcept,

Identifies the nursing theory from which the selected concept was obtained, and
Names the sections of the paper.

2. Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept

This section includes:

Defines/explains the concept using scholarly literature (a dictionary maybe used for this section ONLY, and additional scholarly nursing references are required), and
Information about the concept as discussed by the theorist from the selected nursing theory is substantively presented.
A substantive discussion of this section with support from nursing literature is required.

3. Literature review

This section requires:
A substantive discussion of at least 6 (six)scholarly nursing literature sources on the selected concept.
Themes, ideas, and/or facts about the concept found in the reviewed sources are presented in an organized fashion.
Support from nursing literature is required.
Please Note: Primary research articles about the selected nursing concept are the most useful resource for the literature review.

4. Defining attributes

For this section:

A minimum of THREE (3) attributes are required.
A substantive discussion of this section with support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation: An attribute identifies characteristics of a concept. For this situation, the characteristics of the selected nursing concept are identified and discussed.

5. Antecedent and Consequence

This section requires the identification of:

1 antecedent of the selected nursing concept, and
1 consequence of the selected nursing concept.
A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation: An antecedent is an identifiable occurrence that precedes an event. In this situation, an antecedent precedes a selected nursing concept.
A consequence follows or is the result of an event. In this situation a consequence follows or is the result of the selected nursing concept.

6. Empirical Referents

This section requires the identification of:

2 (two)empirical referentsof the selected nursing concept.

A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature is required.
Explanation: An empirical referent is an objective ways to measure or determine the presence of the selected nursing concept.

7. Model Cases

1 model caseis created by the student and discussed substantively by demonstrating within the case each of the following areas:
All identified attributes,
Consequence, and
Empirical referent or Measurement
Information from selected nursing theory is applied to the created model case.
A substantive discussion of the element with support from nursing literature isrequired.
Explanation: A model case is an example of the hypothetical individual who demonstrates all of the attributes, antecedents, consequences, and referents noted previously in this assignment.

8. Alternative Cases

This section requires:

The identification of2(two)alternative cases correctly created and presented. The two required alternative cases are:
Borderline (absence of one or two of previously identified attributes of the selected nursing concept.
Contrary (demonstrates the complete opposite of selected nursing concept)
Applies information from selected nursing theory.
Explanation: Alternative cases represent the opposite of the model case.
For this assignment, two alternative cases are required.

These are:

Borderline case which is a created case where one or two of the previously identified attributes are missing.
Contrary case which is a created case that demonstrate the complete opposite of the selected nursing concept.

9. NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest Conclusion

This section requires:

Summarization of key
information regarding:

o Selected nursing concept,

o Selected nursing theory, and

o Application of concept analysis findings to advanced nursing practice.

The concluding statements include self-reflection on the new knowledge gained about applying nursing theory to a professional issue or concern.
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

1. The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be at least 8, but no more than

10 pages. Points will be lost for not meeting these length requirements.

2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.

3. The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing theory. Non-nursing theories may NOT be used.

4. A minimum of 6 (six) scholarly references must be used. Required textbooks for this course, and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. A dictionary maybe used as a reference for the section titled “Definition/Explanation of the selected nursing concept”, but it is NOT counted as one of the 6 required scholarly nursing references. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” located in the Course Resources tab. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.
References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them.

5. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.

6. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.

7. PLEASE note: Do not rely on .com sites to identify the nursing theory as they do not provide accurate information in all cases.
Possible Concepts: The following concepts are not required; students may select one of these concepts or find another concept. Each selected concept must be associated with a nursing theory; the use of non-nursing theories is NOT allowed. If you have any questions regarding your concept or the nursing theory, please consult with your faculty member for assistance.

• Behavioral system

• Boundary lines

• Caring

• Empowerment

• Homeostasis

• Noise

• Open system

• Palliative care

• Resources

• Self-care

• Adaptation

• Comfort

• Compassion

• Engagement

• Leadership

• Meaningfulness

• Modeling

• Pain

• Pattern

• Transaction

I achieved my weekly objective of learning about the different concepts in nursing and approaches to concept analysis. I achieved these objectives by seeking assistance from the librarian on how to search the different concepts in nursing. The librarian also assisted in the identification of the various resources that examine approaches to concept analysis and how I can apply them to my studies. I also watched several online videos on nursing concepts and concept analysis to enhance my understanding. The use of these approaches helped to develop the knowledge and skills that I need in examining different concepts and undertaking concept analysis

Despite the above success, I have some areas of knowledge that I need to develop competency in the weekly concepts. One of them is developing my research knowledge and skills. I am required to utilize sources of evidence-based data such as journals in my weekly tasks. I feel that my competencies in searching and determining the quality of evidence in research materials is inadequate. Therefore, I intend to explore on how to improve my research competencies to enable me to achieve the weekly concepts efficiently.

I think that I need to continue developing my teamwork skills as I apply the different concepts into my practice. Nursing is a profession that relies mainly on interprofessional collaboration. I need to build on my skills on effective collaboration with colleagues in undertaking different learning activities such as collaboratively engaging the analysis of different nursing concepts (Immonen et al., 2019; Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2022).). I look forward to translating the successful practices into my professional role as a registered nurse.



NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest References

Immonen, K., Oikarainen, A., Tomietto, M., Kääriäinen, M., Tuomikoski, A.-M., Kaučič, B. M., Filej, B., Riklikiene, O., Flores Vizcaya-Moreno, M., Perez-Cañaveras, R. M., De Raeve, P., & Mikkonen, K. (2019). Assessment of nursing students’ competence in clinical practice: A systematic review of reviews. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 100, 103414.

Toney-Butler, T. J., & Thayer, J. M. (2022). Nursing Process. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

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NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment - Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest
NR 501 Week 4 Concept Analysis Paper Assignment – Health Promotion Behavior Concept Latest

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Welcome to class

Hello class and welcome to the class and I will be your instructor for this course. This is a -week course and requires a lot of time commitment, organization, and a high level of dedication. Please use the class syllabus to guide you through all the assignments required for the course. I have also attached the classroom policies to this announcement to know your expectations for this course. Please review this document carefully and ask me any questions if you do. You could email me at any time or send me a message via the “message” icon in halo if you need to contact me. I check my email regularly, so you should get a response within 24 hours. If you have not heard from me within 24 hours and need to contact me urgently, please send a follow up text to

I strongly encourage that you do not wait until the very last minute to complete your assignments. Your assignments in weeks 4 and 5 require early planning as you would need to present a teaching plan and interview a community health provider. I advise you look at the requirements for these assignments at the beginning of the course and plan accordingly. I have posted the YouTube link that explains all the class assignments in detail. It is required that you watch this 32-minute video as the assignments from week 3 through 5 require that you follow the instructions to the letter to succeed. Failure to complete these assignments according to instructions might lead to a zero. After watching the video, please schedule a one-on-one with me to discuss your topic for your project by the second week of class. Use this link to schedule a 15-minute session. Please, call me at the time of your appointment on my number. Please note that I will NOT call you.

Please, be advised I do NOT accept any assignments by email. If you are having technical issues with uploading an assignment, contact the technical department and inform me of the issue. If you have any issues that would prevent you from getting your assignments to me by the deadline, please inform me to request a possible extension. Note that working fulltime or overtime is no excuse for late assignments. There is a 5%-point deduction for every day your assignment is late. This only applies to approved extensions. Late assignments will not be accepted.

If you think you would be needing accommodations due to any reasons, please contact the appropriate department to request accommodations.

Plagiarism is highly prohibited. Please ensure you are citing your sources correctly using APA 7th edition. All assignments including discussion posts should be formatted in APA with the appropriate spacing, font, margin, and indents. Any papers not well formatted would be returned back to you, hence, I advise you review APA formatting style. I have attached a sample paper in APA format and will also post sample discussion responses in subsequent announcements.

Your initial discussion post should be a minimum of 200 words and response posts should be a minimum of 150 words. Be advised that I grade based on quality and not necessarily the number of words you post. A minimum of TWO references should be used for your initial post. For your response post, you do not need references as personal experiences would count as response posts. If you however cite anything from the literature for your response post, it is required that you cite your reference. You should include a minimum of THREE references for papers in this course. Please note that references should be no more than 5 years old except recommended as a resource for the class. Furthermore, for each discussion board question, you need ONE initial substantive response and TWO substantive responses to either your classmates or your instructor for a total of THREE responses. There are TWO discussion questions each week, hence, you need a total minimum of SIX discussion posts for each week. I usually post a discussion question each week. You could also respond to these as it would count towards your required SIX discussion posts for the week.

I understand this is a lot of information to cover in 5 weeks, however, the Bible says in Philippians 4:13 that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. Even in times like this, we are encouraged by God’s word that we have that ability in us to succeed with His strength. I pray that each and every one of you receives strength for this course and life generally as we navigate through this pandemic that is shaking our world today. Relax and enjoy the course!

Hi Class,

Please read through the following information on writing a Discussion question response and participation posts.

Contact me if you have any questions.

Important information on Writing a Discussion Question

  • Your response needs to be a minimum of 150 words (not including your list of references)
  • There needs to be at least TWO references with ONE being a peer reviewed professional journal article.
  • Include in-text citations in your response
  • Do not include quotes—instead summarize and paraphrase the information
  • Follow APA-7th edition
  • Points will be deducted if the above is not followed

Participation –replies to your classmates or instructor

  • A minimum of 6 responses per week, on at least 3 days of the week.
  • Each response needs at least ONE reference with citations—best if it is a peer reviewed journal article
  • Each response needs to be at least 75 words in length (does not include your list of references)
  • Responses need to be substantive by bringing information to the discussion or further enhance the discussion. Responses of “I agree” or “great post” does not count for the word count.
  • Follow APA 7th edition
  • Points will be deducted if the above is not followed
  • Remember to use and follow APA-7th edition for all weekly assignments, discussion questions, and participation points.
  • Here are some helpful links
  • Student paper example
  • Citing Sources
  • The Writing Center is a great resource