health intervention for a certain group

health intervention for a certain group

health intervention for a certain group


Imagine you are planning a health intervention for a certain group. The first step is to know your intended audience. 

Skim through Spector (2017) chapters 9-13, and select ONE racial/ethnic group, which is DIFFERENT from your own or that of your partner or spouse. This should be a group with which you are not very familiar; so, after reading the chapter, you will have more insight into the population than you do so now.

Carefully review the chapter in Spector (2017) that matches the racial/ethnic group that you have chosen; in other words, you only review ONE chapter out of the five possible options.

If you choose to review chapter 9, 11, or 13, then please pay close attention to disparities in income (poverty), age, and gender.

If you choose to review chapters 10 or 12, then please pay close attention to issues of immigration, age, gender, and poverty.

Write a 2-4 page paper using APA 7th edition format (double space, cite sources in paper and as references, paragraph format, free from spelling/grammatical errors) addressing the following:

State which population you chose and summarize (put in your own words while citing the textbook) just five of the eleven sections listed below. Make these very clear so I can easily identify your answers.

(1) brief background and history of the population; (2) traditional definitions of health and illness; (3) traditional methods of health maintenance, protection, and restoration; (4) folk medicine and/or religion, alternative health practices, and rituals; (5) other notable health practices; (6) current health problems; (7) racial disparities in care; (8) views on mental health and/or views on mental health by gender; (9) access to the health care system and/or access to the health care system based on immigration status; (10) special considerations for health care providers; and (11) any additional notable issues you would like to mention. NOTE: Be sure to include info on age, gender, poverty, and immigration (See Above).

Provide your feedback and analysis as a health care practitioner based on what you have learned in the chapter that you reviewed. Here’s how:

Imagine you are planning a health intervention for a certain group.
health intervention for a certain group

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  • Name at least three things you would do and three things that you would not do when planning a health intervention based on your new level of knowledge about this population.

If you were to plan a health intervention to address one issue mentioned in the chapter, what additional tools and resources do you think you would need in order to be successful?

  • Address issues of your own cultural and linguistic competency.

What makes planning interventions for a different race/ethnicity/culture both rewarding and challenging at the same time? Feel free to be honest here and use your critical thinking skills.

What is the one greatest insight you had after reviewing this chapter based on another racial, ethnic, or cultural group other than your own.

List the textbook and any other sources you used as references at the end of the paper using APA 7th edition format.