UB Professional Investigation Project and Report

UB Professional Investigation Project and Report

UB Professional Investigation Project and Report

Professional Investigation Project and Report Assignment Description This project involves researching two different career paths in psychology (or another field of interest) and submitting an essay summarizing your research findings. Step 1: Select two different potential careers to research for this project. Choose career paths to research that you are seriously considering. You are strongly encouraged to select “dream” careers that you might not attain until 10, 15, or even 20 years down the line. Step 2: Conduct an Informational Interview . The second step of this research project includes conducting an Informational Interview with a professional who has or had a career in one of the two professions that you are researching. The purpose of this interview is to get “insider” information about a career you are considering, and to help you learn tips from an “insider” on how to best pursue this career path should you decide to do so. You are encouraged to conduct two informational interviews: one for each of the two professions that you are researching. This is so that you can gain “insider” information into both of the careers. Review the Informational Interviewing resources found within the learning modules to help you come up with ideas for how to schedule an informational interview, prepare for it, and get the most out of it. • • You are STRONGLY encouraged to conduct the interview in person and at the interviewee’s place of work. This will help you to attain rich, important information about your interviewee’s career and his or her working environment. You are STRONGLY encouraged to interview someone you do not know well or do not regularly come in contact with. NOT a family member. NOT someone at your current place of work. This is an opportunity for you to learn something NEW from someone NEW. This is also an opportunity for you get a taste of what it is like to engage in the researching, networking, and “cold calling” needed to succeed in almost any career you might pursue. See this as a chance to build your professional network. Step 3: Research the careers using various vocational databases 1. Review information about your two career paths of interest using the Occupational Outlook Handbook of the United States Department of Labor at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ Links to an external site.. 2. Review information about these two career paths using O*Net online: https://www.onetonline.org/Links to an external site. 3. As relevant, review the learning materials related to the careers found in the course modules (if available) 4. Review information about these two careers using other research tools and articles (e.g., professional association websites, ASU Career Services resources). Step 4: Submit a summary report of your professional investigation: (This is what you are graded on). Reflect on the results of your professional investigation. Compose an 800-word minimum formal essay summarizing what you have learned. Be sure to address the following prompts in your essay*: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Who did you interview? How did you interview him or her? (at their place of work? Via Skype? At a coffee shop?) Provide their name, company name, job title, and contact information. How did you attain this contact? What was the most surprising thing you learned via this experience? How has this interview informed your impression of this career path? Provide a summary of what you asked and what answers were given Provide a summary of what you learned via your research with the career databases and other articles/tools. Were there any inconsistencies in what you learned about these careers via different sources? How do these two careers match up with your career interests, preferences, and values? What have you learned about the required education and skills needed to purpose these two different career paths? What is the most important thing you learned overall via this professional investigation project? *Note: this is a formal essay, not a list of answers to the above prompts. The above prompts are to be addressed at some point in your writing, but the paper must follow an academic essay format. Additional Requirements: • • • • This is a formal, cohesive written essay in paragraph style and 800 words at minimum (it will likely be much longer). To help your grader, insert the question number you are addressing in bold at the beginning of your response to that questions All factual statements, including “common knowledge statements” must be cited both in-text and via a full reference in the references page (you need a references page) Only Word or pdf documents are accepted • • • One-inch margins, double spaced, 12-point font Documents must be named in the following format: LASTNAME_PSY502_Investigation Paper heading must include: Your Name, date, Paper title (Investigation) Rubric Some Rubric Some Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresse s Q 1: This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresse s Q 2-4: This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresse s Q 5: Ratings Pts 2.5 pts Excellent Each question/component is answered thoroughly, including explanation and examples where relevant. 2 pts Good Most questions/components are answered adequately. 1.5 pts Emerging Responses are only somewhat related; or responses are generally inadequate. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Content is missing or does not relate to the questions asked. 2.5 pts Excellent Each question/component is answered thoroughly, including explanation and examples where relevant. 2 pts Good Most questions/components are answered adequately. 1.5 pts Emerging Responses are only somewhat related; or responses are generally inadequate. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Content is missing or does not relate to the questions asked. 2.5 pts Excellent Each question/component is answered thoroughly, including explanation and examples where relevant. 2 pts Good Most questions/components are answered adequately. 1.5 pts Emerging Responses are only somewhat related; or responses are generally inadequate. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Content is missing or does not relate to the questions asked. 2.5 pt s 2.5 pt s 2.5 pt s Some Rubric Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresse s Q 6-9: This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Sources This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics & Citations Total Points: 15 PreviousNext Ratings Pts 2.5 pts Excellent Each question/component is answered thoroughly, including explanation and examples where relevant. 2 pts Good Most questions/components are answered adequately. 1.5 pts Emerging Responses are only somewhat related; or responses are generally inadequate. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Content is missing or does not relate to the questions asked. 2.5 pts Excellent Research findings from the OOH, O*Net, and at least one other source is detailed and comprehensive. 2 pts Good OOH and O*Net research findings were incorporated, but no additional career database or other source is referenced. 1.5 pts Emerging Research findings from online databases and other sources are minimally referenced. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Research is missing or inadequate. 2.5 pts Excellent The writing is of high quality and without technical writing errors; Sources are cited correctly and in APA format both intext and in the full references page; Rules for labelling and submitting the assignment are followed. 2 pts Good Minor technical errors, formatting, or APA citation mistakes. 1.5 pts Emerging Major technical errors, major formatting mistakes, or major APA formatting mistakes. 0 pts Unacceptable or Missing Major technical errors, major formatting mistakes, and major APA citation mistakes. 2.5 pt s 2.5 pt s 2.5 pt s

UB Professional Investigation Project and Report
UB Professional Investigation Project and Report

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