ELAC Phylogeny and the Tree of Life

ELAC Phylogeny and the Tree of Life




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Chapter 26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life ↑ Past. lecture In 007 lecture Boogy • Biologists estimate that there are about 5 to 100 million species of organisms living on Earth today. • Evidence from morphological, biochemical, and gene sequence data suggests that all organisms on Earth are genetically related, and the genealogical relationships of living things can be represented by a vast evolutionary tree, the Tree of Life. • The Tree of Life then represents the phylogeny of organisms, the history of organismal lineages as they change through time. – In other words, phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species or group of related species. • Phylogeny assumes that all life arise from a previous ancestors and that all organisms (bacteria, fungi, protist, plants, animals) are connected by the passage of genes along the branches of the phylogenetic tree. • The discipline of systematics classifies organisms and determines their evolutionary relationships. • Systematists use fossil, molecular, and genetic data to infer evolutionary relationships. • Hence, systematists depict evolutionary relationships among organisms as branching phylogenetic trees. • A phylogenetic tree represents a hypothesis about evolutionary relationships. • Taxonomy is the science of organizing, classifying and naming organisms. • Carolus Linnaeus was the scientist who came up with the two-part naming system (binomial system). – The first part of the name is the genus – The second part, called the specific epithet, is the species within the genus. – The first letter of the genus is capitalized, and the entire species name is italicized. • Homo sapiens or H. sapiens • All life are organize into the following taxonomic groups: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. (Darn Kids Playing Chess On Freeway Gets Squished). • The higher the taxonomic group, the more inclusive it is and the lower the taxonomic group, the less inclusive it is. • For example, the Domain Eukarya contains all organisms that have eukaryotic cells. This is very inclusive. • On the other hand, the genera Homo contains only modern humans and close relatives. This is very exclusive. Figure 26.3 Species: Panthera pardus Genus: Panthera Family: Felidae Order: Carnivora Class: Mammalia Phylum: Chordata Domain: Bacteria Kingdom: Animalia Domain: Eukarya Domain: Archaea Understanding Phylogenetic Tree • Each branch point of the phylogenetic tree represents the divergence (separation) of two or more species. • A rooted tree includes a branch to represent the last common ancestor of all taxa (group) in the tree. • Sister taxa are groups that share an immediate common ancestor. In the phylogenetic tree below, domestic dog and wolf are sister taxon as they share the common ancestor Canis. Are there any other sister taxa? • Note, a taxon or taxa (plural) is a taxonomic unit (group of related organisms) at any level of hierarchy. It could occur at the Kingdom level and all the way to the species level. • For example, Panthera, Felidae, Carnivora, Canis, Lutra, Mephitis are taxa. • A basal taxon is a taxon that diverges early in the history of that group. A basal taxon typically originates near the common ancestor of the group. • For example, in the next slide (fig. 26.5), Taxon G represents a basal taxon because 1) it diverged early in time and 2) it diverge near the time of the ancestral taxon. • A polytomy is a branch from which more than two groups or taxons emerged, forming a pitchfork shape. • Polytomy represents an unknown cause of the divergence. (See figure 26.5). For example, we do not have a clear knowledge of why Taxa D, E, and F diverged from their common ancestor. Figure 26.5 Branch point: where lineages diverge Taxon A Taxon B Taxon C Sister taxa Taxon D ANCESTRAL LINEAGE Taxon E Taxon F Taxon G This branch point represents the common ancestor of taxa A–G. This branch point forms a polytomy: an unresolved pattern of divergence. Basal taxon What We Can and Cannot Learn from Phylogenetic Trees • 1. Phylogenetic trees show patterns of descent, not phenotypic similarity. • 2. Phylogenetic trees do not indicate when species evolved or how much change occurred in a lineage. • 3. It should not be assumed that a taxon evolved from the taxon next to it. Phylogenies Are Inferred From Morphological and Molecular Data • In order to infer phylogenies or determine how groups of organisms are related by evolution, systematists gather information about morphologies, genes, and biochemistry of the organisms. • Organisms with similar morphologies or molecular sequences are likely to be more closely related than organisms with different structures or sequences. We referred to these phenotypic and molecular similarities shared by group of organisms as homologies and homologies indicate a shared or common ancestry. • For example, we believe chimps to be our closest living ancestor because we posses similar anatomical structures i.e. skull bones and similar DNA sequence i.e. DNA. (see next slides) Molecular Homology Morphological Homology Sorting Homology from Analogy • When constructing a phylogeny, systematists need to distinguish whether similarities among organisms is the result of homology or analogy. – Homology is similarity due to shared ancestry – Analogy is similarity due to convergent evolution • If we look at the bones that make up the appendages of humans, cats, whales, and bats, we will find that these bones are quite morphologically similar. It can be said that the appendages of these animals are homologous and it further suggests that these animals share a common ancestor. • Now if we were to examine the wings of insects and birds, we will find that they are not morphologically similar even though they serve the same function of flight. • The wings of birds and insects then are analogous structures. Analogous structures evolved in unrelated organisms due to convergent evolution, not because they share a common ancestor. • Convergent evolution occurs when unrelated organisms live in similar environment and faces similar pressures. This forces these unrelated organisms to evolve similar adaptations such as flippers of dolphins and fins of fishes. • Another example of analogous structures is seen in the tails of whales and fish. These unrelated groups shared an analogous structure (tail) due to both facing the same environmental pressure i.e. an aquatic environment. • In general, the more complex two similar structures are, the more likely it is that they are homologous. • Once homologous characters have been identified, they can be used to infer a phylogeny. • When taxonomist and systematist classify organisms, they can organized these organisms into groups by looking only at the common characteristics shared by these groups OR by how these organisms are evolutionarily related. • So if the focus is primarily on shared traits, then this approach is referred to as phenetic. • If the focus is primarily based on evolutionary relationships and shared characteristics, then it is referred to as cladistic. • The basic objective of cladistics is to provide a scheme (cladogram) showing the most likely evolutionary pathway for a given group or species based on the characters that it shares with its relatives. • Simply put….Cladistics is one approach to phylogeny. • A clade is a group of species that includes an ancestral species and all of its descendants. Often this type of clade that includes only an ancestral species and all its descents is described as being monophyletic. • On the other hand, a clade is described to be paraphyletic if it consists of an ancestral species and some, but not all, of the descendants. • And a clade is said to be polyphyletic if it consists of various species with different ancestors. Figure 26.10 (a) Monophyletic group (clade) (b) Paraphyletic group (c) Polyphyletic group A A B B C C C D D D E E F F F G G G A B Group  Group  E Group  Shared Ancestral and Shared Derived Characters • In comparison with its ancestor, an organism has both shared and different characteristics. • A shared ancestral character is a character that originated in an ancestor of that taxon or group. (see next slide) • A shared derived character is an evolutionary new trait unique to that particular clade or group. (see next slide) • Four legs is a shared ancestral character found in frog, crocodile, platypus, kangaroo and elephant. • Mammary glands is a shared derived character found in platypus, kangaroo, and elephant. • When inferring evolutionary relationships, it is useful to know in which clade a shared derived character first appeared. • In a cladogram, there is an ingroup and an outgroup. • The ingroup is comprise of taxa which are hypothesized to be more closely related to each other than to any other. The outgroup is a group that has diverged before the ingroup. The outgroup is used as a point of comparison for the ingroup. • Systematists compare each ingroup species with the outgroup to differentiate between shared derived and shared ancestral characteristics. • Characters shared by the outgroup and ingroup are ancestral characters that predate the divergence of both groups from a common ancestor. • In the following diagram, if leopard and domestic cat are designated as an ingroup, then wolf, horse, and turtle are considered an outgroup. • The length of a cladogram or phylogenetic tree branch can represent either: – The number of genetic changes that have taken place in a particular DNA sequence OR – Chronological time in the evolution of certain clades • Systematists can never be sure of constructing the best tree in a large data set. • To identify the most likely phylogenetic tree, systematists apply the principles of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. • The principles of maximum parsimony says that the tree with the fewest evolutionary events (appearances of shared derived characters) is the most likely. • The principle of maximum likelihood states that, given certain rules about how DNA changes over time, a tree can be found that reflects the most likely sequence of evolutionary events. Computer programs are used to search for trees that are parsimonious and likely. • Given the option of the two tree below, “a” is the better tree according to the rule of maximum parsimony because it has the least evolutionary changes and is the simplest. Molecular Clocks • Another tool use by systematists to construct a phylogenetic tree is a molecular clock. Molecular clocks help systematists find out how many years ago two or more groups or taxa diverged from a common ancestor. • For example, let’s say that two groups diverged from a common ancestor. If we know the length of time it takes for a shared gene to mutate, we can trace the gene back to the common ancestor and estimated how long ago these groups diverged. Molecular Clock From Two Kingdoms to Three Domains • Early taxonomists classified all species as either plants or animals. • Later, five kingdoms were recognized: Monera (prokaryotes), Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. • More recently, the three-domain system has been adopted: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Figure 26.21 Eukarya Land plants Green algae Cellular slime molds Dinoflagellates Forams Ciliates Red algae Diatoms Amoebas Euglena Trypanosomes Leishmania Animals Fungi Green nonsulfur bacteria Sulfolobus Thermophiles (Mitochondrion) Spirochetes Halophiles COMMON ANCESTOR OF ALL LIFE Methanobacterium Archaea Chlamydia Green sulfur bacteria Bacteria Cyanobacteria (Plastids, including chloroplasts) The End

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15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

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13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

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14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

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12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

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0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

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Participation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

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Total Points: 100