Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430

Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430

Sample Answer for Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430 Included After Question

Assessment Description

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750‐1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

  1. Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
  2. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.
  3. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
  4. Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.
  5. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be appropriate for the assignment and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430

Title: Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430

Nurses play a critical role in health provision as frontline workers, policymakers, and patient advocates. While serving in various capacities, nurses encounter many problems that require an in-depth understanding and sustainable solutions. As a result, they should have extensive practice skills and embrace self-development as professionals. Doing so will enable nurses to excel in their roles and achieve health equity goals. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the influence of the National Academy of Medicine 2021 report on nursing practice.

Report’s Recommendations and the Significance of Health Equity

Nursing is an evolving profession hence the need for strategic measures that help nurses achieve long-term health goals. The National Academy of Medicine 2021 report focuses on the future of nursing and how health equity can be achieved. To a significant extent, the report discusses the measures necessary for reducing health disparities and promoting health equity. Other parts include cost reduction, technology utilization, and achieving patient-centered and family-focused care (National Academy of Medicine, 2021). Health equity is significant in this report since it is the central component. According to Carratala and Maxwell (2020), population health goals cannot be attained without health equity. In this case, nursing professionals and healthcare stakeholders must collaborate to ensure everyone has a fair and just chance to attain the highest health levels. The report stresses that achieving health equity in the United States requires a strong nursing capacity and workforce. Measures of strengthening nursing capacity and expertise include an adequate education and training, leadership opportunities, and promoting nurses’ well-being (National Academy of Medicine, 2021). Besides, barriers that limit nurses’ capacity and their contributions to advancing population health should also be lifted. For instance, restricting the scope of practice reduces nurses’ capacity and should be addressed to empower nurses to practice to their full extent of education and training.

Social Determinants of Health and Impacts on Health Equity

Humans live in different locations with diverse climatic conditions, health practices, and cultures. Social determinants of health (SDOH) represent the nonmedical factors influencing health outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022) described SDOH as the conditions where people are born, live, work, and grow. Key areas include social and community context, neighborhood, education, and healthcare access and quality. Each SDOH has profound implications on health equity and other critical health variables. For instance, healthcare access and quality differences across races and regions continue to influence health outcomes across populations profoundly. People of color and low-income populations experience many health problems that could be prevented through improved access to care (Carratala & Maxwell, 2020; Ndugga & Artiga, 2023). For instance, inadequate insurance coverage, staffing shortages, and transport problems are common in rural areas and among underserved populations. These challenges impact when and where these populations access healthcare services. Addressing these disparities is crucial for fair and just opportunities for all populations to engage in health.

The Role of Nurses in Improving Health Equity

Nurses understand patients’ problems and social needs comprehensively due to their active role in healthcare processes. Among many roles, nurses can improve health equity and impact social needs by self-development as professional leaders and advocating for patients. As highlighted in the National Academy of Medicine 2021 report, health equity is best addressed by experienced nurses who are ready to address practice problems. Therefore, individual growth as leaders is crucial for improved outcomes as far as health equity and social needs are concerned.

Advocating for patients means defending patients’ rights, safety, and needs to ensure they receive care that addresses their needs comprehensively (Nsiah et al., 2019). Nurses should also serve a central role in health education. According to Patja et al. (2022), health education improves health decision-making and enables populations to embrace preventive health. Therefore, health problems that can be prevented through preventive health in vulnerable populations are minimized. For instance, chronic disease prevalence could be reduced through healthy eating and lifestyle adjustments. Health education can be centered on these areas.

Significance of Self-care and Evidence-Based Strategies

Self-care includes individual measures nurses incorporate into their daily practice to maintain health, cope with stress, and prevent disease. Regarding nurse burnout, self-care improves nurses’ mental, physical, and mental well-being, which helps them to overcome fatigue, anxiety, and stressors that increase burnout (Monroe et al., 2021). Self-care strategies for nurses’ personal and spiritual health vary with nurses’ specialties, experiences, work environments, and routine challenges. They include mindfulness interventions, physical exercises, rest, and adequate sleep. Research shows that mindfulness interventions help nurses to respond to stressful events more objectively and avoid negative thought patterns (Monroe et al., 2021). Other outcomes include building resiliency and improving how nurses connect with their colleagues. Aerobic exercises decrease nurse burnout by reducing workplace stress (Mohebbi et al., 2019). The significance of these interventions underlines the need for healthcare organizations to implement and sustain self-care programs for nurses.


All populations deserve high-quality, affordable, and accessible care. Consequently, healthcare professionals and stakeholders should collaborate to advance health equity and address issues causing health disparities. As frontline workers, nurses can improve health equity and social needs by self-development as leaders, advocating for patients, and providing health education. Besides, they should embrace and practice self-care to cope with nurse burnout effectively. In this case, they should always be empowered and prepared to deliver the highest achievable patient outcomes.


Carratala, S., & Maxwell, C. (2020). Health disparities by race and ethnicity. Center for American Progress.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Social determinants of health at CDC.

Mohebbi, Z., Dehkordi, S. F., Sharif, F., & Banitalebi, E. (2019). The effect of Aerobic exercise on occupational stress of female nurses: a controlled clinical trial. investigacion y educacion en enfermeria37(2), e05.

Monroe, C., Loresto, F., Horton-Deutsch, S., Kleiner, C., Eron, K., Varney, R., & Grimm, S. (2021). The value of intentional self-care practices: the effects of mindfulness on improving job satisfaction, teamwork, and workplace environments. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing35(2), 189–194.

National Academy of Medicine. (2021). The Future of Nursing 2020–2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity.

Ndugga, N., & Artiga, S. (2023). Disparities in health and health care: 5 key questions and answers. KFF.

Nsiah, C., Siakwa, M., & Ninnoni, J. P. K. (2019). Registered Nurses’ description of patient advocacy in the clinical setting. Nursing Open6(3), 1124–1132.

Patja, K., Huis in ‘t Veld, T., Arva, D., Bonello, M., Orhan Pees, R., Soethout, M., & van der Esch, M. (2022). Health promotion and disease prevention in the education of health professionals: a mapping of European educational programmes from 2019. BMC Medical Education22(1), 778.

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals – Rubric

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IOM Summary of Four Messages and Significance to Nursing Practice

40 points

Criteria Description

IOM Summary of Four Messages and Significance to Nursing Practice

  1. Excellent

40 points

Summary of the four messages outlined in the IOM report is clearly presented. A detailed explanation of why these are significant to nursing practice is presented. A strong understanding of the IOM report and its influence on nursing practice is demonstrated.

  1. Good

35.6 points

Summary of the four messages outlined in the IOM report is presented. Explanation of why these are significant to nursing practice is presented. Minor detail is needed for clarity.

  1. Satisfactory

31.6 points

Summary of the four messages outlined in the IOM report is presented. Explanation of why these are significant to nursing practice is generally presented. There are some inaccuracies. Some information or rationale is needed to fully support summary.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

30 points

Summary of the four messages outlined in the IOM report is partially presented. Explanation of why these are significant to nursing practice is incomplete. There are significant inaccuracies.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Summary of the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explanation of why these are significant to nursing practice is omitted.

Influence of IOM on Education, Leadership, Benefits and Opportunities for BSN-Prepared Nurses

40 points

Criteria Description

Influence of IOM on Education, Leadership, Benefits and Opportunities for BSN-Prepared Nurses

  1. Excellent

40 points

The direct influence of the IOM report on nursing education and nursing leadership is thoroughly discussed. The benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses resulting from the IOM report are described in detail. Overall, an in-depth understanding of the IOM report and its influence on nursing is demonstrated.

  1. Good

35.6 points

The direct influence of the IOM report on nursing education and nursing leadership is discussed. The benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses resulting from the IOM report are described. Overall, an understanding of the IOM report and its influence on nursing is demonstrated.

  1. Satisfactory

31.6 points

The direct influence of the IOM report on nursing education and nursing leadership is summarized. Some benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses resulting from the IOM report are generally described. Overall, a general understanding of the IOM report and its influence on nursing is demonstrated.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

30 points

The direct influence of the IOM report on nursing education and nursing leadership is partially presented. Some benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses resulting from the IOM report are summarized. There are inaccuracies.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The direct influence of the IOM report on nursing education, nursing leadership, and the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses is not discussed.

Education and Role of the Nurse to Meet the Needs of an Aging and Diverse Population

40 points

Criteria Description

Importance of the Evolution of the Education and Role of the Nurse to Meet the Needs of an Aging and Diverse Population

  1. Excellent

40 points

A thorough explanation the importance of the evolution of the education and role of the nurse to meet the needs of an aging and diverse population is presented. The explanation demonstrates a clear understanding of the role of the nurse in meeting the needs of an aging and diverse population.

  1. Good

35.6 points

An explanation of the importance of the evolution of the education and role of the nurse to meet the needs of an aging and diverse population is presented. Some detail is needed for clarity.

  1. Satisfactory

31.6 points

A summary of the importance of the evolution of the education and role of the nurse to meet the needs of an aging and diverse population is presented. Some information is needed to fully support explanation.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

30 points

A partial explanation the importance of the evolution of the education and role of the nurse to meet the needs of an aging and diverse population is presented. There major are inaccuracies.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The importance of the evolution of the education and role of the nurse to meet the needs of an aging and diverse population is not presented.

Significance of Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, in Relation to Diverse Populations

40 points

Criteria Description

Significance of Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, in Relation to Diverse Populations Across the Life Span and Health-Illness Continuum

  1. Excellent

40 points

The significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is discussed in detail. The relevance of professional development in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is demonstrated.

  1. Good

35.6 points

The significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is discussed. Some detail is needed for clarity.

  1. Satisfactory

31.6 points

The significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is summarized. Some rationale or evidence is needed for support.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

30 points

The significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is incomplete. There are major inaccuracies

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

The significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum is not discussed.

Effectiveness of Nurses Managing Patient Care Within an Evolving Health Care System

40 points

Criteria Description

Effectiveness of Nurses Managing Patient Care Within an Evolving Health Care System

  1. Excellent

40 points

A through discussion of how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system is presented. The discussion offers compelling rationale and demonstrates insight into managing patient care within contemporary health care.

  1. Good

35.6 points

A discussion of how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system is presented. Minor detail or rationale is needed.

  1. Satisfactory

31.6 points

A general discussion of how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system is presented. Some rationale or evidence is needed for support.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

30 points

A partial discussion of how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system is presented. There are major inaccuracies.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

A discussion of how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system is omitted.

Thesis Development and Purpose

12.5 points

Criteria Description

Thesis Development and Purpose

  1. Excellent

12.5 points

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

  1. Good

11.13 points

Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

  1. Satisfactory

9.88 points

Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

9.38 points

Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Argument Logic and Construction

12.5 points

Criteria Description

Argument Logic and Construction

  1. Excellent

12.5 points

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

  1. Good

11.13 points

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

  1. Satisfactory

9.88 points

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

9.38 points

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

12.5 points

Criteria Description

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

  1. Excellent

12.5 points

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

  1. Good

11.13 points

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

  1. Satisfactory

9.88 points

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

9.38 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

5 points

Criteria Description

Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

  1. Excellent

5 points

All format elements are correct.

  1. Good

4.45 points

Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

  1. Satisfactory

3.95 points

Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

3.75 points

Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

Documentation of Sources

7.5 points

Criteria Description

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)

  1. Excellent

7.5 points

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

  1. Good

    Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430
    Assignment Professional Development of Nursing Professionals NRS 430

6.68 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

  1. Satisfactory

5.93 points

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

  1. Less than Satisfactory

5.63 points

Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.

  1. Unsatisfactory

0 points

Sources are not documented.

Total 250 points

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Grading Rubric

Performance Category 100% or highest level of performance


16 points

Very good or high level of performance


14 points

Acceptable level of performance


13 points

Inadequate demonstration of expectations


11 points

Deficient level of performance


9 points


Failing level

of performance

55% or less

0 points

 Total Points Possible= 50           16 Points    14 Points 13 Points        11 Points           9 Points          0 Points

Demonstrates achievement of scholarly inquiry for professional and academic topics.

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in all of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements

  • Provides evidence of scholarly inquiry relevant to required TD topic(s).
  • Presents specific information from scholarly sources to develop a comprehensive presentation of facts.
  • Uses at least one outside scholarly reference that is relevant, less than 5 years old (use of older references requires instructor permission) and reliable for the required topic.*
  • Uses in-text citation and full reference at end of posting when presenting another person’s thoughts as quotes or paraphrase of information
 16 Points  14 Points  13 Points 11 Points 9 Points  0 Points
Application of Course Knowledge

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply principles, knowledge and information learned in the outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in one of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from and scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in two of the following elements:

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information from scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned from scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three of the following elements

  • Applies principles, knowledge and information and scholarly resources to the required topic.
  • Applies facts, principles or concepts learned scholarly resources to a professional experience.
  • Application of information is comprehensive and specific to the required topic.
   10 Points 9 Points  6 Points  0 Points
Interactive Dialogue

Initial post should be a minimum of 300 words (references do not count toward word count)

The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each (references do not count toward word count)

Responses are substantive and relate to the topic.

Demonstrated all of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 3 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 2 of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
Demonstrated 1 or less of the following:

  • Initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
  • The peer and instructor responses must be a minimum of 150 words each.
  • Responses are substantive
  • Responses are related to the topic of discussion.
  8 Points 7 Points  6 Points         5 Points          4 Points  0 Points
Grammar, Syntax, APA

Points deducted for improper grammar, syntax and APA style of writing.

The source of information is the APA Manual 6th Edition

Error is defined to be a unique APA error. Same type of error is only counted as one error.

The following was present:

  • 0-3 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 0-3 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is generally clear, focused on topic,and facilitates communication.
The following was present:

  • 4-6 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 4-5 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is somewhat focused on topic.
The following was present:

  • 7-9 errors in APA format.


  • Responses have 6-7 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is slightly focused on topic making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 10- 12 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-9 grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.

The following was present:

  • 13 – 15 errors in APA format


  • Responses have 8-10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors


  • Writing style is not focused on topic, making discussion difficult to understand.


  • The student continues to make repeated mistakes in any of the above areas after written correction by the instructor.
The following was present:

  • 16 to greater errors in APA format.


  • Responses have more than 10 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.


  • Writing style does not facilitate communication
  0 Points Deducted 5 Points Lost


Demonstrated the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
Failed to demonstrate the following:

  • Initial, peer, and faculty postings were made on 3 separate days
  0 Points Lost 5 Points Lost
Due Date Requirements Demonstrated all of the following:

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

Demonstrates one or less of the following.

  • The initial posting to the graded threaded discussion topic is posted within the course no later than Wednesday, 11:59 pm MT.

A minimum of one peer and one instructor responses are to be posted within the course no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm MT.

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