NR 506 Week 3 Discussion:

NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe

NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe

Sample Answer for NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe Included After Question

NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe

Week 2PICOT Question 

Collaboration Café 


The focus for Week 2 is the development of a PICOT question. Please view this short video on how to develop your PICOT question:  

  • Remember- PICOT should focus on something you as an NP can implement and should focus on measurable health outcomes. Full-practice authority, burnout, satisfaction surveys, and anything that would require a policy or law change should not be used. Please view short video above to get a clearer understanding of requirements.  
  • Using the area of interest identified in the Week 1 discussion, address the following:
  • Draft a PICOT question using the standard quantitative PICOT format.  
  • Identify your practice question, being sure to include the following information and describe each part of the PICOT question in detail:
  • Population  
  • Intervention  
  • Comparison  
  • Outcome  
  • Time  

In ________(Population) what is the effect of ___________(Intervention) in comparison to ___________ (Comparison) on _____________ (Outcome) to be completed over __________ (Time).  

Review the PICOT questions of two of your peers. Provide substantive feedback and suggestions for improvement.  

Provide substantive feedback and suggestions for improvement. For full credit, submit your initial post by Wednesday at 11:59 PM MT. Complete your two responses to peers by Sunday at 11:59 PM MT. 

**To view the grading criteria/rubric, please click on the 3 dots in the box at the end of the solid gray bar above the discussion board title and then Show Rubric. 

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Manage Discussion Entry 

Good morning class!  

This is in addition to Dr. Shay’s excellent video on the PICOT QUESTION composition! I am a visual learner! Perhaps you are too!  


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe

Title: NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe



When you have determined your NP practice setting to be included in your question, you state (P) the specific population and age group, (I) determine your practice change or intervention, it should be (C) compared to a previously failed practice change or intervention or not having the intervention at all for (O) a measurable outcome within a (T) reasonable time frame NO longer than twelve months!  


If you have multiple variables, you cannot determine what CAUSED the outcome!  


You will have to determine your NP practice setting and practice change! This illustration gives you a tool for correctly composing the PICOT QUESTION!  

In (P) patients over 65 on a med-surgical unit (I), what is the effect of anti-slip socks (C) in comparison to bed alarms (O) to reduce the fall rate by 50% (T) over three months?  

Explain each PICOT ELEMENT in detail. 

(P) patients over 65 on a med-surgical unit 

(I), what is the effect of anti-slip socks 

(C) in comparison to bed alarms 

  1. O) to reduce the fall rate by 50%

(T) over three months 

Complete the7thAPA edition reference. 

I will check the cafe daily to ensure you are all doing well! 

With care, 

Manage Discussion Entry 


​Obesity among children and adolescents is a critical problem in developing and developed nations. An increase in body weight is linked to sleep apnea, asthma, fatty liver disease, impaired balance, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol levels, orthopedic problems, and insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Researchers argue that the implementation of physical activity and dietary interventions in obese and overweight children leads to improvements in body composition. Consequentially, education on healthy eating and exercise can lower body weight, body fat percentage, and BMI in low-income children ages 7 and 17 years compared to no education over one year. Education affects behavior, anthropometry, attitudes, and knowledge to facilitate changes in decision-making among study participants.

NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe
NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe

Children in such a study have the capacity to make lasting improvements in their short and long-term health. The improvements are dependent on several factors, including the quality of the programs and instructions, family support, cost of food, low participant burden, and a supportive social environment at home and school. Children with greater social support from their family, friends, and teachers are more likely to experience behavioral changes. Their families play a vital role in influencing their dietary practices and physical activity levels. The comparison group serves as a control group to measure the significant impact that education has on the children’s body composition to encourage behavioral and policy changes in future.

No intervention effects can be identified in the comparison groupthat does not receive education. Intervention children are more likely to participate in specific physical activity intensities and modes, as well as evidence-based dietary plans, which guarantee better weight management than their counterparts in the control group.  Intervention children will also report less sedentary time and family-focused tasks that enhance the relationships they have with their parents or guardians. 


Grace, J., Biggs, C., Naicker, A., & Moss, S. (2021). Effect of physical activity and nutrition education on body mass index, blood pressure and biochemical variables in overweight and obese adolescents. Annals of Global Health, 87(1). doi: 10.5334/aogh.3147 

Wang, D., & Fawzi, W. W. (2020). Impacts of school feeding on educational and health outcomes of school-age children and adolescents in low-and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic reviews, 9(1), 1-8. 

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our Verified MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS:NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe  

Manage Discussion Entry 

     I agree that NPs, as primary care providers, can have significant impact on preventing childhood obesity. It is really good PICOT subject to improve obesity issue and it is interesting to work on it. It is crucial to begin education about healthy eating habits and importance of everyday physical activities since early age. It is significant that you mention low-income children as your (P) population  in addressing this issue.

As it is mentioned in evidence-based literature, healthy eating habits begin at home (Deavenport-Saman et al., 2019), and for undeserved and low-income families it is everyday struggle to get significant amount of food for family, not even mention to have an access to healthier and better quality food. Unfortunately, to increase physical activity among low-income children can also be a challenge to the limited resources for this population. From what I mentioned above, I am really curious to see what you are planning to implement in order to achieve planned outcome. It might be very useful for any of us in our future practice. 

Thank you and good luck with your PICOT assignment. 


 Deavenport-Saman, A., Piridzhanyan, A., Solomon, O., Phillips, Z., Kuo, T., & Yin, L. (2019). 

Early childhood obesity among underserved families: A multilevel community-academic partnership. American Journal of Public Health (1971), 109(4), 593–596. 

Manage Discussion Entry 

Of the 2 PICOT questions you posted, I genuinely believe the second is the better choice for research purposes. I feel like it might be very difficult to address your first interventions when it comes to finding evidence. Exercise by itself or diet change by itself is an intervention. Finding evidence of both together might be difficult. I tried to figure out how to clarify if there was significance in either one, or if they need to be done in conjunction, and did not find one vs. the other.  The idea of diet alone, exercise alone, or a combination of diet and exercise crossed my mind. 

I also want to mention that 12 months is an excellent time frame. Stepping on the scale daily, which is often what is recommended,  can be a very traumatic thing for people.  And while weighing daily is highly recommended as a strategy, in certain populations, it creates other healthcare issues, like eating disorders and mental health issues (Pacanowski et al., 2023). Weighing once a month or less frequently might be another option to be considered to improve weight while working to be a healthier overall person. The idea of seeing how you lose and maintain the loss and how it affects health is very interesting. 

Your PICOT really brought on a lot of ideas for me to research from. I am really looking forward to seeing where this paper goes.  Well done! 

Pacanowski, C. R., Dominick, G., Crosby, R. D., Engel, S. G., Cao, L., & Linde, J. A. (2023). Daily self‐weighing compared with an active control causes greater negative affective lability in emerging adult women: A randomized trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. to an external site. 

Manage Discussion Entry 

I actually like them both, but I feel like with the prevalence of childhood obesity, and the fact that by the time individuals are 40 to 60 years old, they have already created lifelong habits that are harder to break in later years of life. However, if you catch people when in their prime (18 years and older), OR even younger, I feel like you would reach more people who in turn will create real change in their lives. It has been proven time and time again that when you are young, time is truly on your side, your body is typically in prime condition and the younger you are the easier it is to maintain a healthier lifestyle and live out that change.

 I also feel like the younger your test group is the more likely your interventions will stick. Since the prevalence of Diabetes and prediabetes in children and adolescents is becoming a growing epidemic, I think it would be beneficial to study the youth to create an environment of prevention rather than just treatment. The incident of type 2 diabetes among the youth from 9 cases to 12.5 cases per 100,000 youth per year in a 10 year span (Leak, Gangrande, & Tester, 2021). Therefore, teaching children early with healthy habits and proper diet and exercise. Currently, 1 in 5 children are obese, and are more likely to continue to be obese through adulthood (Dunford & Popkin, 2020). Diabetes is a growing problem and as nurses we have seen the endless long term complications that come with it from vision loss, to limb amputation. Great topic with endless possibilities! Good luck! 



Dunford, Popkin, B. M., & Ng, S. W. (2020). Recent Trends in Junk Food Intake in U.S. Children and Adolescents, 2003–2016. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59(1), 49–58. 

Leak, Gangrade, N., & Tester, J. (2021). Facilitators and barriers to preparing and offering whole grains to children diagnosed with prediabetes: qualitative interviews with low-income caregivers. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 931–931. NR 505 NP Week 2: Collaboration Cafe 

Manage Discussion Entry 

PICOT Question: 

In children with ADHD(P), what is the effect of behavioral therapy(I) in comparison to medication(C) on improving behavioral issues associated with ADHD(O) to be completed over 6 months(T). 

 (P) Population: The population I am focusing on is children diagnosed with attention deficient/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many children are diagnosed with ADHD. I focus on this population because some children outgrow ADHD as they become adolescents or young adults. All children with ADHD deserves the chance to be successful in school, work, and everyday life.    

 (I) Intervention: The intervention I am focusing on is behavioral therapy for all children diagnosed with ADHD.  While medications treat the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity, children need to be taught coping skills to help manage negative behaviors and emotions. Behavioral therapy would give both the child and parents the necessary coping skills to manage behaviors and emotions and can continue to use them into adulthood. Behavioral therapy gives a more long term focus. 

(C) Comparison: Medication given to treat ADHD helps with the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. But what effect does medication have on managing emotions? However, most ADHD medication have a short life and the effects wears off within 8 hours after taking it. Some parents choose not to give medication to the child when not in school, while others may choose not to give medication at all due to the side effects. 

(O) Outcome: I am hoping my research of behavioral therapy being a required part of ADHD treatment will show results of improved behavioral issues and improved management of the intense emotions the children may experience. Results can be measured by using a SNAP-IV scale and Conners rating scale filled out by both teachers and parents.  

(T) Time: Time frame I am using to demonstrate expected outcome is six months. SNAP-IV and Conners rating scale and demonstration of coping skills can show ongoing improvement for each child. 

Manage Discussion Entry 

You are doing great!  

You will be working in a primary or NP setting. Behavioral therapy will not be an option. 

You will be seeing patients approximately every 15 minutes.  

You might consider changing your practice change to (I) screening every pediatric patient with the SNAP-IV and Conners rating scale for ADHD to refer them for behavior therapy (C) not screening every pediatric patient with the SNAP-IV and Conners rating scale for ADHD. 

What are your thoughts on this?  

P pediatric patients ages _____ in primary care practice 

 (I) screen all pediatric patients with the SNAP-IV and Conners rating scale for ADHD to refer them for behavior therapy to prevent pharmacological intervention.  

(C) not screening every pediatric patient with the SNAP-IV and Conners rating scale for ADHD to refer them for behavior therapy to prevent pharmacological intervention.  

O Behavior therapy tracked through MRN.  

T six months  



With care, 

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