HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

Title: HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

Individual Project

The promotion of safety, quality and efficiency is important in healthcare. Health organizations adopt best practices to achieve these outcomes and continually improve their systems and processes. Regulations and standards have been set to guide the strategic decisions that health organizations make. Besides, institutions such as the Joint Commission accredits hospitals for their ability to achieve the set goals and objectives that indicate safety and quality of care services. Therefore, this paper examines patient-focused and organization focused functions in the Joint Commission accreditation and their importance. It also examines the importance of government and private regulations in health care.

Patient-Focused Function

The selected patient-focused function from the Joint Commission is infection prevention and control. Hospitalized patients are highly vulnerable to hospital-acquired infections. Their disease status, weakened immune systems, contact with other patients and multiple procedures place them at an increased risk of infection. As a result, it is crucial to adopt evidence-based interventions in infection prevention and control to protect and promote the patient’s health. Infection prevention and control reduces the overall spending by patients on healthcare. It also reduces the length of hospital stay, morbidity and mortality(Crist et al., 2019; Werner et al., 2019). Therefore, the Joint Commission accredits hospitals based on their ability to achieve the set standards in infection prevention and control.

Organization Function

The selected organization function is performance improvement. Health organizations operate in highly dynamic and

HCM 307 Unit 3 - Individual Project
HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project

competitive environments. They constantly experience new emerging trends that disrupt the existing systems and processes. Health care organizations should demonstrate performance improvement in their systems and processes. Performance improvement entails implementing strategies that leverage on the identified strengths while minimizing the effect of weaknesses, barriers, or threats. Performance improvement spans different organizational systems and processes. They include personnel management, patient care processes, and financial management(Ibrahim et al., 2022). Health care organizations can ensure performance improvement by tracking data to inform strategic decisions.

Performance improvement is important for enhancing organizational productivity and competitiveness. It provides them an edge in delivering services that meet the actual and potential needs of their target populations, which enhance their competitiveness. Performance improvement also influences patient outcomes. Organizations implement best practices that aim at optimizing outcomes that include safety, quality, and efficiency. Performance improvement also enhances employee outcomes. Organizations adopt employee-centered measures that contributed to their motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction(Paradise et al., 2019; Werner et al., 2019). Therefore, performance improvement is a crucial ingredient for organizational success.

Importance of Government and Private Regulations

Government and private regulations such as those of the Joint Commission are necessary in health care. First, the regulations ensure the maintenance of highest possible standards that safeguard the rights and safety of the public. Government and private institutions set standards that regulate best practices for use in the delivery of patient care services. They hold health care organizations accountable for their actions, which assures the public access to high quality, safe and efficient care. The regulations also ensure the protection of the employees’ needs in healthcare. Accordingly, health organizations implement strategic decisions that not only address their needs but also those of their stakeholders, including the employees(Avia &Hariyati, 2019; Srinivas et al., 2019). As a result, the regulations promote ethical practices in the healthcare industry.


The accreditation by the Joint Commission is important for enhanced care outcomes in health care. The patient and organization functions of accreditation contribute to the transformation of health systems and processes. Government and private regulations ensure ethics in healthcare. They safeguard the interests and rights of all the healthcare stakeholders.


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HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project  References

Avia, I., &Hariyati, Rr. T. S. (2019). Impact of hospital accreditation on quality of care: A literature review. EnfermeríaClínica, 29, 315–320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.003

Crist, K., Murphy, D., Wright, M.-O., Wallace, E., & Manning, M. L. (2019). The role of the infection preventionist in a transformed healthcare system: Meeting healthcare needs in the 21st century. American Journal of Infection Control, 47(4), 352–357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2019.02.003

Ibrahim, S. A., Reynolds, K. A., Poon, E., &Alam, M. (2022). The evidence base for US joint commission hospital accreditation standards: Cross sectional study. BMJ, 377, e063064. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2020-063064

Paradise, R. K., Hatch, M., Quessa, A., Gargano, F., Khaliif, M., & Costa, V. (2019). Reducing the Use of Ad Hoc Interpreters at a Safety-Net Health Care System. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 45(6), 397–405. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjq.2019.01.004

Srinivas, J., Das, A. K., & Kumar, N. (2019). Government regulations in cyber security: Framework, standards and recommendations. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 178–188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.09.063

Werner, R. M., Coe, N. B., Qi, M., &Konetzka, R. T. (2019). Patient Outcomes After Hospital Discharge to Home With Home Health Care vs to a Skilled Nursing Facility. JAMA Internal Medicine, 179(5), 617–623. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.7998

Sample Answer for HCM 307 Unit 3 – Individual Project Included


Healing Hands Hospital is preparing for an accreditation visit from The Joint Commission. (TJC). TJC accredits health care organizations to improve the quality and safety of health care services. Their Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals  (CAMH) includes the following standards and regulations:

  • Patient-Focused Functions such as infection prevention and control; medication management; provision of care, treatment, and services; rights and responsibilities of the individual.
  • Organization Functions such as management of the environment of care, emergency management, human resources, management of information, life safety, medical staff, nursing, performance improvement, record of care, treatment, services, and leadership.

For this assignment, you will complete the following:

  • From the list of standards mentioned above, choose 1 Patient-Focused Function and Organization Function and discuss why each of those functions are important to patient safety.
  • Discuss why government regulations and private regulations such as those of The Joint Commission are necessary in health care.


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