NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project

NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Sample Answer for NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project Included After Question

NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Ms. Jones, the patient in the provided case study, is a 28-year-old African American woman who presents herself for treatment of a recent right foot injury. According to Ms. Jones, she slipped on concrete steps outdoors a week ago, twisting her right ankle and scraping the ball of her foot. The purpose of this paper is to determine the potential differential diagnoses for this patient and to justify them with evidence.

Localized infection of the right foot’s wound and severe right foot pain are the two potential nursing diagnoses. Since Tina Jones said that her right foot had an open wound, local infection of the wound is a possible diagnosis. There is purulent discharge coming from the red, painful, and damaged area. Additionally, the patient mentioned swelling around the foot wound. Pup frequently forms and there is swelling around the afflicted region after foot infections (Reina-Bueno et al., 2021). The patient also reports having a fever last night, with a temperature of 1020F, while having a temperature of 101.10F right now. A wound culture would be required for this patient. It would help by revealing details about the sort of bacteria that is developing in the foot wound. Clinicians may more precisely administer the right antibiotic therapy by isolating the microorganism.

The prevalence of antibiotic resistance is on the rise in the United States, particularly in the context of pustular diabetic foot infections. According to Atkin (2019), the prevalence of S. Aureus resistance poses a challenge in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, healthcare providers should exercise caution and consider the type of bacteria present in the wound before administering therapy. Based on the patient’s symptomatic presentation, it may be advisable to initiate antibiotic therapy for the foot infection. Azithromycin is a potential antibiotic that could be initiated for the patient. Empirical evidence suggests that the cost-effective and readily available antibiotic has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of cutaneous infections. As a nursing professional, my recommended course of action would involve cleansing the wound with a sterile saline solution, followed by the application of fresh gauze to cover the affected area. Finally, I would suggest the use of triple antibiotic cream to promote healing.

The research conducted by Lutter et al. (2019) also presents evidence-based guidelines for the treatment and care of diabetic foot infections. The research investigated a sequential process for managing infection in the foot of a patient with diabetes. The treatment process comprised four distinct steps, which involved employing diverse forms of debridement based on the nature of the wound, administering antibiotic therapy that was specifically aimed at the affected area, utilizing negative pressure healing, and performing reconstructive surgery. The treatment regimen exhibited remarkable outcomes in the management of foot infections in both the general population and those with diabetes mellitus-related foot infections.

Another possible diagnosis is acute pain in the right foot. According to Lipsky et al. (2020), the pain in question typically abates within

NRSG 490 Unit 2 - Individual Project
NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project

a period of three to six months or is predominantly experienced in the soft tissues. Considering the patient’s report of an open laceration on their right foot accompanied by severe discomfort, it is a plausible diagnosis. The individual reported a pain rating of 7 out of 10 for discomfort in her leg, which she described as radiating. The female individual further expressed her incapacity to endure the excruciating pain beyond the present moment. Additionally, she asserts that the physical discomfort has impeded her mobility, ability to attend work and participate in academic coursework.

The patient purportedly utilized Tramadol for pain management. According to Reina-Bueno et al. (2021), Tramadol is a prevalent analgesic employed for the management of moderate to severe pain in patients. As a nurse, my recommendation would be to uphold Tina Jones’s current Tramadol pain medication regimen. As a nurse, I would perform manual manipulation on the affected area to alleviate tissue edema and stimulate the production of endorphins. Furthermore, I will employ hot and cold compresses. According to Lipsky et al. (2020), the application of cold to the affected area can effectively alleviate pain by regulating the conduction of pain signals and mitigating the production of pain-inducing substances. According to Lutter et al. (2019), the application of cold and compression is a common practice in post-surgical or acute injury cases to expedite functional recovery, alleviate discomfort, and reduce swelling.

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NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project  References

‌Atkin, L. (2019). Chronic wounds: the challenges of appropriate management. British Journal of Community Nursing24(Sup9), S26–S32.

‌Lipsky, B. A., Senneville, É., Abbas, Z. G., Aragón‐Sánchez, J., Diggle, M., Embil, J. M., Kono, S., Lavery, L. A., Malone, M., Asten, S. A., Urbančič‐Rovan, V., & Peters, E. J. G. (2020). Guidelines on diagnosing and treating foot infection in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews36(S1).

‌Lutter, C., Schöffl, V., Hotfiel, T., Simon, M., & Maffulli, N. (2019). Compartment Syndrome of the Foot: An Evidence-Based Review. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery58(4), 632–640.

Reina-Bueno, M., Munuera-Martínez, P. V., Pérez-García, S., Vázquez-Bautista, M. del C., Domínguez-Maldonado, G., & Palomo-Toucedo, I. C. (2021). Foot Pain and Morphofunctional Foot Disorders in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(9), 5042.


For this assignment, you will interview and examine a digital patient to practice communication and physical assessment skills.

To begin, use the e-mail from Words of Wisdom (WoW) to register for the Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experience. You must complete the steps in the e-mail before you can access the simulator. You will only need to complete the following steps once:

  1. Open the e-mail to get your log-in information. The e-mail will have instructions that look like this.
  2. Install the Chrome Web browser.
  3. Activate your account.

Next, use the following steps to display course information and to access the Tina Jones Simulator:

  1. Log on to the Shadow Health Web site.
  2. Click on “Click here” to view your course.

Review the following videos to get familiar with the program and the simulator:

  • Shadow Health Undergraduate Introduction Video
  • Digital Clinical Experience Orientation

Assignment Details


Click on the Tina Jones Simulator assignment.

Complete each of the following 4 activities according to the Activity Description under each. Although there is not a time limit, you should allow 2 hours to complete this assignment:

  • Patient Exam
  • Hallway
  • Lifespan
  • Self-Reflection

Then, complete the following:

  • Considering the Health History that you completed with Tina Jones, identify at least 2 diagnoses and justify how you have come to identify them.
  • Locate and summarize at least 1 scholarly article for each diagnosis. Each article should support your understanding of the diagnosis selected.
  • Also, locate and summarize at least 2 scholarly articles that address evidence-based practice when treating this patient.

Please click on this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided)—not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.


Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.


NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP. Individual Project Grading Rubric


A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project

Title: NRSG 490 Unit 2 – Individual Project