NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

Sample Answer for NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board Included

NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

Title: NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

I have enjoyed this Leadership and Nursing System Management course because I want to ultimately head a team of nurses in my company. I gained a greater grasp of leadership and how it operates in a company thanks to the training. For me, the subject of leadership styles was the most interesting. I gained knowledge of a variety of leadership philosophies, including coaching, autocratic, democratic, transactional, and contingency theories (Heinen et al., 2019). However, the transformational leadership style is the one that I found intriguing and that I could use in my company. This kind of leadership involves encouraging those in the lower ranks to take on leadership roles. Thus, a leader can challenge their team to accept change, take on new challenges, provide guidance, and reward them when they succeed by using this style. Thus, transformational leadership makes sure that the team members have a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities, which boosts productivity.

The discussion forums were quite engaging, and I was able to learn from others on topics that I found challenging to comprehend. I was able to see the value of doing empirical research for assignments and personal projects. I gained more knowledge about successful leadership from my colleagues’ comments and discussion answers. Notably, the task that required us to interview a nurse in leadership was the most thrilling. I was able to relate to the director of nursing via this and comprehend both her leadership style and the characteristics necessary for effective management. I also heard about how nurse leaders may motivate their staff to work together more effectively and face less pushback (Schick-Makaroff & Storch, 2019). To make the training more participatory, I think live chats or seminars should have been included.

Similar to how varied viewpoints from students and the teacher may have provided more crucial insights and information. In the

NRSG 412 Unit 5 - Discussion Board
NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board

future, additional courses may integrate this. Additionally, the teacher offered enough sources that could be used for additional reading and research (Cummings et al., 2020). This helped to complete the varied and interesting tasks that were assigned to each student.

Thus, all topics in this course were informative, especially leadership theory and practice, which I can apply at work. Leadership affects productivity because leaders provide work and assess talent (Labrague et al., 2021). This training showed me that nurse supervisors lacked leadership qualities. I will propose to the human resources department that nurse supervisors take leadership management training to assist them set unit goals and provide staff with timely feedback. In this manner, facility issues may be resolved smoothly, fostering unity and confidence.

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NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board References

Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P. M., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2020). The Essentials of Nursing Leadership: a Systematic Review of Factors and Educational Interventions Influencing Nursing Leadership. International Journal of Nursing Studies115(103842), 103842.

Heinen, M., Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing75(11), 2378–2392.

Labrague, L. J., Al Sabei, S., Al Rawajfah, O., AbuAlRub, R., & Burney, I. (2021). Authentic Leadership And Nurses’ Motivation To Engage In Leadership Roles: The Mediating Effects Of Nurse Work Environment And Leadership Self‐Efficacy. Journal of Nursing Management29(8).

Schick-Makaroff, K., & Storch, J. L. (2019). Guidance for Ethical Leadership in Nursing Codes of Ethics: An Integrative Review. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.)32(1), 60–73.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. You are required to use 1 scholarly resource in addition to your textbook. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Summative Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 250 words on the following:

  • What were the most compelling leadership topics learned in this course?
  • How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
  • What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?
  • How did the course content build upon your prior leadership knowledge from your pre-licensure program?
  • How will your new leadership knowledge change your future nursing practice?

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.

NRSG 412 Unit 5 – Discussion Board Rubric

The Discussion Board Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the discussion. This Discussion Board Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the discussion. It is the road map that can help lead your discussion. Discussion Board Grading Rubric