NRSG 410 Unit 1 – Individual Project

NRSG 410 Unit 1 – Individual Project

NRSG 410 Unit 1 – Individual Project

First name, role, and ages of family members:

Amake, mother, age 40

Divine, Son, age 12

Othniel, son, age 10



City: Hialeah_ State: Florida_ Zip: 33002_ Family Leader Phone Number: +14807651751


Family Leader E-Mail Address: N/A

†  I attest the family members identified on this form are not members of my family

†  I will not interview the family until course faculty verifies and approves the family



Student Sign and Date (All signatures must be in-person [wet] signatures)


  1. Expectations of the Family Leader
    1. Provide health history and health lifestyle information for a child, an adult and an older adult in your family.
    2. Effectively communicates with student and nursing course faculty
    3. Meets with student for the purpose of being interviewed about your family’s health
    4. Is open to receiving a health and wellness plan based on the health information you provided to the student
    5. Confirms interview with student took place__________________________________(Family sign/date)
    6. Confirms health & wellness plan was provided ______________________________(Family sign date)

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  1. Student Expectations

       Based on the health assessment of the family, the student will:

  1. Conduct a health assessment of a family including health history, health lifestyle, and health risk for a child, an adult and an
    NRSG 410 Unit 1 - Individual Project
    NRSG 410 Unit 1 – Individual Project

    older adult. The student will not meet with any child under the age of 18.

  2. Recommend comprehensive health screening and health risk appraisal for individuals across the lifespan.
  3. Identify sources of health risk for individuals and groups based on genetics, environment and health behaviors and social factors.
  4. Construct and deliver a health and wellness plan of care to the identified family to improve the health status an individual child, adult, and older adult.

I attest the family assessment was conducted and health and wellness plan was delivered (in person) to the family based on my findings.



Student Sign and Date (All signatures must be in-person [wet] signatures)



Family Leader Sign and Date (All signatures must be in-person [wet] signatures)



Course Faculty Sign and Date (faculty signature indicates verification of assessment and health and wellness plan performed/provided in-person). Upload completed and signed Family Assessment Approval/Verification Form to Unit 4 IP Gradebook.


Forms submitted without both student and leader signatures will be denied by faculty and the student will receive a zero for the assignment, which will result in a course failure.


Family Assessment Approval/Verification Form

Identify a family known to you that consists of at least one parent, one older adult (over 60), and at least one child under the age of 18. You will conduct a health assessment of the family including health history, health lifestyle, and health risk for a child, an adult, and an older adult. The focus of the family assessment is health and wellness across the lifespan. All health information pertaining to the child should be retrieved through the parent, and no interaction or contact with the child should occur. You may not use your own family for this assignment.

Please submit your completed form to your course faculty via the IP Submission link in the class. Once the family is approved by faculty, you may schedule the initial assessment interview.

Family Assessment Approval/Verification Form


Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook and all course resources.