NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

Title: NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

Evaluation Plan and Measures

Evaluation of the learning process is integral in determining the effectiveness of the education, the learner’s understanding of shared information, and any gaps in knowledge. This forms the basis for quality improvement and the progression of the learning process. An evaluation plan provides the description how a project will be monitored and assessed to determine its effectiveness and guide appropriate informed decisions and actions by addressing the what, when, who, and how of the project (Balmer et al., 2021). To evaluate learning, the plan should identify the tasks to be undertaken, the stakeholders who will take part in the evaluation, the duration needed including a clear deadline, and how the evaluation will be carried out.

Measures to assess the effectiveness of learning activities include baseline measures before learning, process measures addressing the

NRSG 312 Unit 4 - Individual Project
NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project

learning activities and the delivery aspect, and outcome measures to assess the fulfillment of objectives and target outcomes (Ragsdale et al., 2020). Donald Kirkpatrick’s four-level training model is an efficient educational framework that effectively assesses and measures the effectiveness and outcomes of the learning process. The components of this model aligned from levels 1 to 4 include reaction eliciting learner satisfaction and engagement, learning that imparts knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes, change in behavior attributed to the learning process, and results dictated by learning outcomes (Ragsdale et al., 2020). All the stages of the learning process are addressed to identify any gaps that enable the application of targeted strategies.

Misunderstanding health information during the learning process can occur. This may have detrimental effects during the translation of theoretical knowledge into practice. To and minimize misunderstanding, certain strategies can be adopted. These include promoting proactive learner engagement, fostering a psychologically safe and friendly learning environment, enhancing collaborative learning, offering customized activities depending on individual learner needs, and improving learner motivation (Thammasitboon et al., 2021). A student-friendly learning culture free from punishment and shame will be promoted. This will enable students to express their concerns without fear.

Identification and remediation of learner misunderstandings and information misconceptions are also essential. This can be elicited and achieved through written assignments and assessments, peer review processes, and appropriate revision (Halim et al., 2018). This offers an opportunity to identify specific aspects of learning that need further relevant actions. Learners can also reshape any misplaced misinformation and correct any mistakes from feedback and responses from other peers.

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NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project  References

Balmer, D. F., Rama, J. A., & Simpson, D. (2021). Implementing the evaluation plan and analysis: Who, what, when, and how. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 13(1), 129–130.

Halim, A. S., Finkenstaedt-Quinn, S. A., Olsen, L. J., Gere, A. R., & Shultz, G. V. (2018). Identifying and remediating student misconceptions in introductory biology via writing-to-learn assignments and Peer Review. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 17(2).

Ragsdale, J. W., Berry, A., Gibson, J. W., Herber-Valdez, C. R., Germain, L. J., & Engle, D. L. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of undergraduate clinical education programs. Medical Education Online, 25(1), 1757883.

Thammasitboon, S., & Brand, P. L. (2021). The Physiology of Learning: Strategies Clinical Teachers can adopt to facilitate learning. European Journal of Pediatrics, 181(2), 429–433.

Sample Answer for NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project Included

CoViD-19 Mitigation Strategies poster


what is COVID 19?

COVID-19 is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease caused by Coronavirus. Some of the common presenting symptoms include:


Sore throat



Myalgia (Cascella et al., 2022).

Some cases of COVID-19 infections are asymptomatic.




Various COVID-19 prevention measures can be implemented to mitigate the spread of the pandemic. Public education to improve awareness can enhance uptake and adherence to preventive measures. The recommended mitigation strategies are as follows:


Maintenance of Proper Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene can be promoted through handwashing or the use of hand sanitizers. Hands should be washed regularly with soap and running water for a minimum of 20 minutes (Natnael et al., 2022). Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are recommended.






Various COVID-19 vaccines are currently available with proven benefits and safety. The vaccines are effective in reducing disease severity, associated hospitalizations, and mortality (Lee et al., 2021). Any adverse reactions from the vaccines should be reported for documentation and appropriate actions.



Wearing of Facemasks

Proper wearing of facemasks is important, especially in public places that necessitate proximity and close interactions. It is a source control measure that prevents the generation of infectious droplets into the surroundings.





Social Distancing

Social distancing should be maintained to avoid high-risk proximity which enhances transmission. This is important in situations that promote social gatherings. A distance of 1.2m should be kept between individuals. This limits contact with droplets from infected individuals



Increased Testing Capacity and Contact Tracing

Testing of suspected cases can accurately identify infected individuals. This will curb unintentional transmission, isolation of positive cases, and enable contact tracing. Any individual experiencing suggestive symptoms should promptly go for testing.


NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project  References

Cascella, M., Rajnik, M., Aleem, A., Dulebohn, S. C., & Di Napoli, R. (2022). Features, Evaluation, and Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19). In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Lee, G. M. (2021). The importance of context in COVID-19 vaccine safety. New England Journal of Medicine, 385(12), 1138–1140.

Natnael, T., Adane, M., & Goraw, S. (2022). Hand hygiene practices during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated factors among barbers and beauty salon workers in Ethiopia. Plos One, 17(7).

Assignment Details

Assignment Description


Part 1: Describe the evaluation plan and measures to determine whether the education was effective.

Provide the plan for evaluating learning.
Describe how you will know the learner understood the information.
Describe the action you would take if the learner misunderstood any health information.

Part 2: The deliverable is 1–2 pages of evidence-based educational material OR a poster OR short PowerPoint presentation(refer to references and best practices for health education materials or poster development).

The education must include the following:

Title of education and name of student (you)
Clear, easy-to-understand language (no higher than a 5th-grade level)
Pictures to add clarity to the words
Bullet points, if possible
References current (within 3 years) and cited at the bottom of the educational material

This assignment is part of experiential learning for this course and must be successfully completed in order to pass the course. If the student fails to successfully complete any part of the Unit 4 IP assignment, the instructor will specify the failure in the grade comments and assign a “0” grade. The student may resubmit the assignment one time with corrections and a 20% penalty of total possible points.

Students are not to have any in-person contact with the vulnerable population or community agency during the pandemic. The education and evaluation plans are proposals created in the Unit 4 IP but not delivered in-person to the vulnerable population.

NRSG 312 Unit 4 – Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This grading rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It is the road map that can help you in the development of your IP. Individual Project Grading Rubric

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Please click on this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided)—not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.