ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project

ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project

ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project

After reading the assignment description for this individual project in the Virtual Classroom, answer the questions below to help you think through how you would respond to the email from your organization’s CEO.  Once you have typed your answers to the questions, save this file on your computer and submit it in the “Unit 2 Individual Project” assignment area of the Virtual Classroom.

As a reminder, this is the email from the CEO:



Thank you for your hard work and dedication as we have navigated the difficulties of this past year.  As you know, the vast majority of our team has been working from home for many months now.  This has not been without its challenges, but there have also been some distinct benefits to our remote work arrangements. 


As the situation in the world looks to be improving, we are now considering the possibility of bringing the team back to the office or continuing to allow working from home.  I am very much interested in your feedback.  What’s working with the current arrangement?  What’s not working?  If given the choice, would you want to come back to the office or continue working from home?


Please reply to this message with your feedback.


Thanks for all that you do!


[CEO Signature Block]


In thinking about how you would plan your response, answer the following questions:

  1. Who is your audience?

The audience to the email is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company and the entire team of employees working at home due to the situation.

  1. What is your goal in this e-mail?

The goal of this e-mail is to offer my feedback about the way forward on whether employees should go back to the office or continue working from home. This means that I am giving my suggestion or decision on whether we should continue working from home or should go back to the workplace in an office setting or environment.

  1. What are the pros and cons

    of working from home?

Working from home offers a host of advantages or pros but has also cons associated with it. Individuals who work from home

ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project
ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project

experience reduced levels of stress and have increased focus on their duties and responsibilities. Secondly, employees do not have to be worried of daily commuting and getting late at work due to several issues like traffic snarl-ups or having to queue to get transportation. Thirdly, working from home is more flexible and allows employees to cater to other issues in a better manner. Employees working from home have increased levels of independence and better productivity and performance (Bullington et al., 2019) However, the cons include increased costs to run office at home, increased risk of overworking, high levels of isolation that is not good to interactions with others. It also challenging in building a remote company culture and attain effective collaboration and communication among the virtual teams.

  1. What are the pros and cons of working in the office?

Working from office provides benefits that include increased levels of productivity and performance, better communication and interactions among employees, sharing of innovative ideas and developing a strong culture of the organization. Working from office also allows employees to generate better ways to focus on tasks at hand. However, working from office entails daily commute and transportation, leads to increased levels of fatigue and increases the level of stress among employees

  1. List two reasons for your choice (to work from home or work in the office)

In this case, my choice would be for employees to continue working from most of the time but with dedicated days in their work stations or offices. Working from home offers increased innovation and productivity. Besides, working from leads to the creation of a good work-life balance.

  1. What writing choices

    will you use to make your point to your audience?

The writing choices that are effective in making my point to the audience include using persuasive language, and presenting analytical information based on evidence to demonstrate that employees should continue working from home.


ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project Reference

Bullington, J., Söderlund, M., Sparén, E. B., Kneck, Å., Omérov, P., & Cronqvist, A. (2019).

Communication skills in nursing: A phenomenological-based communication training approach. Nurse education in practice, 39, 136-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2019.08.011.

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Review the following videos for help submitting your Individual Project:

Assignment Details

Everything that you write has a goal and an audience. Your message and the way that you write that message will change depending on the audience and your goal. This is why it is important to carefully plan messages before writing them. When you plan your message, you ask yourself questions about your audience, your goal, and the situation.

Imagine that you just received the following e-mail from the CEO of the organization that you work for:


Thank you for your hard work and dedication as we have navigated the difficulties of this past year. As you know, the vast majority of our team has been working from home for many months now. This has not been without its challenges, but there have also been some distinct benefits to our remote work arrangements.

As the situation in the world looks to be improving, we are now considering whether or not to bring the team back to the office or continue to allow working from home. I am very much interested in your feedback. What’s working with the current arrangement? What’s not working? If given the choice, would you want to come back to the office or continue working from home?

Please reply to this message with your feedback.

Thanks for all that you do!

[CEO Signature Block]

Using the template provided, answer the following questions to help you think through how you would respond to the CEO’s e-mail. (Note that you are not actually writing a response to the e-mail. The goal of this assignment is to answer the questions below to help you think through how you would respond.)

  • Who is your audience?
  • What is your goal in this e-mail?
  • What are the pros and cons of working from home?
  • What are the pros and cons of working in the office?
  • What are 2 reasons for your choice (to work from home or work in the office)?
  • What writing choices will you use to get your point across to your audience? (For example, some choices to consider might include: What greeting would you use to begin your e-mail? Do you think using numbering or bullet points to organize your e-mail would help? How will you close your e-mail?)

Submit your completed assignment under Unit 2 Individual Project by uploading an MS Word document with the questions and your answers or by typing your answers to the questions directly in the assignment Submission area. To help with your assignment submission, you may use the optional Unit 2 Individual Project Template, which already includes the questions listed above.

Need an example?

Review the following example of what your Unit 2 Individual Project should look like:

ENG 104 Unit 2 Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It is the road map that can help you in the development of your IP.

Expectation Points Possible Points Earned Comments
Audience: The audience is correctly identified. 10
Purpose: The goal of the e-mail is clearly stated. 20
Working From Home Details: Assignment includes advantages and disadvantages of working from home. 15
Working From the Office Details: Assignment includes advantages and disadvantages of working in the office. 15
Reasoning: Assignment clearly states a preferred choice (to work from home or in the office) and lists two reasons for that choice. 30
Writing Choices: Assignment includes a list or discussion of stylistic, format, or other writing choices to consider in writing a response to the CEO’s e-mail. 25
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors. 10
Total Points 125
Total Points Earned

Other Information