NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project

NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project

NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project


P – in diabetic patients discharged from the unit

I – is engagement through the patient portal

C – compared to standard care

O – lead to better treatment adherence and improved glycemic control

T- in the long-term management of diabetes

In diabetic patients discharged from the unit, is engagement through the patient portal compared to standard care lead to better treatment adherence and improved glycemic control in the long-term management of diabetes?

Search Strategy


Patient portal benefits, patient portals and care outcomes, patient portals in management of diabetes, patient portals and outcomes for glycemic control, and patient portals and care outcomes for people with diabetes.

Number of hits produced

  • 108 findings in the first search

Narrowing the search

  • Boolean ‘AND’
  • More specific search terms “patient portals and outcomes for glycemic control.”
  • Year of publication 2018-2022
  • Document type – article
  • Scholarly (peer-reviewed)

Relevant Literature

Alturkistani et al. (2020) conducted a systematic review of evidence on the outcomes of patient portal use among patients with diabetes. The review used twelve studies to show an association between patient portals and positive care outcomes for diabetic patients. The patient portal is used for various care activities, including patient education, engagement, and access to patient information, including test results and physician notes.

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In a qualitative study, Marsh et al. (2020) evaluated the perception of patients with type 1 diabetes. The authors argue that the patient

NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project
NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project

portal, part of electronic health records, is underused in most health facilities. Yet, it presents an excellent opportunity to effectively manage chronic conditions. The respondents found the patient portal useful in managing their type 1diabetes. The participants also expressed the need to improve technology to sustain usage as they transition into adults.

Belcher et al. (2020) investigated the effect of patient portal use on fasting sugars and HbA1c. The study was set in rural primary care to determine whether the patient portal is useful in the management of diabetes. The results recorded an HbA1c mean reduction from 11% to 9%, while none of the participants had increased HbA1c during the period of study and afterward (Belcher et al., 2020).

Scholarly search engine

  • Hits generated: 18,200
  • Google scholar evaluates the full text and how many times an article has been cited. Additionally, such engine rate sources using the full text, the publication where it appears, and the author.
  • The ranking system aid researchers in accessing more recent sources and once with a more number of recent citations. Moreover, researchers can retrieve sources based on the place of publication.

Narrowing search

  • Researchers narrow the search using more specific keywords
  • Using Boolean search operators “AND” “OR,” and “NOT.”
  • Sorting the produced hits by dates to have more relevant sources
  • Specifying the type of article, for example, review article

Why is it necessary to narrow a search

Narrowing a search helps reduce the number of hits by eliminating the unnecessary sources to end up with the most relevant ones.

Which search did you find to be the most effective and useful on this clinical topic, and what made it effective for you?

Database search was more effective because it delivered a high volume of relevant sources compared to Google Scholar.

Difference between search engine and database

  • Database gives more structured search and results while search engine data is unstructured.

Preferred search engine

Google –provides high-quality search results with accurate websites with relevant information and sources.


NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project References

Alturkistani, A., Qavi, A., Anyanwu, P., Greenfield, G., Greaves, F., & Costelloe, C. (2020). Patient Portal Functionalities and Patient Outcomes Among Patients With Diabetes: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res. , 22(9), e18976. https://doi.10.2196/18976.

Belcher, T., Vess, J., & Johnson, E. (2020). Using Patient Portal Messaging to Improve Glycemic Control in Adult Patients with Diabetes in Saudi Arabia. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 23(1).

Marsh, K. K., Bush, R. A., & Connelly, C. D. (2020). Exploring perceptions and use of the patient portal by young adults with type 1 diabetes: A qualitative study. Health Informatics Journal, 2586–2596.

Assignment Details

The nurses on your unit have been discussing and debating the best ways to provide care for patients when they are discharged from your unit. You are wondering how to achieve the best standard of practice for patient education in your specialty area, so you decide to formulate a PICO question and conduct a literature search on this topic.

Submit a paper of 2–3 pages in APA format that addresses the following items:

  • Develop a clinical question for study using the PICO format.
    • P: A population or a group of patients, such as patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
    • I: An intervention, such as patient education programs
    • C: A comparison intervention or treatment, such as home visits by a nurse
    • O: Patient outcomes
    • For example: Do educational programs for diabetics on insulin or home visits to a diabetic do more to support control of blood sugar?
    • For example: Do patient educational classes for asthmatic patients lead to improved functional status (decrease hospitalizations)? (Note: In this example, there is no comparison treatment.)
  • Using MEDLINE/PubMed (using MeSH) and CINAHL, do the following:
    • Conduct a systematic search for relevant research findings on your topic or question.
    • List the words that you entered to perform each search.
    • List the number of findings that were returned.
    • Identify the steps that you took to narrow the search to more precise findings.
  • Describe at least 3 sources of relevant literature findings on your PICO question.
    • You should be able to locate the article in full text or an abstract of the study.
    • Select research findings that most closely fit the PICO question that you posed.
    • Cite the references.
  • Now, research your PICO question using this scholarly search engine.
    • List the number of “hits” that were returned.
    • How does this search engine rate and rank the reference articles that it lists in a search?
    • How does this search engine ranking system aid researchers as they seek information?
  • Explain the following:
    • What steps can a researcher use to narrow the search for information on a clinical topic?
    • Why is it necessary to narrow a search?
    • Which search did you find to be the most effective and useful on this clinical topic, and what made it effective for you?
  • What is the difference between a search engine and a database for locating relevant practice information?
  • Select a preferred search tool, and identify the rationale for your preference.

Please use this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided), not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project  Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This IP Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It is the road map that can help you in the development of your IP. Individual Project Grading Rubric

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

NRSG 311 Unit 3 Individual Project Reference

Google Scholar. (n.d.).